Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 604: kill

Everyone looked at the entrance of the hole in unison, and then their expressions became solemn.

The person who came in was Lord Variety!

"Old Bai!" Ma Qianli called out immediately, and everyone present thought that he had the best relationship with Lord Baibian.

Bai Bianjun looked at him and said, "Why are you here? Isn't this looking for trouble?"

Ma Qianli said, "How could you betray King Xiong?"

The Variety King was angry: "Am I going to betray him? I didn't kill Zhou Ruoxue, but he insisted on pushing me out to take the blame, saying that he would save me, but it didn't save me at all! Such a king, I still tell him Why? Why do you only ask me to be loyal and not ask him to be sympathetic to his subordinates?"

Ma Qianli said, "You didn't kill Zhou Ruoxue?"

Bai Bianjun glared and said: "I didn't kill! It's just an ordinary person. If I kill it, I kill it. If I don't kill it, I don't kill it. Do I have to lie? In the alley in the backyard of the dance party that night, I just hugged her. Go away and do nothing!"

Ma Qianli said, "Then make it clear!"

Bai Bianjun said, "Who shall I tell you? King Xiong, or Ouyang Ping? Which of them will let me go?"

Ma Qianli finally stopped talking.

Wang Qianchen asked strangely, "You really didn't kill it?"

Bai Bianjun said: "I will change and I will kill you? You will also change, why didn't you kill it?"

This sentence made Wang Qianchen speechless.

Wang Qianchen instinctively felt that Lord Baibian didn't lie. He was a monster, and it was such a time. There was really no need to lie. But I couldn't help but wonder, if it wasn't Bai Bianjun, who was that?

"Although I'm not a good monster, I can't let others pour dirty water on me, and I can't blame others for no reason! Old Ma, you have helped me many times before, and this time I will help you once, even if two It's clear. The White Tiger King and the others are about to discuss the result. Nine times out of ten, they will kill you all! I definitely can't watch him do this, but I can't change the result, so I can only save you quietly! I will kill you all! Once you've loosened the tie, find a chance to run away quickly, don't save the Black Bear King, you can't save it!"

After Bai Bianjun said, he came over and untied the immortal-binding ropes on several people one by one.

Except for Ma Qianli, who was not surprised, the other people all looked complicated. Wang Qianchen never thought that Bai Bianjun would do this. Before that, they all believed that Bai Bianjun was the real murderer who killed Zhou Ruoxue, and they would arrest him no matter what.

"Master Bailing, come back and drink together again!" Lang Baibai rubbed his wrists and said with a smile.

"I saved you all, I have to go, or I can't deal with the White Tiger King! There are many monsters on the scene, and they haven't noticed me coming. Alas, the Wan Yaohui can't get along anymore, and if I can't, I will go to Tianqi, they specialize in Take in someone like me!" Bai Bianjun muttered.

"Can't you really save King Xiong?" Ma Qianli asked again.

"I can't save it! I don't have that ability! If you want to save you, go ahead, and if it falls into their hands, it has nothing to do with me!" Lord Bai Bian waved his hands irritably, he was too busy with his own affairs, how could he be in the mood To take care of others?

"I'm leaving first, you guys also find a chance to go!" Bai Bianjun looked outside the cave, transformed himself into a little bug, and drilled in along the crack of the cave.

"Let's go too!" Du Hong took Yin Luoluo's hand and walked cautiously out of the cave.

"Let's go, I want to save King Bear!" Ma Qianli got up and said.

"I also want to save." Tan Zuo followed up.

Several people looked at the two of them in unison.

Ma Qianli doesn't matter, after all, he is the leader of the Black Bear King, but Tan Zuo...

"He came to this point because of me. I'm still annoying him, but I can't just leave." Tan Zuo said in a low voice.

"But you can't save it at all, how can you save it?" Lang Baibai became a little irritable.

"Brother Lang." Wang Qianchen suddenly called out.

"Why?" Lang Baibai turned his head and knelt down in front of Wang Qianchen with a "puff".

Without waiting for Wang Qianchen to help, Lang Baibai had already stood up by himself.

In the eyes of surprise, Wang Qianchen didn't bother to explain, and said directly: "Brother Lang, you go first, I have to help Tan Zuo... and I have to help Master Maling."

"Okay, then let me help too." Du Hong let go of Yin Luoluo's hand and didn't go out any further.

Yin Luoluo naturally stood by his side.

Lang Baibai looked around, no one was going to leave, and he said helplessly: "But our strength is too weak, we can't save the Black Bear King at all!"

Wang Qianchen took out his mobile phone and wanted to contact Ouyang Ping to see where he and the people from Longhu Mountain were, but there was no signal in the cave at all, so he had to go outside if he wanted to make a call.

Wang Qianchen frowned and was thinking about the next countermeasures when he heard the sound of "crackling" footsteps from outside the cave.

Lord Hou Ling was walking over with a group of monsters.

"Are you sure you want to kill?"

"It must be killed, King Tiger has already ordered it!"

Listening to their conversation, Lang Baibai said anxiously, "I can't leave now if I want to!"

"Kill it out!" Ma Qianli gritted his teeth.

"That's the only way!" Lang Baibai took out his mace.

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