Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 567: he died too

In the front yard, including the fat old man, he immediately drew his sword and said without fear: "A lot of monsters! Dare to invade Maoshan, I'm really impatient! Lao Qi, draw your sword, follow me Go together!"

"Okay!" Bai Bianjun was also enthusiastic, and he entered the play unknowingly. This is the essence of the art of change. First of all, you must believe that you are this person, in order to make others believe in your identity.

He reached out to draw the sword at his waist, but only a hilt came out, no sword body at all!

He only changed the outside, there was no need to change the inside, so that's it. It was only then that he suddenly remembered that he was not a member of Maoshan, but a Lingzhu of the Ten Thousand Demons Association!

"Get on your grandma's leg!" Bai Bianjun threw the hilt and broom, shook his body back to his original appearance, and then punched the fat old man in the eyes, quite a feeling of a serf turning over and singing .

The entire Maoshan has been in chaos. The guardians and elders have all come out, and the ridge masters and cave masters on the Black Bear King's side have also come out. It was the first time that the monsters were so bold, presumptuous and arrogant when it came to a large-scale monster attack.

The Black Bear King jumped out of the air and threw a protector on the ground. "Boom!" After punching out a few punches, he asked, "Where is Ah Xiu?"

The Dharma Protector was dizzy from the beating and blurted out involuntarily: "Hang...the corpse pit..."

The Black Bear King was extremely surprised and asked, "Why is Axiu in the corpse pit?"

The Dharma Protector replied vaguely, "Because she's a zombie..."

"It's your grandma's leg!" The Black Bear King stunned the protector with a punch, jumped onto Nighthawk's back again, and quickly headed towards the back mountain.

Although he has never been to Maoshan, Maoshan's corpse pit is famous all over the world, and everyone knows that it is in the back mountain, so it must be right to go there.


When Maoshan was in chaos, Mao Nineteen and his group had already entered the corpse pit.

This place is the forbidden area of ​​Maoshan, and there must be some restrictions, and no sound from outside can be heard at all, so several people do not know that the Black Bear King has attacked.

The corpse pit, as the name suggests, is the pit where the corpses are hidden, and there are coffins everywhere. The coffins in the corpse pits are filled with zombie kings with high morals, so these coffins are also covered with talismans.

There was a gust of wind in the corpse pit, and even though the body was covered with glutinous rice, it felt that the cold wind was going straight into the cracks of the bones.

As soon as everyone looked up, they saw an old Taoist sitting in the center, with gray hair and a stooped figure, with his back facing them. It was the ancestor of Maoshan who was retreating.

Mao Nineteen immediately knelt down and kowtowed to the back.

Tan Zuo, Wang Qianchen and others learned and behaved, and they also knelt down and kowtowed.

After the ceremony, Mao Nineteen stood up and said softly, "The ancestor is still in seclusion, let's not disturb him, and hurry up and seal Axiu!"

Mao Nineteen had prepared a coffin in the southwest. The entire coffin was pitch black and covered with talismans. Mao Nineteen walked over, Tan Zuo followed behind with Axiu on his back, Wang Qianchen, Du Hong, and Shen Jiang also followed.

Wang Qianchen knew that Axiu still had a soul and a soul, and she was not completely dead, but she must also be sealed to express her understanding of Maoshan's approach.

Du Hong suddenly touched Wang Qianchen's arm, and pouted in the direction of the ancestor of Maoshan.

Just behind the ancestor's body, there is a human leg.

Wang Qianchen knew that it was Wei Zihua's leg, and he smelled his scent as soon as he came in. The entire corpse pit was extremely dark. If you didn't look carefully, it would be hard to notice this leg. Both Du Hong and Wang Qianchen came with a mission, so they paid special attention.

The thing was found, but how to get it became a problem. It was too dazzling to walk directly to the ancestor of Maoshan, and Mao Nineteen would not allow it.

Wang Qianchen thought for a while, then pretended to squat down to tie his shoelaces.

Mao Shijiu and the others continued to walk forward. In this electric light and flint, Wang Qianchen condensed a clone and squatted on the spot, while the real body was invisible, and quietly walked towards the ancestor of Maoshan.

The ancestor of Maoshan has already reached the top, and Wang Qianchen does not think that he can avoid his eyes and ears if he is invisible, but he feels that he is in retreat, and his eyes and ears may not be so sensitive.

In any case, the risk must be taken.

Even in the invisible state, Wang Qianchen held his breath, walking slowly and lightly, without making a sound. At the same time, he also paid full attention to the back of the ancestor of Maoshan, to beware of him suddenly slapped himself - if there was such a scene, he would definitely show up immediately, beg for mercy, and immediately show that he was not malicious.

Just because he paid attention to the ancestors of Maoshan, Wang Qianchen soon discovered something incredible.

This old ancestor is not breathing, and his whole body is full of death, and there is no vitality!

This scene is exactly the same as what he encountered in the Valley of Flames in Mount Putuo.

The ancestors of Maoshan and Putuoshan are dead!

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