Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 635: turn yourself in

Sanqingshan, in a cave.

Ouyang Ping, Bai Feiyang, and two other young people sat on the ground. They were surrounded by a bonfire, and a few rabbits were roasting on the fire, and they were sizzling with oil.

At this moment, a young man hurried in and said, "The case is solved, the real culprit is Yuan Xiaolie..."

When Ouyang Ping first started preparing for the robbery, he got the approval of all the demon slayer team members. Everyone knew that Bai Feiyang was innocent, so he couldn't just watch him get shot.

But Ouyang Ping definitely didn't want to drag all the team members into the water. After carefully analyzing the strength of on-site supervision, he carefully selected three team members to act with him, and finally successfully robbed Bai Feiyang.

After several people fled to the mountains, one of the team members went to inquire about the news.

This team member is called Wuzi, who is usually in charge of the investigation work, and this time, he has inquired about the information in more detail.

After learning the real murderer, everyone was naturally shocked, and the most surprised must be Bai Feiyang. He always thought that the real murderer was Lord Baibian, but he didn't expect Yuan Xiaolie to pop up in the end. This Yuan Xiaolie was actually Yuan Tianpeng's illegitimate son!

For a time, Bai Feiyang had mixed feelings, and various complex emotions gathered in his heart.

First, he was disappointed with Yuan Tianpeng. This is his own senior brother. He usually takes good care of him, but in the end he wants to push him into the fire pit!

It is true that a 70-year-old man seems to be excusable for doing such a thing for his son, but it is definitely not the victim's turn to forgive Bai Feiyang.

The second is to be grateful to Wang Qianchen, Du Hong and others. The news brought by the five sons is very informative. Bai Feiyang knew what they had done, and even made a scene in Longhu Mountain, and then almost disappeared in the execution ground...

In fact, during the training camp, Bai Feiyang only regarded Du Hong as a friend. Even if he helped Wang Qianchen, it was for Du Hong's face. This time, Wang Qianchen and others almost died in Longhu Mountain and the execution ground for him, how could he not be touched?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a few friends in life!

The third is that Ouyang Ping and others are wanted.

No matter at any time or in any dynasty, robbing the court is a serious crime, there is no doubt about this, even if Bai Feiyang is wronged, it will not be the turn of others to do it in private!

Ouyang Ping said solemnly, "Let's turn ourselves in, maybe we can take it lightly."

The fifth son shook his head: "Captain Ouyang, it's not much lighter, and he would have to go to prison for seven or eight years anyway."

Seven or eight years!

How many seven or eight years are there in life?

According to their initial thoughts, after they rescued Bai Feiyang, they would wander around the world, act as a chivalrous person, and kill monsters or villains. But this is based on the fact that Bai Feiyang does not have Zhaoxue, and now the real murderer has been arrested. If he turns himself in, at least Bai Feiyang is fine, because he is the one who was robbed.

Bai Feiyang said, "I don't want to turn myself in either. I'm fine, but you guys are going to jail. Can I feel better? Captain Ouyang, let's just follow the original plan."

Ouyang Ping didn't speak, he didn't know what he was thinking.

The dry wood in the bonfire crackled, and the flames flickered on Ouyang Ping's face.

I don't know how long it took, Ouyang Ping said indifferently: "Before robbing the court, it was because we knew that Xiaobai was innocent and had a clear conscience for doing this; but since he's already clear, we still know the law and break the law by running, and I've eaten it for a lifetime. Imperial grain, the country has given me a lot... I can't do it, so I want to surrender! You can leave, don't worry about me."

"Captain Ouyang, if you want to surrender, then I'll go back with you too!"

"Yes, let's go back together!"

The crowd was excited, but footsteps could be heard outside the cave.

"Who?" Ouyang Ping was taken aback, and he suddenly pulled out the Demon Slayer Sword, and everyone else got ready to fight.

"Me." A figure walked in and looked at them calmly.

"Commander Song?!" Everyone was extremely shocked.

The person who came in was Song Cepeng.

"Sit." Song Cepeng waved at them and took the lead to sit by the bonfire.

All of you look at me, I look at you, and sit down.

"The rabbit is well-baked!" Song Epee smiled, took the initiative to leave a rabbit leg, and chewed it, his mouth was full of oil.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally Ouyang Ping asked cautiously, "Song... Commander Song, how did you find this place?"

Song Chongjian spat out a piece of bone residue and said, "I've been eyeing you for a long time, and a tracking talisman was glued to Xiaobai."

"Ah?" Bai Feiyang looked surprised, and hurriedly searched for himself, and finally found a yellow talisman from his close-fitting clothes.

Also an excellent tracker that lasts up to a week!

"Wh...when..." Bai Feiyang was stunned, he couldn't remember when Song Cepeng approached him.

"Hehe..." Song Cepeng smiled mysteriously and did not continue to explain.

Of course, there is no point in pursuing this. Song Cepeng is the commander-in-chief of [Monster Slayer], and he is also one of the seven powerhouses in Daxia. Can anyone see through his actions?

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