Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 632: Dad, stop

Yuan Tianpeng is crazy, absolutely crazy!

This is everyone's inner roar, in order to cover up Yuan Xiaolie's crime, he actually did such a terrifying thing! The dark clouds were rolling, the wind was blowing, the sword was on the top, and the people were on the bottom.

People who have no cultivation base can also feel the strong killing intent raging.

It's too late to run. The "Thunderbolt Technique" uses the body as a guide, and can turn dozens of miles into scorched earth. No one at the scene can have such a fast speed, not to mention a large number of ordinary people who have not cultivated.

Without any hesitation, Wang Qianchen, Du Hong, Tan Zuo, Yin Luoluo, and Mr. Honglou rushed towards Yuan Tianpeng, using various means to try to prevent him from continuing to cast spells. Unfortunately, they failed without exception, and no one could approach him at all. Half an inch around him was shaken back. Yin Luoluo's hair was also scorched by lightning. Only the bricks passed through the layers of the grid smoothly and rushed to Yuan Tianpeng unscathed, facing his head fiercely. shoot.

"Clap clap-"

The slabs were indeed hard enough, and Yuan Tianpeng's white-haired head was smashed out of blood in a few strokes.

"Hahaha, good blood!" Brick was so excited that he sucked.

"What the **** is going on!" Wang Qianchen roared angrily.

Even if Yuan Tianpeng's "Lightning Suppression Technique" was successfully used, it would turn into scorched earth within a radius of dozens of miles, and the bricks would be unscathed, so it really didn't matter. But thinking that Wang Qianchen would also die, he still gritted his teeth and continued to smash it. Unfortunately, it was hard, and it was impossible to stop Yuan Tianpeng from casting spells in a short time, or cause Yuan Tianpeng to be seriously injured and killed.

Liu Zhengqi and the others didn't run either. They pulled out their guns and shot at Yuan Tianpeng. Unfortunately, the bullets were shaken into ashes by lightning before they approached.

Everyone watched as the sky was getting darker and the wind was getting stronger and stronger, as if some world-ending catastrophe was about to come. At this moment, a sudden "hoo" sound was heard, Yuan Tianpeng's whisk actually flew back, Yuan Xiaolie sat on the whisk and cried, "Dad, stop, don't do this! I surrendered, I Accept legal sanctions..."

Yuan Tianpeng's whisk is an auxiliary spiritual weapon, and its function is to fly. Before, he let the whisk carry Yuan Xiaolie away, just to let his son avoid the thunderbolt technique that he was about to perform.

But Yuan Xiaolie actually came back. He is in the rock realm, and theoretically, he has no ability to control this whisk!

But Yuan Tianpeng didn't have time to think so much, so he roared, "What are you doing here? Go!" He immediately wanted to control the whisk to fly away.

"No! I'm not leaving!" Yuan Xiaolie cried, tears streaming down: "Dad, stop, really stop..."

Of course, Yuan Xiaolie didn't find out in his conscience that how many people died had nothing to do with him, but when he thought that his father would also die because of this, his heart felt as uncomfortable as a knife. From childhood to adulthood, his character has been very rebellious and extreme, but he knows in his heart that his father treats him very well. Although this white-haired old man can get angry and occasionally irritable, he will whip him with a whip, but he knows that love No matter what serious mistakes he made, his father would shield him from the wind and rain.

The head of the dignified Dragon Tiger Mountain, there is nothing that his father can't do!

This is also the reason why Yuan Xiaolie became more arrogant and unscrupulous.

But this time, he watched his father become more and more powerless, and was forced to have no way out by several juniors and a group of monsters. Now, in order to cover up his crimes, he did not hesitate to use the terrifying Taoist art of sacrificing one's body to the sword, such as the Thunderbolt Art. !

If Yuan Xiaolie still has a little bit of conscience, then this conscience is only left to Yuan Tianpeng!

He would rather die himself than let his father die!

When Fuchen first flew away, Yuan Xiaolie saw that the sky and the earth were changing color and the dark clouds were rolling, and he knew what his father was going to do. Recalling how good his father had been to him, he was crying and roaring, just about to become a bird or something. He flew back, and Fuchen took him back.

Yes, it was Fuchen that came back by himself, maybe it sensed something.

Unfortunately, Yuan Xiaolie's cry did not move Yuan Tianpeng, but made him more determined to send his son away.

"Let me go!"

Yuan Tianpeng roared, and just when he was about to send his son away and continue to manipulate the "Thunderbolt Technique", the abnormality resurfaced.

Just as the thunder and lightning between Yuan Tianpeng and the sword became more and more intense, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky, holding a black demon slashing knife, and slashed towards the thunder and lightning lightly.

It was just that lightly slashed, as if without any strength, that lightning bolt that no one could do anything about, seemed to have the power to destroy the world, and made everyone feel terrified and infiltrated, was cut off inexplicably.

The "Thunderbolt Technique" was interrupted as a result, Yuan Tianpeng and the sword returned to normal, and the gloom and gloom between heaven and earth gradually receded.

Everyone looked up and saw a middle-aged man standing in the air.

He has thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a dignified appearance, with an aura that is not angry and arrogant, very much like Qiao Feng in the old version of "Dragon Babu".

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