Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 611: rest in peace brother

Ma Qianli himself has a very good relationship with many demon slayers, so naturally he would not have any doubts about Wang Qianchen, and then turned to ask Bai Bianjun: "Master Bailing, what are your plans next?"

Bai Bianjun was silent for a while, and said, "How is King Bear now?"

Ma Qianli shook his head: "I don't know, I can't contact him, but it should be fine."

Bai Bianjun gritted his teeth and said, "It's my fault that I colluded with the White Tiger King to harm him! But he was unkind first, so I can't blame me for being unrighteous."

Ma Qianli was speechless.

Bai Bianjun said again: "As I said before, [Wan Yaohui] I can't go on, let me walk around first, it's good to be free by myself, but if it doesn't work, I'll join the [Tian Yaohui]. abandoned】!"

Lord Baibian first betrayed the Black Bear King, and then privately released Wang Qianchen and others, which was equivalent to offending the White Tiger King. The White Tiger King didn't realize what was going on at the time, but after thinking about it, he would definitely understand. Offending two demon kings at one time, [Wan Yaohui] really has no place for him, even joining [Tianqi] is helpless.

Ma Qianli said, "Well, no matter where you go, we will always be brothers!"

Bai Bianjun smiled, hugged and dismounted for thousands of miles, shook Lang Baibai's hand again, and then turned into a sparrow, and flew into the sky with a "hush".

After sending off Lord Baibian, Ma Qianli said, "What about you, where are you going?"

Lang Baibai said: "I was going to go back, but my dog ​​brother is going to disturb Longhu Mountain again... Come on, I will stay for a while and see if there is anything I can help!"

Ma Qianli said: "You are really benevolent and righteous to your dog brother!"

Lang Baibai rolled up his sleeves and said with emotion, "We canines, we haven't seen a dog emperor for many years, shouldn't we help him?"


On another wasteland.


After a gust of wind, the Golden Eagle King fell to the ground and put the Black Bear King down.

The Black Bear King was holding a Nighthawk in his arms, and said anxiously, "Why are you putting me here, go to Xichang City, go to a human hospital!"

The Golden Eagle King glanced at Xiao Ye, who was dying, and said solemnly, "It's dead, don't bother."

"How could it not work, don't talk nonsense!" The black bear king said with red eyes: "Human hospitals are particularly powerful. As long as there is still a breath, they can save them!"

The Golden Eagle King said, "Even if Hua Tuo is alive, he cannot be saved."

"What did you say?!" The Black Bear King held Xiao Ye with one hand and grabbed the collar of the Golden Eagle King with the other.

"Black Bear King, recognize the reality, it's really not going to work." The Golden Eagle King said solemnly.

"You **** want to die!" The Black Bear King roared, punching the Golden Eagle King's cheek fiercely.

"King Bear..." At this moment, Xiao Ye called out weakly.

The Black Bear King immediately retracted his hand and carefully placed Xiao Ye on the ground.

"You hold on, I'll give you some simple treatment first, and then I'll take you to a human hospital right away!" The Black Bear King took out a bunch of herbs from his arms and put them all on the wound on Xiaoye's chest.

"Bear... King Bear, leave me alone, you are still injured..." Xiao Ye turned out a hand and grabbed King Black Bear's wrist.

"I have rough skin and thick flesh, this injury is fine, the key is you, you must survive!" The Black Bear King shivered and pressed the herbs, trying to stop Xiaoye's blood.

"King Xiong, King Golden Eagle is right, I really can't do it, so don't bother...let me...let me talk for a while..."

"Okay, okay, you say it!"

The Black Bear King grabbed the hand that Xiao Yehua had created.

Xiao Ye was lying on the ground, looking at the dark face of the Black Bear King, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Bear... King Bear, when I was kicked out of the nest by my father, my wings didn't grow together. , after flying twice, I couldn't get up and fell into the mountain stream. It was you who picked me up and said that there are no such ruthless parents in the world, and then took good care of me... King Bear, our eagle This is the way the clan is. Survival of the fittest, if you can fly to fight the sky, if you can't fly, you will die. This is the rule for many years... I should have died a long time ago. You made me live for so many years, I'm very satisfied , Very satisfied... King Xiong, I don't regret following you at all, really, I don't regret it at all..."

Xiaoye's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

Its head was tilted to one side, and its eyes were closed.


The Black Bear King picked up Xiao Ye, burst into tears and roared up to the sky!

"White Tiger King, I want you to die!"

The roar of the Black Bear King echoed throughout the sky.

The Golden Eagle King stood beside him without saying a word.

After an unknown amount of time, the Black Bear King slowly got up, dug a dirt pit on the spot, put Xiao Ye's body in, and then carefully buried it.

"Brother, rest in peace, and I will avenge your revenge." The Black Bear King patted the ground lightly, and his tears fell again, moistening a small piece of soil.

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