Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 558: find a helper

for a woman? !

All the monsters were confused, Ma Qianli was stunned for a moment, then he slapped his thigh and said, "Okay! Human beings are mad at the crown, and we monsters also have such great heroes! I just don't know what King Xiong has seen. Miss Bear at home?"

The black bear king said, "It's not a bear, it's a man."

Ma Qianli was stunned: "Human?"

The Black Bear King said, "Yes, people, real people!"

There was a buzzing sound all around, and Ma Qianli slapped his thigh again and said, "Okay! In ancient times, Lady White helped Xu Xian to repay her kindness, and now there is King Xiong surging up Maoshan with blood, which is another story that will last forever! I don't know which Taoist nun from Maoshan the King Xiong has a crush on?"

The black bear king said: "It's not a Taoist nun, or an ordinary person. I don't know why he was kidnapped by the old Taoists in Maoshan!"

The demons looked at each other in dismay, becoming more and more confused.

Ma Qianli asked tentatively, "Which girl is she from?"

The Black Bear King said, "I don't know where she came from. I only know her name is Axiu."

Ma Qianli was stunned: "Axiu?!"

The Black Bear King said, "You know him?"

Ma Qianli is more than acquaintance, and almost died on Baima Mountain because of Axiu! Although there are thousands of people named Axiu in the world, there is only one who can be associated with Maoshan.

However, just to be cautious, Ma Qianli carefully inquired about Axiu's appearance.

The black bear king said: "Pretty, very beautiful, the country is the most beautiful, the world's first!"

Ma Qianli: "???"

The Black Bear King said, "Do you know Axiu?"

Ma Qianli said: "I also know a Xiu, but I don't know if I'm talking to you about the same person. Although the A Xiu I know looks okay, but he's a little older, and he's not as good as you said. To that extent."

The Black Bear King said, "That's not one person. I said that Ah Xiu is extremely beautiful. There is no one more beautiful than her in the world."

When Ma Qianli saw this, although he was suspicious, he didn't talk any more.

The Black Bear King continued to say aloud, "We're going to Maoshan, not for anything, but to rescue Axiu! Those who are willing to go go now, and those who don't want to go commit suicide on the spot! What's the use of asking you?"

When the demons heard the front, they thought that those who didn't want to go could still go, and they were all ready to go home, but it turned out to be the result.

The Black Bear King nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, everyone is very kind! They are all willing to go, I didn't force you!"

All the demons shouted, "No!"

The Black Bear King waved his hand and was about to take people away when another demon stopped him. This monster is a peak state, the real appearance is a chameleon, and it has the ability to change. He named himself Baibianjun. He is another mountain master under the black bear king.

Bai Bianjun said, "King Xiong, do we have to rescue Axiu?"

The Black Bear King said, "Of course!"

Bai Bianjun said: "Then you can't act rashly, you need to make a comprehensive battle plan."

The Black Bear King said, "With so many of us, what else do we need to plan? Just go to Maoshan and ask for someone!"

Bai Bianjun said: "Don't forget, there is also an ancestor in Maoshan who has been in seclusion all the year round, and he has already reached the top!"

A word awakened the dreamer, and the black bear king slapped his head and said, "By the way, the ancestor of Maoshan! Oh, he has been in seclusion all year round, and I have forgotten him! What should I do?"

Bai Bianjun said: "It's best to find another helper to guard against that old ancestor who suddenly leaves the customs! Even if you can't beat him, you must ensure that you can get out of the body."

The Black Bear King really listened to the persuasion, nodded and said, "You are right! But who to ask for help?"

The Black Bear King thought hard for a while, this matter must not trouble the demon emperor, knowing that he attacked Maoshan for a civilian woman, and he would only be scolded in blood.

But the other demon kings, the black bear king, have nothing to do with them particularly well.

After thinking about it, the Black Bear King suddenly thought of a candidate.

The Black Bear King exhaled and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Yo, isn't this King Xiong, why did you remember to call me, and you want to make an appointment to play again?" A playful voice came from the other side of the phone.

The black bear king bit his head and said: "Golden Eagle King, this time is not a fight, I will ask you for help!"

All the monsters were standing beside them, and they were extremely surprised to hear the name, because everyone knew that the Black Bear King and the Golden Eagle King had always been at odds, and they had fought countless fights, and they wanted to kill each other!

Even the Golden Eagle King himself was surprised and said incredulously: "Ask me for help? Black Bear King, are you ill or confused?"

The Black Bear King said, "I'm not sick, and I'm not confused! Golden Eagle King, I'm not familiar with other demon kings, so I can only think of you!"

The Golden Eagle King said disdainfully, "Are we two familiar?"

The Black Bear King said, "We've fought so many times, how could we be unfamiliar?"

The Golden Eagle King said, "You also know that the two of us had a fight! Then do you think I might help you?"

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