Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 659: brutal He Jun

He Jun has changed.

No longer obedient and cautious, he is now full of self-confidence, and even a little arrogant in his gestures.

This is nothing in the first place. People will change. Because of different experiences and different encounters, they will be affected more or less. In particular, he stayed in [Tianqi] all year round. This organization is full of vicious guys, and he mixes with criminals who have no moral bottom line every day. Can it remain unchanged?

The old saying has been said for a long time, those who are close to Zhu are red, those who are close to ink are black!

But Wang Qianchen always felt that no matter how He Jun changed, his kindness should not change. The previous exchanges can also prove this point, and he still attaches great importance to feelings and loyalty.

But seeing He Jun's ruthless hand against Qu Da, Wang Qianchen felt extremely uncomfortable.

It wasn't because Wang Qianchen's Notre Dame disease had an attack, but even if Qu Da died, it had nothing to do with him. But he clearly remembered that when they were in Jinling City, the Qu family brothers started to protect He Juncai and the people from Qingcheng Mountain, and Qu Er was killed by Guo Zizhen in that battle.

In theory, He Jun should remember this kindness, even if he doesn't repay it, he won't be so righteous, right?

Even Captain Eagle couldn't stand it anymore, and said in a deep voice, "He Jun, I don't want to fight with you, it doesn't mean I'm not your opponent!"

He Jun sneered and said, "Really, then let go of your hands and feet and give it a try!"

Captain Eagle was silent for a while, avoiding the topic directly, and said, "This Wang Qianchen arranged the monster slayer to be nearby, indicating that he already knew we were here, shouldn't we kill it?"

He Jun asked back, "Knowing that I'm going to kill you here? This isn't the first time the Monster Slayer has come to you!"

Captain Eagle said: "Before, we should hide and try not to scare the snakes. But this time is different. He is coming for you. He told Qu Da that he is your friend and wants to meet you because he clearly wants to find us. where……"

He Jun suddenly looked at Qu Da: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Qu Da opened his mouth slightly, unable to utter a word. Facing He Jun's stern gaze, cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"I didn't let him say it." Captain Ying took the initiative to grab him and said, "I think it's a bit strange, I'm worried that this operation will be exposed... You also know how much Commander Chen values ​​this matter! So Qu Daxian and I Come and take a look, I found that this Wang Qianchen has bad intentions..."

"Impossible!" He Jun interrupted him directly.

"What's impossible?" Captain Eagle frowned.

"Since Wang Qianchen is looking for me, it is impossible for him to have bad intentions." He Jun said calmly.

"Have you made a mistake, he is a monster slayer!" Captain Eagle seemed a little angry.

"It's true that he is a monster slayer, but he is also my friend." He Jun said word by word, "I know him, and he will not harm me."

Captain Eagle said angrily: "He Jun, can you stop being self-motivated? You know how important this operation is! If something goes wrong, can you take responsibility?"

He Jun said without hesitation: "Of course, if there is a problem, I will take care of it! Commander Chen, I will explain it!"

"It's a mess, I won't tell you, I must kill him!" Captain Eagle suddenly flapped his wings, the sound of "huhu" sounded, and the dense spikes around him flew out.

However, at the same time, the sound of "Boom Rumble" sounded again, and the surrounding hillsides were like an earthquake. This time, it was no longer a small branch, but one thick trunk after another was uprooted, "Huhuhu" The ground flew in the direction of Captain Eagle, blocking his way up, down, left and right.

"Captain Eagle, if you insist on fighting, then I will definitely accompany you!" He Jun looked gloomy.

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Wang Qianchen didn't hesitate, holding the Demon Slayer Sword and quickly flew into the air. Solanum nigrum and others have gone far, and he has no worries!

Qu Da fell to the ground with serious injuries and was temporarily unable to get up.

In other words, Captain Eagle will fight against two!

Captain Eagle gritted his teeth and said, "He Jun, do you know what you are doing? He will not let you go if you delay Commander Chen's important affairs!"

He Jun said, "Commander Chen on the left and Commander Chen on the right. Isn't that just because I'm afraid that something will go wrong and it will involve you? Okay, let's call Commander Chen at the head office?"

He Jun took out his mobile phone and called Chen Wanhe in front of Captain Ying.

Wang Qianchen noticed that He Jun had changed his mobile phone, no wonder the previous number couldn't get through.

When Captain Eagle saw this, he naturally waited.

After dialing the phone, He Jun explained the current situation, and then said: "Don't worry, Commander Chen, I will guarantee with my life that Wang Qianchen will be fine... I know it's very important, and I won't tell him... If something goes wrong, I'll be in charge... well, well, that's it."

He Jun waved his hand to let all the big trees return to their original positions, and then threw the phone at Captain Eagle standing in the air.

"...Okay, I see." Captain Ying communicated with Chen Wanhe, and then threw the phone back to He Jun.

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