Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 629: get me back

Looking at the smell, under the back of the ancestor of Longhu Mountain, there really was a fleshy human leg.

Sure enough, without Wei Zihua's dream, he can find it himself!

Wang Qianchen rushed over quickly and found that Wei Zihua's toes were facing the ancestor of Longhu Mountain. From Putuo Mountain to Longhu Mountain, from the arms to the legs, it seems to be this posture, always pointing at the ancestors of each family, as if trying to convey some message.

Wang Qianchen didn't have time to think deeply, put Wei Zihua's legs into the Qiankun bag, grabbed Yuan Xiaolie and flew to the edge of Zhenlongtan with a "huh".

Wang Qianchen nodded at a few people, he made up his mind, and said, "I'll send Yuan Xiaolie to the court first, you all go back first, and let the Black Bear King and the others go too!"

After the explanation was clear, Wang Qianchen flew up with a "huo" and went in the direction of Xichang City.

Du Hong, Tan Zuo and Yin Luoluo ran towards the front mountain.

The front mountain was still in chaos, most of the buildings were destroyed, and there were sounds of fighting and abuse everywhere.

At first glance, the monsters are suffering, not because the Black Bear King's men are not strong, but because the Black Bear King is being beaten by Yuan Tianpeng, his whole body is covered in blood and scars. It belongs to the situation of being unilaterally hammered by Longhu Mountain.

Ma Qianli was also beaten by Wen Ji and suffered a lot of injuries. Du Hong immediately went up to help when he saw this.

While setting fire to stop Wen Ji, Du Hong said, "Master Maling, thank you, you should all withdraw first!"

Ma Qianli said, "Is everything done?"

Du Hong said, "It's done!"

"Okay, everyone withdraw!" Ma Qianli shouted at the demon group, and then went to help the Black Bear King's formation.

Ma Qianli had wanted to help the Black Bear King for a long time, but Naihe had been entangled by Wen Ji, and now he finally had a chance. But as soon as he ran over, he was slashed by Yuan Tianpeng and flew out.

"Master Maling!" Upon seeing this, Du Hong rushed up immediately, and Tan Zuo and Yin Luoluo also came to help.

Yuan Tianpeng said angrily, "All of you are from a famous family, and you are a monster slayer from all over the world. You actually mix with monsters. Are you worthy of your master and sect?"

Du Hong said loudly: "What's wrong with us mixing with monsters, monsters aren't all bad! Besides, how are you? I won't talk about the illegitimate child. Everyone has emotions and desires, so I won't scold you for this for now! But your son is the murderer who killed Zhou Ruoxue, in order to protect him, he did not hesitate to ignore his relatives, juniors, and juniors. With a head like you, can you be worthy of your own master and sect?"

Du Hong explained the whole incident in a few words, which attracted all the disciples from Longhushan on the scene to look at him in amazement.

"Bullshit, **** mouth!" Yuan Tianpeng blushed with an old face, and his subordinates were even more merciless, stabbing a few people with a "swoosh".

However, he had a fierce battle with the Black Bear King before. Although he had the upper hand in general, the Black Bear King was beaten to the point of being unable to get up, and he also suffered a lot of injuries. Du Hong, Tan Zuo and Yin Luoluo took advantage of the situation and forced Yuan Tianpeng to retreat step by step.

However, Du Hong and the others did not plan what to do to him. Yuan Xiaolie had already been arrested, so it was enough to cover the Black Bear King and the others to escape.

So Du Hong shouted loudly, "King Black Bear, Lord Maling, you all go first!"

Ma Qianli blew a whistle, and two big birds swooped down from the sky, one carried him and the other the Black Bear King, and they were about to leave immediately.

Yuan Tianpeng said angrily, "No one can leave today!"

Yuan Tianpeng didn't know how much Du Hong and others knew. He was also angry that these monsters dared to invade Longhu Mountain. He immediately became murderous and decided to kill all of them. He put his finger in his mouth and blew it. A loud whistle.

At the same time, there was a rumbling sound from the back of the mountain, and it seemed that something rushed out.

Then, there was another sound of "huhuhu" in the sky, and it was actually the evil flood dragon hiding in Zhenlongtan that flew over! Until then, Du Hong and others saw its complete body, at least nearly 100 meters long, as thick as a big tree surrounded by several people.

Including the disciples of Longhu Mountain, it was the first time that they saw this evil dragon, and they all widened their eyes, extremely incredible.

The Black Bear King was bruised, laying on top of a big bird, and said solemnly, "Withdraw! All withdraw!"

A group of monsters were inexplicably frightened and rushed down the mountain one after the other.

Yuan Tianpeng pointed at the Black Bear King and Du Hong and said, "Kill them all for me!"

Evil Jiao grinned and swooped towards the crowd that Yuan Tianpeng was pointing at.

"What do you want to do?!" At this moment, Tan Zuo's sharp voice sounded in the crowd.

The Evil Flood Dragon took a closer look, and finally found Tan Zuo, he didn't dare to move immediately, his huge body was suspended in the air, and he even shivered a little.

"Who asked you to come out, go back to me!" Tan Zuo pointed at it and cursed.

The evil dragon turned and flew backwards.

"What the hell?!" Yuan Tianpeng was surprised, unable to understand what was going on, and shouted, "Come back! Come back to me! Do you hear me? I'll let you come back!"

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