Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 505: stop them

Pride is pride, Gu Yan has not forgotten the purpose of his trip.

He was here to catch Garuda, but Du Hong finally came back once, and he definitely couldn't go straight to the Valley of Flames, which was very rude. No matter how low Du Hong's emotional intelligence was, he knew that he would visit a few deacon brothers first, and then the supervisor of the temple, that is, Master Puji.

After Abbot Huiguang retreated, Master Puji temporarily took over the affairs of Putuo Mountain, and was now chanting scriptures with a group of disciples in the hall. Mount Putuo is full of incense, and there are many disciples. From the main hall to the courtyard, several large locust trees are crossed among them, and together with the curling Sanskrit sound, it is solemn and solemn.

Seeing Du Hong come in, Master Puji put down the scriptures in his hand, picked up his robe and walked over quickly.

"Senior Brother Puji." Du Hong put his hands in his pockets, and said hello in a dignified manner. He had the same attitude towards hosting Huiguang, not to mention the senior brother Master Puji.

Master Puji was obviously commonplace and didn't take it seriously. After nodding, he looked at Wang Qianchen and others.

"Ah, let me introduce you, this is Wang Qianchen, the demon slayer captain of Dayuan City... Captain Gu and the others, you all know them, so I won't introduce them!" Du Hong yawned, more relaxed and unscrupulous than outside. .

Wang Qianchen and others all bowed to Master Puji in an orderly manner, and Master Puji returned the salute, and then asked, "Junior Brother Du, what's the matter when you come back this time?"

Du Hong was still a lay disciple, so he could not be named, so he was still called by the layman's name.

Du Hong bared his teeth and said, "What's the matter, I can't come back if I have nothing to do? You asked me to come back before, but I didn't come back."

Master Puji is only in his fifties, and because of his long-term cultivation, he doesn't look very old-fashioned. He smiled and said, "Because I know you, you won't come back if you have nothing to do, and so many monster slayers go up the mountain together, it must be a chance encounter. What a tricky thing."

Du Hong licked his lips and said, "Okay, you really guessed it, I'm going to the Valley of Flames."

Master Puji's expression changed slightly: "What are you doing in the Valley of Flames?"

Du Hong talked about the Garuda and said, "I'll see Master again by the way. I haven't seen him for a long time. I haven't spoken to him since I came back from training camp. Then..."

Du Hong scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly, "I have to discuss with Master. I am going to move into someone else's house and ask him to set a date to witness my wedding."

Master Puji's face was always cloudy, and he was extremely surprised at the end: "Are you going to be married to someone else's house?"

Du Hong waved his hand and said, "Aiya, Senior Brother Puji, your EQ is too low, don't be so loud, let others hear me, where should I put my face?"

Master Puji said with a sullen face: "You also know how to lose face?"

Du Hong said sternly: "Senior Brother Puji, if you say that, I'm not happy! Now we pay attention to equality between men and women, men can marry women, and women can of course marry men! 'Southern Yunnan Yin Family' has heard of it, There is only one daughter in the family, so there is no way to marry outside! The father and daughter of the Yin family were crying and howling in front of me. They were really embarrassed to refuse, so they agreed! But don’t worry, even if I get married, I will still be a disciple of Putuo Mountain. ."

Master Puji said angrily: "It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous! You are not allowed to marry! No, you are not allowed to marry into someone else's house!"

Du Hong frowned and said, "Senior Brother Puji, Master hasn't said anything yet. You said this is a bit out of bounds? Besides, even Master can't control me, so why should you control me?"

"You... Anyway, you are not allowed to enter other people's homes!" Master Puji's face was frosty.


"Because of you...you will be the abbot of Mount Putuo in the future! Not to mention getting married, even marriage is impossible!"

"Bullshit." Du Hong said, "I said earlier, I'm not interested in being a monk! I won't tell you, I'll tell Master."

Du Hong turned around and left.

"Stop!" Master Puji grabbed Du Hong's wrist.

"Senior Brother Puji, it's too much!" Du Hong's face was gloomy and cold. Of course he couldn't beat Master Puji, but that didn't mean he would swallow this bad breath.

The disciples in the courtyard also noticed that the two were arguing and turned around.

"The six roots are impure, recite your scriptures!" Master Puji suddenly tore off a handful of Buddhist beads, threw them out "shhhhhhhh" and hit several disciples, who immediately vomited blood with a "wow".

"What are you doing with them?!" Du Hong was completely angry, and his hands "bang" flashed fire.

Wang Qianchen didn't expect to see the scene of the brothers fighting when he first came to Putuo Mountain. He instinctively wanted to hold Du Hong, but Master Puji took a few steps back, folded his hands and recited Amitabha, obviously not wanting to fight with Du Hong.

"I'm going to find Master!" Du Hong walked towards the apse, Wang Qianchen, Gu Yan and others immediately followed.

"Stop them!" Puji waved his hand and shouted angrily.

Dozens of monks immediately rushed out from both sides, all with long sticks in their hands, and set up a formation to surround the crowd.

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