Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 521: like a knife

Putuo Mountain can protect Wang Qianchen, after all, they are their guests, but they will not fight for Wang Qianchen and Qingcheng Mountain. This is something that can be understood with the toes.

But how long will it take?

one day? One week? Or a month?

If Qingcheng Mountain never leaves, then Wang Qianchen will never go down the mountain? Although it is theoretically impossible, Mount Qingcheng has its own sect. Why are you guarding other mountain gates all day long? Sooner or later, it will disperse, but which day is this "some day"?

Ge Ye led the crowd to go out this time, just to save the face lost in the past, not only to hunt down [Tianqi] people everywhere, but also to arrest the culprit Wang Qianchen, how long he can stay depends entirely on how determined he is.

How can Wang Qianchen fight against the entire sect alone?

Du Hong comforted him and said, "It's okay, wait a minute, I can always think of a way!" After speaking, he left in a hurry, obviously going to inquire about the news again.

Wang Qianchen sat alone in the meditation room, thinking hard about countermeasures. Several of the friends he knew were impossible to fight against Mount Qingcheng.

Looking for Song Heavy Sword?

It was useless. Song Chongjian had told him a long time ago that he had to be on guard against Qingcheng Mountain. As the commander-in-chief, he could not mediate between the two sides.

Wang Qianchen was thinking hard when the phone suddenly rang.

It was from Lang Baibai.

"Hey, Brother Lang!" Wang Qianchen picked it up immediately.

"Brother dog, where are you?"

"Putuo Mountain!"

"...Why are you still in Putuo Mountain?" Lang Baibai seemed a little speechless.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Wang Qianchen heard something in his words.

Lang Baibai said helplessly: "Didn't I want to go back a few days ago? On the way, I met a guardian of Qingcheng Mountain. This guardian brought a lot of disciples, as if he was hunting and hunting someone. I know that you have a grudge against Qingcheng Mountain, and I am worried. The target was you, so I followed him with a heart, but it turned out that it was not, they were chasing and killing the people of [Tianqi]. I was about to leave, but this Dharma protector turned around and rushed to Mount Putuo... No, I Hurry up and call you, but you are really still in Putuo Mountain!"

Wang Qianchen sighed and said, "Brother Lang, your call is late, but if it was a day earlier, I would have escaped."

Lang Baibai said, "I just got the news! What are you going to do now?"

"Just wait for them to go."

"Then we have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?"

"No way, I can't fight them!" Wang Qianchen smacked his lips.

"Aren't you the demon slayer captain of Dayuan City, [Monster Slayer] doesn't care?" Lang Baibai asked strangely.

"Brother Lang, do you think that in front of [Monster Slayer], a captain is more important, or Mount Qingcheng? It's enough that people didn't help them deal with me!"

"It's true..."

Lang Baibai pondered for a long time and said, "Brother Dog, Qingcheng Mountain is too big, I can't fight them, but I can help you escape!"

"How can you help?" Wang Qianchen was stunned.

"Wait!" Lang Baibai hung up the phone.


At the foot of Mount Putuo, people from Mount Qingcheng camp here.

There is a sect in his own family, but he is still guarding under someone else's mountain gate. It is indeed shameful to spread it out. But in the past month, Qingchengshan's face has been lost enough, and he doesn't care about this time.

Not getting revenge is the most humiliating thing.

Ge Ye cut the crowd into many small teams and hunted the people of [Tianqi] everywhere. They knew that they were not the opponents of [Tianqi], so they adopted this highly flexible strategy. The whole army was wiped out, and a single spark can start a prairie fire. They don't even want a sect, they just want to fight to the end with [Tianqi]!

This gathering at the foot of Putuo Mountain is for Wang Qianchen, but if [Tianqi] finds it, then disperse as soon as possible.

At this moment, Ge Ye was sitting on a rock, and a long wooden table was placed in front of him. There were teapots, teacups, and a carved iron sword on the table.

Ge Ye took the time to boil the water, then brewed tea and covered the bowl, and every movement was meticulous.

He had to do something. Once he stopped, he recalled Chen Wanhe's actions at the foot of Mount Qingcheng. It was a great humiliation in his life. Every time he thought about it, it was like a knife.

A guardian came to him.

"Master, there is no trace of [Tianqi] around."


Ge Ye nodded lightly, not feeling surprised at all. [Tianqi] is a very scattered organization. Usually, each of them takes on their own work, and there is no connection between them. Last time they gathered at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, they didn't know the plan. How soon will it be ready.

Even if Chen Wanhe heard about Qingcheng Mountain, and then organized people to rush to Putuo Mountain, I don't know how long it would be.

What's more, every time Ge Ye went, he would order people to patrol around, and once he found the whereabouts of [Tianqi], he would be informed immediately.

"What should I do if Putuo Mountain doesn't pay anyone?" the Dharma protector asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter." Ge Ye poured the tea slowly, the hot boiling water fainted in the tea leaves, "Wang Qianchen can kill slowly, but I just want to let the world know that no matter who offends Qingcheng Mountain, it will not end well!"

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