Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 614: seven orifices bleeding

Although everyone was busy, Wang Qianchen knew that they couldn't find anything.

Bai Bianjun has never lived in Bai Feiyang's house at all, and he came to Longhu Mountain a few years ago, and it is impossible to leave a single hair.

The reason why Wang Qianchen did this was just to find an opportunity to sneak in. Although he suspected that Yuan Xiaolie was the real murderer, he couldn't be sure after all, and he was concerned about the identity of the other party, so he decided to find out for himself first, and not involve Du Hong and others for the time being.

While everyone was not paying attention, Wang Qianchen pinched a clone and left it in the house, while the real body used the [invisibility] technique to quietly run towards the back mountain.

Of course, the back mountain of Longhu Mountain is also a forbidden area. There is Zhenlongtan there, and there is an island in the lake, which is the place where the ancestors of all dynasties retreated. Speaking of which, Wang Qianchen's original purpose in coming to Ganxi was to go to Longtan Town to find some of Wei Zihua's limbs, but because of Bai Feiyang's incident, there were so many branches.

Of course, Wang Qianchen has no complaints. How many times has Bai Feiyang helped him?

The back mountain is indeed restricted, and formations are set up around it. But it's hard to believe that Wang Qianchen, there is the skill of [Arrangement] in [Seventy-two Transformations], which almost covers the world's formation methods. It can be arranged, and it can be solved naturally. He used a little means to enter quietly. Back Mountain.

——How Bai Bianjun got in in the first place is unknown.

In the dark night, Wang Qianchen could vaguely see a pool of water, and there was a shadowy island in the center of the pool. But he did not go there, but carefully looked for the house in the mouth of Lord Variety.

There are dense forests on the back mountain, and it is not easy to find a house. After several circles, I finally see a wooden house hidden in the mountains. There are two straight poplar trees planted in front of the door.

The lights were on in the house, apparently inhabited.

Wang Qianchen still maintained the state of [invisibility] and walked over silently. After he was promoted to the peak, the duration of [invisibility] became longer. Standing outside the window, Wang Qianchen looked inside, and saw a young man in his twenties walking around the house restlessly.

This young man is quite handsome, with big eyes and a high nose bridge, but he is not too tall, just 1.65 meters. This height is not too low for girls, but a little short for boys. Wang Qianchen remembered Yuan Tianpeng, who was also not tall, and was basically sure that this was Yuan Xiaolie.

Yuan Tianpeng is at least 70 years old, Yuan Xiaolie is not yet 30 years old.

But to really verify the identity of the other party and confirm that he killed Zhou Ruoxue, it is obviously impossible without evidence to support it.

Before Wang Qianchen came, he had already made up his mind. At this moment, he quietly took out his mobile phone and turned on the video recording mode. Not only can he be invisible, but he can also be invisible with the objects on his body, so the mobile phone can't be seen.

Yuan Xiaolie seemed to be anxious about something. After walking around the room for a while, he lay down on the bed again, but after a while, he stood up and continued walking, like an ant on a hot pan.

Just then, the sound of slow footsteps came suddenly.

"Who?!" Yuan Xiaolie suddenly turned back to look at the door.


The weak wooden door was knocked open, and a long-haired, white-clothed, blood-stained woman walked in.

There was a faint wind blowing all around, and the lights in the house went out, and the pale moonlight made this scene even more terrifying.

"Zhou... Zhou Ruoxue..." Yuan Xiaolie stared, trembling all over, watching this scene in disbelief.

"Give my life back... Give my life back..." Zhou Ruoxue bleeds from her seven orifices, stretched out her pale fingers, and walked towards Yuan Xiaolie step by step.

"No...no..." Yuan Xiaolie shivered and stepped back, his heels quickly hit the bedside, and there was no way to go back!

"I have no grievances with you, why did you kill me, why..." Zhou Ruoxue reached out and pinched Yuan Xiaolie's neck.

"Ah—" Yuan Xiaolie screamed, and pulled out a sword, stabbed at Zhou Ruoxue's chest!

"Pfft", the tip of the sword sank into the flesh, but Zhou Ruoxue continued to walk forward, as if the sword could not hurt her. Soon, Zhou Ruoxue came to Yuan Xiaolie, stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck: "Why...why did you kill me..."

Yuan Xiaolie knelt to the ground with a "pop", kowtowed like pounding garlic, and cried, "Miss Zhou, I was wrong, please forgive me!"

"Why do you want to kill me...why..." Zhou Ruoxue repeated these words, pinching her cold fingers on Yuan Xiaolie's neck.

"I didn't want to kill you, it was a complete accident! That night, I passed a small alley and saw Bai Feiyang running out in a hurry. I wondered what he was doing, and then I saw you running out too, and I was still sad. With tears in his eyes, he scolded Bai Feiyang for being a scumbag. I knew that Bai Feiyang had done something wrong to you, and I couldn't bear it, so I became like him to comfort you..." Yuan Xiaolie tried hard to defend himself, telling the situation that night .

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