Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 582: intentional homicide

Ma Qianli also said, "Yeah, it's useless for you to tell us about breaking the sky."

Lang Baibai and Ma Qianli didn't want to listen any more, but Wang Qianchen said with great interest: "It's really interesting! It turns out that there is so much knowledge in the way of change. Lord Bailing is really a master."

[False shape] For Wang Qianchen, it is just a means, and there are not many opportunities to use it, and it is definitely not as good as Baibianjun, who is well versed in this way. Of course, we should take this opportunity to ask for more advice.

Bai Bianjun said triumphantly: "Yes, the owner of the dog cave knows the goods! Many people think that the change is very simple, and this ability is enough, but they don't know that there is too much knowledge in it, let me turn white and fly as an example. When I become like this, I have to devote myself to this role and keep telling myself that I am Bai Feiyang, so I will naturally behave exactly like him."

Saying that, Bai Bianjun suddenly picked up a chopstick and stabbed a monster beside him who was pulling weeds like a sword.

The monster fell to the ground with an "Ah Yo" sound, and there was a blood hole on his shoulder. He turned around and said tremblingly, "Master Bailing..."

Bai Bianjun said coldly: "You monster, dare to be presumptuous in front of me?"

The monster said, "I'm not arrogant in front of you!"

Bai Bianjun ignored him, turned around and said to Wang Qianchen, "How is it, does it look like it?"

Wang Qianchen gave a thumbs up and said, "It's almost like it!"

In Wang Qianchen's impression, Bai Feiyang looks like this, he is cold to everyone, and only relaxes in front of acquaintances.

Ma Qianli said with a smile, "Master Dog Cave, have you seen Bai Feiyang?"

Wang Qianchen said, "I've seen it before, we even fought."

Lang Baibai laughed loudly: "Brother Dog, you have offended quite a few enemies in [Monster Slayer]. If one day you can't get along and get out as soon as possible, you'd better be a monster."

Wang Qianchen said, "Remember, Brother Lang."

Wang Qianchen accompanied a few monsters to drink for a while, during which he thanked Ma Qianli a lot, but Ma Qianli obviously didn't take it seriously, and said that it was all a little effort and nothing to be concerned about.

Lang Baibai asked Wang Qianchen again what he was doing in Xichang City. Wang Qianchen said to do a little thing. Lang Baibai pointed to Lord Baibian and said, "If you have any trouble, just ask Bailing Master for help."

Bai Bianjun also patted his chest and said: "Yes, this is our territory, except for Longhu Mountain, where we don't go, we can go anywhere!"

Wang Qianchen said with a smile: "Master Bailing is modest, and if you change into any Heavenly Master, it will take you a few minutes to go to Longhu Mountain, right?"

Lord Baibian shook his head and said, "That's too risky. If it wasn't for the order of King Xiong before, I wouldn't have gone to Maoshan. We monsters should stay away from these places. Including those monster slayers, I can avoid them if I can. Except for some critical moments, I will not become their appearance. I really can't understand someone like the dog cave owner who takes the initiative to approach the demon slayer."

Lang Baibai said: "My dog ​​brother has the spirit of a dog emperor. He has big ambitions and big hearts. It's normal for you to not understand."

At any time, Lang Baibai was the first to jump out to defend Wang Qianchen.

Bai Bianjun smiled and said: "Yes, yes, who can compare with your dog brother?"

Wang Qianchen had been drinking with a few monsters for a while, when Du Hong suddenly called him and asked where he was?

Wang Qianchen said, "What happened to me outside?"

Du Hong said solemnly: "Something happened, come back."

Wang Qianchen immediately hung up the phone, turned his head and said, "Brother Lang, Lord Maling, Lord Bailing, I have something to do and I will go first."

Lang Baibai's ears are also very smart, and he immediately asked, "What happened?"

Wang Qianchen said, "I don't know, I'll go back and have a look."

Lang Baibai nodded and said: "Tell me if you have anything. I have been here these few days, and I, Lord Maling, and Lord Bailing are all helping you."

Even though he knew that Lang Baibai was aiming at his dog emperor's anger, Wang Qianchen couldn't help but warm up and said, "Brother Lang, thank you!"

After leaving several ling masters, Wang Qianchen immediately flew back to Xichang City.

When he arrived at the hotel where he stayed before, Tan Zuo, Du Hong, and Yin Luoluo were all waiting for him, all looking worried.

Wang Qianchen asked, "What's wrong?"

Du Hong said: "After you left, Bai Feiyang never turned on. Later, we couldn't hold back and went to the local Demon Slayer team to see that Bai Feiyang was arrested!"

Wang Qianchen asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

Du Hong said: "The local demon slayer captain is called Ouyang Ping, a middle-aged man in his forties. He also just got the news that Bai Feiyang was arrested at home on the charge of intentional homicide! It's unclear how to respond. Well, they went to the Secret Service, so we had to come back first."

Wang Qianchen said immediately: "Go, go to the Secret Service!"

Several people went out, took a taxi, and went to the Xichang Secret Service Bureau, where Bai Feiyang was temporarily detained. When they arrived at the scene, not only the Xichang City Demon Slayer Team, but also several Celestial Masters from Longhu Mountain were there. Judging by their dress, posture and bearing, their level was not low.

Wang Qianchen and the others are outsiders. Although their identities are not ordinary, they can't play a role in this place, so no one pays attention to them.

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