Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 592: Variety's determination

Wang Qianchen knew that Lang Baibai's hearing was good, so he didn't dare to make a phone call, but communicated with Du Hong on WeChat, and quickly grasped the cause and effect. Wang Qianchen was also a little disappointed that Bai Bianjun didn't catch him. Bai Feiyang helped him so many times, but he finally failed to get the chance to pay back!

But he can't blame anyone, a monster like Baibianjun is really difficult to catch.

Wang Qianchen put away his mobile phone and came to Lang Baibai and Ma Qianli's side. Noticing that Er Yao's face was not quite right, he asked what was going on. Lang Baibai talked about what happened just now. Wang Qianchen was not surprised and said, "Master Maling, what are you going to do?"

He knew that Ma Qianli and Bai Bianjun had a good relationship, otherwise he would not go to drink with others - of course, a righteous monster like Ma Qianli can have a good relationship with anyone.

Ma Qianli was silent for a while, and said, "I'll definitely listen to King Xiong. If you need to catch him... Then ask what's going on, and find a way to plead for him."

Ma Qianli's attitude was not surprising, Wang Qianchen asked Lang Baibai again: "Brother Lang, what are you going to do?"

Lang Baibai said, "I will definitely help Ma Lingzhu."

Lang Baibai also owes Ma Qianli a favor, and is naturally obliged.

Wang Qianchen said: "Then I will also do my part."

Needless to say, Wang Qianchen, he must catch Bai Bianjun.

"Well, then it's settled!" Ma Qianli lost his cigarette butt, picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number of Lord Variety.

It's a pity that it didn't get through, and Variety turned off.

Lang Baibai said: "It seems that he also knows that he is wanted."

Ma Qianli was silent.


Because of the order of the Black Bear King, all the monsters in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Ganxi, and Fu provinces all took action to hunt down Baibianjun!

Not only them, the Demon Slayer Team in Xichang City and Longhu Mountain also sent many disciples to search for the whereabouts of Lord Baibian. In the human world, this is equivalent to being arrested by black and white at the same time, what a terrible word!

A certain mountain, a certain cave.

Bai Bianjun sat on the dark and damp floor with a decadent expression. At this moment, several people came in from outside, carrying some food in their hands.

"Master Bailing, we have searched carefully. There is really no one around. It's temporarily safe here!" A man of five or three thicknesses placed the food in front of Lord Baibian, and several people next to him were still watching the entrance of the cave vigilantly.

Of course, they are all monsters, all of them have the strength of the wall, and they are also the most loyal confidants of the Variety Lord.

Bai Bianjun had been hungry for a day and a night, so he grabbed a piece of raw meat and ate it in big gulps.

A monster said: "Master Bailing, hiding like this is not the way to go. Monster Slayer, Dragon Tiger Mountain, and King Xiong are all searching for you."

Bai Bianjun looked at him and said, "Do you have any good ideas?"

The monster said: "Didn't the White Tiger King throw an olive branch for you, or you can rely on him."

The White Tiger King is also one of the Eight Demon Kings of the Ten Thousand Demons Association. He is in charge of the monsters in Sichuan, Shu, Yungui and other places. Lord Hou Ling, who fought against Lang Baibai before, is his subordinate.

Lord Bai Bian was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "You can't take that step until you have to. Going to the White Tiger King's side, the Bear King will only hate me even more, and he will kill me..."

The monster said, "But he wants to kill you now!"

Bai Bianjun said: "King Xiong was not like this before, since he accepted that Tan Zuo as his adopted son, it's like a different person..."

The monster frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Bai Bianjun gritted his teeth and said, "Kill Tan Zuo, and King Xiong won't force me to blame Bai Feiyang again!"

Several monsters all gasped, that was the adopted son of the Black Bear King!

Bai Bianjun said solemnly: "Don't be afraid, Tan Zuo is a monster slayer, and it is quite normal to be killed by monsters. Besides, King Xiong would never have imagined that we would dare to do such a thing! As long as we keep it secret, no one will doubt us. As soon as Tan Zuo died, he lost the motivation to catch me. At this time, we must take the sword and do things that others dare not do!"

Several monsters looked at each other.

Bai Bianjun said: "If you don't dare, leave now, I won't force you to stay."

A monster said: "Master Bailing, we have followed you from the beginning, and it is impossible to leave you at this time!"

Other monsters also said: "Yes, Lord Bailing, we will do what you say!"

Bai Bianjun sighed, obviously made up his mind. After thinking for a while, he said, "Everyone, let's rest first, keep your spirits up, and go down the mountain to see where Tan Zuo is."

After Bai Bianjun was full, he lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Lord Bai Bian suddenly jumped up, grabbed the monster playing with the phone by the throat, and said viciously with red eyes, "Who are you sending a message to?"

The monster said tremblingly, "I'm sending a message to my girlfriend, I may not be able to see her in the last few days..."

Variety Jun grabbed his mobile phone and carefully examined it, and found that there was no problem, so he returned it to him.

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