Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 530: his weakness

The Black Bear King was stunned, touched his face, and said after a while, "Ah... Axiu, why are you hitting me?"

Wang Qianchen's scalp is numb, this is the demon king of the Ten Thousand Demon Society, he can slap himself flat with a slap, and he slapped him just now! According to the instructions of the Golden Eagle King, Wang Qianchen will slap him seven or eight times in the name of "indecent". The Golden Eagle King swears that there will be no problem, and even if there is a problem, he will come out to help, but his life is his own, how can he Relying entirely on others?

Wang Qianchen was heartbroken, pointed to the door and said, "Get out of here!"

The Black Bear King was dumbfounded: "Ah... Axiu, what's going on?"

Wang Qianchen shouted sharply again: "Get out! Get out!"

The Black Bear King had no choice, so he had to go out angrily. Wang Qianchen immediately closed the courtyard door and gasped for breath. He was the demon king of the mountain, equivalent to the head of the major sects. Don't be afraid. is fake.

The Golden Eagle King walked out of the storage room and said dissatisfiedly, "Why did you slap him in the face?"

Wang Qianchen said: "King Eagle, I am really afraid of him."

"I told you it's okay..." No matter what I said, the Black Bear King had already left, and the Golden Eagle King had no choice but to wave his hand and said, "Forget it, a slap is a slap, and it also counts the bad anger in my heart."

Wang Qianchen asked curiously, "Who is that woman on the second floor?"

The Golden Eagle King said: "I don't know, I only discovered this place after following the Black Bear King. Hehe, the dignified mountain demon king, even if he falls in love with a human woman, he is so humble and servile that he doesn't even dare to open the door. Jin, it's ridiculous! However, this woman is his only weakness."

The legendary black bear king, who was violent and ruthless, had such a side in private, which made Wang Qianchen feel incredible and surprised, but he couldn't help but ask: "Since it's his weakness, why don't you arrest this woman..."

As a human being, Wang Qianchen certainly didn't want the Golden Eagle King to do such a thing, but he still wondered why he was obsessed with slapping a few times, obviously he could use this woman to do more things.

Out of morality and quack rules? Impossible, monsters rarely have this kind of consciousness.

The Golden Eagle King said, "I haven't gotten into a fight with the Black Bear King yet. Although we both have to choke each time we meet, claiming to kill each other, but we all know that no one can kill anyone! It really kills you! Now, the above won't let it go. So, slap him a few times is already very content, it can't be done normally!"

The Golden Eagle King said with a "hehehe" smile, which seemed to be quite satisfied indeed.

Thinking about it carefully, on the basis that there is no way to kill the enemy, it is really enjoyable to be able to slap a few times, and Wang Qianchen will not say anything more.

King Golden Eagle continued: "Okay, next time I play with him, go back first, I'm leaving too... If you have something to do, call Lord Langling, if he can't do it, I will help you. By the way, this one Don't spread the word."

Although the matter was small, it gave Wang Qianchen and the Golden Eagle King a common secret.

Wang Qianchen said, "Okay, I understand."

The Golden Eagle King nodded, jumped out of the yard and disappeared. Wang Qianchen was a ghost, and jumped to the second floor to take a look at the woman. After Axiu finished watering the flowers, he sat down and started to mend the clothes.

After Wang Qianchen left the yard, after thinking about it, he still called Tan Zuo.

Although I don't know about Tan Zuo's relationship with this woman, I still feel that I should tell him about it.

But the phone didn't get through, and Tan Zuo switched off.

What might it be doing?

Fortunately, in a short period of time, neither the Golden Eagle King nor the Black Bear King had any intention of harming the woman. Wang Qianchen didn't particularly take it to heart, and another call came to Du Hong's mobile phone.

Knowing that Wang Qianchen had escaped successfully, Du Hong was also relieved, and asked where he was now, Wang Qianchen said, "Gusu City."

When Du Hong heard it, he immediately scolded and said, "Can your EQ be any lower? Didn't you say we went to Tan Zuo together? Why did you go alone?"

Wang Qianchen didn't tell him about the Golden Eagle King. It wasn't that he deliberately concealed it, but he felt that there was no need for it. It was too troublesome to talk about it, so he said, "I'll come over to see the situation first, and I'll wait for you here."

Du Hong said, "Okay, I'll go right away."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Qianchen walked aimlessly on the street. It was not the first time he came to Gusu City, where he killed Wanlong and met Nie Rong's brother Nie Jiao. However, Gusu City is too big, and if you have been here once, you will not be familiar with it, or you don't know anything. After eating some food, he found a hotel to stay, and Lang Baibai called him again.

"Is King Eagle still with you?" Lang Baibai asked cautiously.

"No, they have already separated." Wang Qianchen said.

"Where have you two gone?"

"...King Eagle won't let me say it."

Wang Qianchen didn't want to lie to Lang Baibai, so he could only answer like this.

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