Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 607: Golden Eagle King VS White Tiger King

This time the number of dead bodies has greatly increased, at least a few dozen.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't stop the White Tiger King for a long time. The White Tiger King's tail flicked back and forth, and many dead monsters were thrown out again. Tan Zuo was entangled by a peak monster, and he couldn't tell that he would continue to manipulate it. He could only watch the White Tiger King attack Lang Baibai and Ma Qianli.

Wang Qianchen was exhausted, and all the means were exhausted. Is there anything else that can stop the White Tiger King?

At this moment, the sound of "hula la" suddenly sounded, and something fell from the sky, and it really stopped in front of the White Tiger King!


The huge wings collided with the sharp claws of the White Tiger King, and the blood mixed with the feathers flew in the air, but the White Tiger King didn't get any favors either. Several of his nails were broken, and the same blood was dripping!

The White Tiger King took a step back and said in surprise, "Golden Eagle King?!"

The monster that descended from the sky was the Golden Eagle King, with an eagle face, a human body, two wings on the sides, and golden feathers all over his body.

Lang Baibai escaped and shouted excitedly, "King Eagle, you are here!"

Not far away, the seriously injured Black Bear King was lying on the ground, holding the dying Xiao Ye in one hand, and also raised his head and shouted, "I thought you weren't coming!"

The Golden Eagle King said coldly, "I came early and I've been staring in the sky. I just wanted to watch the fun!"

The Black Bear King had called him for help before, and although he didn't want to intervene, he didn't prevent him from coming over to have a look.

Two demon kings fighting, how exciting!

The White Tiger King asked inexplicably, "Then keep watching, what are you interfering with?"

The Golden Eagle King said, "If you don't kill Lang Baibai, I will continue to watch the fun."

Lang Baibai is the Lingzhu of the Golden Eagle King!

How could the person who killed him still be able to sit still?

The White Tiger King finally came to his senses and said, "Okay, you can take him away, don't worry about other things!"

The Golden Eagle King said: "It's too late! If you let him go at the beginning, then I will definitely not care. If you attack him, but you don't give me face, then I will take care of you!"

After finishing speaking, the Golden Eagle King flapped his wings, his hands also turned into sharp claws, and rushed towards the White Tiger King with a "hush".

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The two demon kings fought each other for dozens of rounds in an instant. Most of the monsters didn't have any fancy skills, just their own abilities and means, but they also fought very well, which can be called fist-fighting, bloody, and even recovering from their own. At the same time, a golden eagle and a white tiger were fighting each other frantically, with golden feathers, white hair, and blood spitting out from time to time in the air.

"Haha, my boss is a domineering president!" Lang Baibai was so excited, his morale was immediately boosted, and he fought with Lord Hou Ling again.

From the very beginning, his opponent was Lord Hou Ling. The two monsters fought each other in Kagoshima, and this time they met again in Sanqingshan.

Although the two monsters were inextricably fighting, they would definitely not be able to tell the difference in a short time, but the appearance of the Golden Eagle King really relieved a lot of pressure on everyone, and at least they could concentrate on dealing with the opponent in front of them.

Whether Wang Qianchen or Tan Zuo, or Du Hong, Yin Luoluo, Ma Qianli, and Mr. Honglou, at this moment, they are all as motivated as Lang Baibai. The one who fights is high-spirited, and the one who shoots is smart!

"Hahaha, try this uncle's fire company!" Du Hong pushed forward with both hands, and a large flame instantly covered it, causing several monsters to flee.

Tan Zuo stabbed his opponent with a sword, and at the same time manipulated the corpses of those monsters, staggering to form a huge encirclement.

Yin Luoluo's long hair rolled out like a tide, and quickly wrapped around a peak monster in front of him, unable to move his hands and feet.

In front of the monsters of the same level, the monster slayer has the upper hand - although this advantage will gradually disappear as the level gradually increases, but there is still some advantage in the level of the peak.

After Wang Qianchen got his opponent, he immediately went to help Mr. Honglou, and Du Hong and others also went to help Lang Baibai and Ma Qianli. At this moment, everyone had a common goal in their hearts, to solve their own troubles as soon as possible, and then go to help the Golden Eagle King kill the White Tiger King. !

With the passage of time, Wang Qianchen has gained the upper hand, and even Lord Hou Ling was beheaded to the ground. Just when everyone was in a hurry to win the final victory, a burst of footsteps suddenly sounded like a drum, and it was Ouyang Ping and the people from Longhushan!

It's just that this group of people were a little confused when they arrived at the scene. First, they saw the King of the Golden Eagle and the King of the White Tiger fighting together, and there was a wounded King of the Black Bear beside him. As for Wang Qianchen, they were also confused. Some people also had monsters, and the fight was very lively. , I don't know who to help for a while.

"Help the Golden Eagle King!" Wang Qianchen immediately shouted loudly.

Ouyang Ping and the people from Longhushan immediately rushed towards the White Tiger King, and they were about to use their abilities to help the Golden Eagle King. Seeing that the situation was not right, the White Tiger King immediately blew a loud whistle, and then there was an eagle roar in the sky. .

The White Tiger King jumped, and the whole person jumped dozens of feet high, and then stepped on the back of a white-headed sea eagle.

He is running away!

Wang Qianchen immediately shouted: "King Eagle, stop him!"

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