Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 640: absurd father and son

Wang Qianchen has come to apologize in person, so what's the point of arranging a banquet?

Of course, Ding Songran agreed. After the two sides agreed, they separated temporarily and planned to contact them again tomorrow.

Du Hong and others returned to the hotel to meet Wang Qianchen, and Ding Songran also returned home.

Although he is a member of the Shangjing City Demon Slayer Team, he does not live in the base area and usually returns home. When he got home, his alcoholism hadn't receded, and he walked unsteadily in the yard.

Ding's family is of course huge, and the yard is also very large, with pavilions, pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, and a pond with fish.

Ding Songran walked over a stone bridge and was about to go to his room when he saw a group of people walking across.

"Patriarch Ding, thank you for your hospitality!"

"Sect Master Ge, don't be polite to me. You finally came to Beijing, right?"

"Master Pan, Master Cui, Master Yu... Thank you for your company too!"

"Sect Master Ge is polite..."

A series of conversations came, and Ding Songran took a closer look, and saw that walking at the front was his father, the head of the Ding family, Ding Jianjun, who was also one of the "Eight Great Mountain People" at the top of [Monster Slayer].

Walking beside him were Ge Ye, the head of Mount Qingcheng, and some land gods in the surrounding areas of Shangjing City.

Ding Songran walked over quickly and said hello to these seniors respectively.

Ding Songran did nothing wrong, and his attitude was respectful, but after all, he drank too much, and he didn't think about expelling the wine, so his tongue seemed a little big, and his body was crooked, looking very unsightly.

In front of Ge Ye and several land gods, Ding Jianjun felt very embarrassed, and of course scolded: "How can you drink like this!"

But Ding Songran is also a big boss, and he is still the vice-captain of the Shangjing Demon Slayer Team. In front of Ge Ye and a few land gods, he also felt very shameless, so he bit his head and said, "What's wrong with me drinking some wine?"

In normal times, he would definitely not dare to talk to his father like this, so although wine can bring joy, it has also caused many disasters since ancient times.

Both father and son felt that they had lost face in front of the guests, and the smell of gunpowder between their conversations naturally became stronger and stronger.

Ding Jianjun said angrily: "It's okay to drink, but don't drink like this, it seems that you have no self-control at all, you represent the Ding family outside!"

Ding Songran said, "Have you ever been drunk like this? You haven't set an example, why do you say that to me?"

Ding Jianjun was finally furious, and slapped Ding Songran's face with a slap in the face: "You dare to talk to me like that? You are so capable, and you were able to have your heart of the blue ocean taken away, and begged me to give it to you. return?"

When the training camp was completed, Song Chongjian, Siyao, and Bada Shanren all arrived. Ding Songran accidentally discovered that his heart of the blue ocean was in Wang Qianchen, but he couldn't beat him, so he had to go to his father for help, but Ding Jianjun refused. , instead scolded him severely.

Ding Jianjun is bringing up old things again now, because Ding Songran has been very smooth from childhood to adulthood. He has talent, strength, and connections, and he has done such a shameful thing.

Since the father and son began to quarrel, Ding Jianjun would definitely poke at the most uncomfortable part of his heart.

Ding Songran was trembling with anger, and said, "What happened to Wang Qianchen who stole my heart of the blue ocean? He called me just now and said he wanted to apologize to me, and he would send it to me tomorrow!"

Ding Jianjun said: "Listen to your bragging! It's been so long, but now they apologize to you?"

Ding Songran said, "I'm going to take back the heart of the blue ocean tomorrow, what's wrong with you?"

Ding Jianjun also charged with anger: "What happened to me? Can I be your son?"

Ding Songran said, "Okay, that's it!"

In fact, this evening, not only Ding Songran drank, but Ding Jianjun also drank, so that's why he got into trouble. Since ancient times, there have been no fathers and sons who do not quarrel. Love is definitely love, but it is quite common to beat each other in a hurry.

Seeing that the father and son were talking more and more absurdly, Ge Ye and several earth gods hurriedly stopped them, including the Ding family, who also came out to make peace. The irritable father and son were pulled away and went back to their rooms.

Ge Ye and several land gods were also dumbfounded and left the Ding family separately.

Ge Ye left Ding's house and walked for ten minutes before arriving at the door of a large hotel.

This is his temporary residence in Shangjing City.

Back in the room, several guardians of Qingcheng Mountain gathered around and reported their situation and news to him.

"Master Ge, there is no trace of 'Ghost Hand He Jun'."

"I looked around, but I didn't find it."

"That guy may have left!"

After Qingcheng Mountain was humiliated and humiliated at his doorstep, Ge Ye organized his disciples into many teams and killed the [Tianqi] people everywhere. A week ago, Ge Ye inadvertently got news of He Jun and learned that this person seemed to be coming to Beijing, so he also rushed over to track down his whereabouts.

If there is a hatred list in Ge Ye's heart, Chen Wanhe will definitely be ranked first, followed by He Jun and Wang Qianchen. After all, they are the root of everything.

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