Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 532: dog with mouse

Thinking of this, Wang Qianchen left the funeral shop, went back to the hotel to sleep, and went to the small building where Axiu was the next day.

Wang Qianchen had come early enough, the genius had just dawned, and there was still no one on the street, but Axiu was earlier than him and had already gotten up to sew clothes. The smell of Tan Zuo no longer exists in the small building. Yesterday's smell has dissipated, and I haven't been here today.

Wang Qianchen hid behind a telephone pole on the corner of the street and waited patiently.

Time passed by minute by minute, and it was noon, and then afternoon, but Tan Zuo's shadow was never seen. And in the evening, the black bear king came again. Yesterday he was slapped. Today, he can knock on the door like no one else. , open the door for him again.

Of course Axiu couldn't open the door. The Black Bear King sighed and finally left.

During this period, Du Hong did not contact Wang Qianchen, and it was estimated that he had not asked for a good leave from Master Puji.

Wang Qianchen didn't even bother to care about him.

The Black Bear King didn't wait for Axiu to open the door, and Wang Qianchen didn't wait for Tan Zuo to return. Wang Qianchen called again, but Tan Zuo was still turned off, and this person seemed to have disappeared.

The more this is the case, the more curious Wang Qianchen is, wanting to know what happened to Tan Zuo. Moreover, some of Wei Zihua's limbs may be in the corpse pit in Maoshan, and Tan Zuo has to help, so he wants to find him.

Wang Qianchen came to the Monster Slayer Base in Gusu City again, intending to ask him to understand, but Shen Jiang let him shut the door again, and he had no intention of talking to him at all.

Sitting at the door of the funeral parlor, Wang Qianchen thought about it, thinking about how to get Shen Jiang to speak.

In the funeral parlor, Shen Jiang and others were still discussing the rat demon. Another person died of the plague last night. If this monster is not caught, I don't know how many people will suffer. Most of the time, it is not the monsters with high realm that are difficult to deal with. No matter how high the realm is, it is enough to ask for help from the superiors. There will always be monster slayers who can kill the monsters. This kind of monster who sees the head but does not see the tail is the most troublesome.

Wang Qianchen didn't have a good idea. With the attitude of giving it a try, he recruited a big yellow dog who was wagging its tail at him not far away.

Because he has the spirit of a dog emperor, no matter where Wang Qianchen goes, there are always dogs he doesn't know greet him. The same is true for this dog. Seeing Wang Qianchen, he was going crazy. After getting the approval, he immediately rushed over and crawls on the concrete ground in front of Wang Qianchen.

Wang Qianchen said: "Two things: first, help me find Tan Zuo from Maoshan; second, help me find the rat demon who recently made trouble in Gusu City."

The big yellow dog barked twice, and Wang Qianchen understood it. It said, "Boss, have you ever heard a sentence that tells the dog to meddle with the rat?"

Still a pompous dog!

Wang Qianchen said: "It's not nosy, it's useful! Quickly, mobilize your friends and help me find it together."

The big yellow dog then turned away.

After Wang Qianchen spoke, it didn't take long for the dogs in the whole city to act. They didn't know who Tan Zuo was, and they didn't smell Tan Zuo's scent. Naturally, they couldn't find him; , These dogs have more or less heard of it, so after two hours, the news came back and found the old nest where this rat demon was hiding.

——Before in Kuncheng, Wang Qianchen also used this method to find the spider demon, but unfortunately no dog knew what spider demon, so it was unsuccessful, but this time it was useful.

After getting the news, Wang Qianchen stood up and knocked on the door of the funeral parlor again.

Seeing it was him again, Shen Jiang said with an unhappy expression, "Captain Wang, I said, I don't know where Tan Zuo went..."

Wang Qianchen said, "I found the rat demon."

A monster in the rocky realm is not difficult to deal with, as long as you find its lair and get rid of it in minutes. Another hour later, Shen Jiang and others returned with a full load-not only the rat demon, but also the radish and the mud, except for a bunch of mouse demons that had not yet become a climate.

Shen Jiang was naturally very happy, he held Wang Qianchen's hand and said, "Captain Wang, thank you so much for solving a big trouble in Gusu City! I will report it truthfully, it should be your credit, we have nothing to do with it. will rob..."

Wang Qianchen smiled and said, "It doesn't matter what the credit is, just tell me where Tan Zuo is."

Shen Jiang's face changed instantly, and he said embarrassedly: "Captain Wang, I really don't know..."

Wang Qianchen almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood, helping them so much, but he still didn't say, is there any humanity?

If that's the case, don't blame him for being rude.

Wang Qianchen held Shen Jiang's hand and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I don't know, forget it. Is Captain Shen free? Let's have a supper together."

Shen Jiang knew that Wang Qianchen still didn't give up, and he would definitely refuse when he put it aside, but he was really embarrassed to refuse, so he just nodded and said, "Let's go, I'll ask." But he made up his mind secretly, Certainly not about Tan Zuo.

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