Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 555: Chief, to

"Don't bully my son!" A Xiu shouted fiercely, her face was hideous, and the veins burst out on her forehead, she looked like a zombie. The only difference is that she is much more flexible than the zombie, and once again knocked the third guardian out with one palm.

"Go, go!" The last guardian was fighting against Ma Qianli. Although he had already gained the upper hand, he still felt a chill down his spine when he saw this scene.

Ah Xiu shot several elders and Dharma protectors in a row, which happened in a very short period of time, and the other disciples did not react at all. It wasn't until the last Dharma protector called out that the others rushed up as if they had just woken up from their dreams.

Nearly a hundred Maoshan disciples, as well as the remaining elders, rushed towards Ah Xiu in a swarm.

"Don't hit! Don't hit!" Tan Zuo shouted, quickly took out a yellow talisman, and stuck it on Axiu's forehead with a slap.

Axiu immediately stopped moving.

But the horn of attack had already sounded, and Tan Zuo's voice had long been drowned out by the shouts of killing. Although Axiu had stopped moving, those people still rushed forward one after another. Tan Zuo blocked Axiu from behind, waving his sword and shouting, "It's under control, everyone, don't do anything!"

At this moment, Axiu's body shook violently, and the yellow talisman on his forehead was disintegrated and flew away, and then flashed in front of Tan Zuo's body.

The last guardian shouted: "Tan Zuo, see it, this is the result of your stubbornness, your mother has become a zombie, you can't control her at all!"

"I can! I can! As long as you don't do it, I can control her!" Tan Zuo shouted, and kept taking out the yellow talisman and sticking it on A Xiu's forehead, but the attacks around him kept on, and A Xiu kept on The yellow talisman was blown into the air, and for a while there was sorrow everywhere, and the shrill screams were endless.

Faced with this scene, Wang Qianchen, Du Hong, and Ma Qianli were also very helpless. They could only help Tan Zuo to repel everyone around him, hoping that he could control Axiu, otherwise the situation would inevitably become extremely serious.

But Tan Zuo couldn't do it at all. No matter how many yellow talismans he put on, he would always be knocked flying by A Xiu, and if the people around him stopped fighting, A Xiu would not stop. Anyone who wanted to get close to Tan Zuo would Knocked away by her.

Although Wang Qianchen was on Tan Zuo's side, he couldn't help but feel cold at this time. What kind of monster did Tan Zuo create!

"You stop! As long as you stop, my mother will stop too!" Tan Zuo wailed desperately, but to no avail, the crowd still poured up like a tide.

Axiu has hurt too many people, no one can keep calm at such a time, they only have one thought now, that is to kill Axiu, to kill this terrifying zombie!


At this moment, a figure suddenly descended from the sky and landed right in front of A Xiu. Axiu seemed to have blushed, no matter who came, she slapped it with a slap, but this person took it easy, took out a yellow talisman from his arms, and stuck it on her forehead with a slap.

The yellow talisman that this man put on is obviously more effective than Tan Zuo's yellow talisman. Although Axiu's body trembled slightly, he still couldn't shake the restraint on his forehead.

And after this person appeared, the scene that was extremely chaotic immediately became quiet, everyone stood still, and shouted in unison: "Master!"

Wang Qianchen also looked at the man, and saw that he was around fifty years old, with a yellow crown on his head and a Taoist robe.

As soon as Tan Zuo saw Mao Shijiu, two lines of tears immediately shed, and then he fell to his knees on the ground: "Master!"

Mao Nineteen sighed softly, ignored him, and turned to look at the injured disciples. Everyone also went to see the injured brother. During this period, Tan Zuo was always kneeling on the ground, motionless, while Axiu stood beside him with a yellow talisman on his forehead, also motionless.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Qianchen immediately winked at Ma Qianli, signaling him to leave quickly.

Just as Ma Qianli was about to leave, a guardian who was checking the disciples in the door immediately pointed at him and said, "Stop him!"

A group of disciples surrounded Ma Qianli with their swords.

Mao Nineteen was healing a disciple, but without turning his head, he waved his hand and said, "Let him go!"

"Senior Brother Mao..." The guardian looked surprised.

Mao Nineteen did not speak, and was still healing his disciple. The Dharma protector had no choice but to wave his hand, and the disciples dispersed. As if Ma Qianli had been pardoned, he immediately ran towards the forest, and disappeared after a while.

After working for a while, Mao Nineteen returned to Tan Zuo.

"Fortunately, there are no dead people, otherwise you will be in big trouble this time." Mao Nineteen sighed softly, and looked at Tan Zuoshi with both pity and disappointment.

The Maoshan disciples were injured a lot, but no one died.

"My mother... can't kill anyone." Tan Zuo said, still kneeling on the ground with his head lowered.

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