Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 523: The demon king arrives

So this person really can't be unlucky. Once he starts to be unlucky, he will magnify other people's words and deeds. He always feels that this person looks down on me, and that person doesn't take me seriously, and his psychology is perverted and distorted.

Ge Ye pointed at Wang Qianchen and said, "Bring him to me!"

Several guardians of the peaks immediately stepped forward to stop Wang Qianchen's way: "Master Pudu, please come and take a seat."

Wang Qianchen was so angry that since he ascended to the wall, the duration of the [False Shape] has greatly increased, but walking down the mountain has already wasted a lot of time, and now there are only a few minutes left, how could such a thing happen?

Bad luck, fart will hit the heel!

While holding back his anger, Wang Qianchen also thought about maintaining Du Hong's character, raised his eyebrows and said, "Master Ge, what do you mean, didn't I say, I have something to do outside, come back and have tea with you again Can't you?"

Ge Ye said coldly: "Just drink two sips of tea, it won't delay you."

If it was Wang Qianchen himself, he must have gone over to drink tea, but he knew that Du Hong would not do this, so he could only stubbornly say: "I won't go, what are you going to do? You have the ability, you beat me here. Let's see if Putuo Mountain will let you go!"

Saying that, with a wave of his hands, he pushed the few people next to him away, but Ge Ye was even more angry, slammed the table and said, "Why, who can bully Mount Qingcheng now? What's going on at the foot of Mount Putuo? Now, even if Master Puji came in person, he wouldn't dare to talk to me like this! Bind him and put him in front of me!"

Ge Ye knew that his behavior was a bit too much, and it was completely inconsistent with the grandmaster's tolerance, but he just couldn't control himself, and the grievance and anger he had felt for many days seemed to be completely ignited at this moment.

The most is to fight Putuo Mountain, so what!

Can Qingcheng Mountain be more unlucky?

Several guardians took out the hemp rope and were about to wrap it around Wang Qianchen's body.

Wang Qianchen cried out in his heart: "It's over, it's over, the immortal cable will be set, and the spiritual power will be limited immediately, the [false shape] will definitely fail, and the real body will be revealed later, and it will definitely become a hedgehog."

At this moment, suddenly heard the sound of "咻", something rushed in the air, and shot at Ge Ye impartially.

Ge Ye reached out and grabbed the thing in his palm, it turned out to be a sharpened wooden stick. On the other end of the stick, there was a cloth strip with some writing on it. Ge Ye pulled it down and looked at it. The handwriting was crooked, like ants crawling, and it didn't look like a word that a human could write: Be careful, the Golden Eagle King and Black Bear King of the Ten Thousand Demons Association are going to attack you, and they are already nearby.

Suddenly receiving such a banner, Ge Ye was of course surprised, the Golden Eagle King and the Black Bear King, but the second of the eight demon kings of the [Ten Thousand Demons Association], all of them have the strength of the mountain, why would they attack him?

At this time, no one cares about Wang Qianchen anymore. Several guardians and elders gathered around Ge Ye to ask what was going on.

Ge Ye handed the cloth strip in his hand to everyone, and everyone was shocked after seeing it. How could the [Wan Yaohui] also come after [Tianqi], what happened to Qingcheng Mountain recently, such a fleeting year is unfavorable?

After all, Ge Ye is the head of a faction, so he calmed down and said: "Don't panic, maybe it's to scare people, this is Putuo Mountain, how dare you come from the [Wan Yaohui]? Go check it out and see what's going on. ."

Since the banner said that the Golden Eagle King and the Black Bear King were nearby, there would be no trace of them.

Fortunately, there were spies in the vicinity of Qingcheng Mountain, so the news came back soon, and someone said: "It is true that traces of the activities of a large group of monsters have been found, including mountains, peaks, and walls. I don't dare to get too close, so I'm not sure. Is it the Golden Eagle King and the Black Bear King?"

Hearing this news, Ge Ye's brain was about to explode. Linked to the news on the cloth, it is probably true!

Why do these organizations have to get along with Qingcheng Mountain one by one?

A guardian immediately said: "Sect Master, the two demon kings are here, we are not opponents, hurry up and withdraw!"

However, Ge Ye was still arrogant, gritted his teeth and said, "It's just two demon kings, not the demon emperor and the demon ancestor? Besides, this is Putuo Mountain, and our two sects joining forces may not be their opponents! Demon, it is our responsibility, why should we withdraw?"

The demon king is a mountain, and he is also a mountain, why should he escape?

Having said this, Ge Ye suddenly remembered something, and immediately looked at Wang Qianchen and said, "Master Pudu, the two demon kings of the [Wan Yaohui] are here, please notify Master Puji immediately and let him bring people down with us. Fight the monsters!"

Wang Qianchen wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but when Ge Ye called out, everyone's eyes were drawn to him again.

Wang Qianchen complained in his heart, but also wondered why the Golden Eagle King and the Black Bear King came. Could it be that Lang Baibai called him to help him? But even if Lang Baibai could call the Golden Eagle King, he couldn't call the Black Bear King. What's going on?

Wang Qianchen didn't have the heart to think so much, the [False Shape] was about to fail, and before the Demon King arrived, he would become a hornet's nest first!

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