Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 627: The High Theory of Bricks

Longhu Mountain, Zhenlongtan.

Evil Flood Dragon blocked the way, Wang Qianchen couldn't get through at all, and thought that Yuan Tianpeng would come in a while, so he had the intention of retreating, and was going to go to the court to talk about it first, and hand over the video. Du Hong thought the same, anyway, Bai Feiyang couldn't really be sentenced to death or suspended.

As a result, at this moment, Longhu Mountain suddenly became chaotic. Wang Qianchen flew to a high place to take a look, and saw a group of monsters and Longhu Mountain disciples fighting in one place, and the leader was the Black Bear King!

Someone dragged Yuan Tianpeng, Wang Qianchen naturally wouldn't leave, and tried to break in twice, but it still didn't work. stand up.

At this moment, Du Hong and Yin Luoluo arrived.

"Fuck, dragon?!" Du Hong stared at the monster coiling on the lake in a stunned manner.

"It's not a dragon, it's a Jiao!" Wang Qianchen didn't ask how they came, and explained the current situation as quickly as possible.

Du Hong said: "Can you still stand up, let's join forces and try again!"

"Okay!" Wang Qianchen immediately stood up and raised the Demon Slayer Sword again, while Mr. Honglou was standing beside him with a quicksand sword.

Brick flew into the air and said, "I count one, two, three, let's go together! One!"

Before the words fell, several people had already rushed up, and Brick said anxiously: "What are you doing, I haven't called three yet..."

Several people jumped into the air and used their abilities respectively. Wang Qianchen slashed out powerful swords and stabbed the dragon's eyes with [Shengguang]. Du Hong swung away with red flames that filled the sky. Yin Luoluo's hair swept out in a rush, trying to restrain the dragon's neck and claws. The most amazing thing was Mr. Honglou. While he stabbed out sword energy, there was even a small amount of sand coming out of it. The tip of the sword gushes out, forming a stronger deterrent with the sword energy!

No wonder this sword is called quicksand, it really has sand!

It's a pity that under the strong siege of a few people, it still can't cause the slightest damage to the evil dragon. Anyway, it is the strength of the peak of the mountain, and if it can't deal with a few peaks, it is too weak.

The Evil Flood Dragon didn't show any special abilities. The huge head slammed around and smashed some sword qi and knife gang into pieces. Du Hong's flames couldn't hurt it in the slightest. The scales on the skin are simply invincible.

Yin Luoluo's hair was wrapped around its neck, but when it twisted back and forth like this, the hair was broken inch by inch, and it almost threw Yin Luoluo out.

"Bang bang bang-"

Several people landed one after another, and each of them was injured to varying degrees.

"No, I can't fight it!" Du Hong clutched his chest and spat out two **** fires!

Brick said angrily: "I told you all, when I called one, two, three, and came up again, it was a mess just now!"

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" On the small island in the center of the lake, Yuan Xiaolie danced with joy and made no secret of his arrogance.

Wang Qianchen was too lazy to pay attention to him, and said solemnly, "Where is Tan Zuo, are you here yet?"

Du Hong looked back and said, "I was following along just now, but it seems that the Black Bear King suffered a loss, so he stayed to help!"

Wang Qianchen said: "When Tan Zuo comes, let's try to join hands again!"

Du Hong frowned and said, "Even if Tan Zuo comes, I still feel very hung up!"

Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and said, "You have to try!"

The voice fell, and the sound of "huhu" came from the sky, and it was Tan Zuo who led the Gangfeng Talisman to come.

"Fuck, what is this?!" Tan Zuo fell to the ground and widened his eyes when he saw the monster in the center of the lake.

"Jiao!" Wang Qianchen quickly explained the matter and said, "How is the Black Bear King?"

"That..." Brick seemed to have something to say, but no one paid any attention to it.

Tan Zuo said: "The Black Bear King is injured and is not Yuan Tianpeng's opponent. We must be quick!"

"That..." Brick said again.

Wang Qianchen said: "Okay, let's try to join hands again! Tan Zuo, recruit a few of your zombies, even if you can't fight it, you have to find a way to attract its attention, no matter what, someone has to fly over. Caught Yuan Xiaolie."

"it is good!"

"it is good……"

Several people think this idea is good, it doesn't matter if you can't beat it, just attract its attention.

Several people have finalized the battle plan and are preparing for action, when Bianzhuan suddenly said angrily, "Can you listen to me?"

Only then did a few people look at it, waiting for it to make a high point.

Banzhuan said triumphantly, "No need to fight, this evil Jiaojiao has already surrendered to me and won't dare to block our way any more!"

Wang Qianchen said, "We don't have time to listen to your bragging right now..."

Du Hong pointed to the lake and said, "Fuck, what's going on?"

Wang Qianchen and others also looked at them one after another, and they saw that the domineering and domineering evil dragon with its head held up just now was now crawling on the water, its whole body was trembling, and its eyes were full of fear visible to the naked eye!

"How, I didn't lie to you, did I?" The bricks swayed up and down proudly.

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