Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 671: The power of faith

They all looked towards the mountain, and found that the statue of Emperor Yan, which had been standing on the top of the mountain for a long time, had actually moved, and was fighting with another ugly guy of the same size!

This scene is too scary and terrifying. Many people are dumbfounded, and some people take out their mobile phones and try to shoot, but for some reason, it seems that they are suppressed by some mysterious force, and all digital products that can be photographed and recorded are invalid.

Although the huge Yan Emperor Statue and the giant Bart had not fought each other for a few rounds, everyone could see that the Yan Emperor Statue seemed to be unable to hold on.

As long as the people of Daxia see this scene, it is impossible to remain unmoved. Who did not grow up listening to the story of Emperor Yan, and who did not grow up in the brilliance of Emperor Yan?

They don't know who that ugly monster is, but instinctively hope that Emperor Yan can win!

There is no need for extra words to incite and inspire people, everyone is naturally on the side of Emperor Yan.

Therefore, when they heard the image of Emperor Yan say, "Please close your eyes and recite my name in your heart", everyone did not hesitate and immediately followed his words. Those who were driving stopped and those who were going to work stopped. Work, put down their books while going to school, everyone closed their eyes and meditated on that great, respected and beloved name that has been passed down in the long history of Daxia for thousands of years and is still enduring.

Yan Emperor!

Solanum nigrum, Zhong Xin and others who were running towards Laodingshan also stopped, closed their eyes with everyone, and recited the name silently.

On the old mountain.

Wang Qianchen did the same.

Paths of faint white light that were difficult to see with the naked eye gathered in one place over the entire Luzhou City, and quickly moved towards the huge statue of Emperor Yan.

"You're crazy, you're going to die with me!" The giant Bart stepped back a few steps, his eyes flashing with surprise.

"Are you surprised?" The huge statue of Emperor Yan was holding wheat ears, and his divine power gradually became abundant, his eyes became more and more energetic, and his body was full of power.

"For them, is it worth it?!" The giant Bart gritted his teeth.

"It is my duty to protect my people." Emperor Yan looked like a wheat ear in his hand, emitting a dazzling light.


the other side.

Qu Da and He Jun, one after the other, ran out of Luzhou City and headed for the deeper Taihang Mountains.

Qu Da held the Sword of Immortal Slaying, and from time to time he turned his head and slashed a powerful sword.

"Don't follow me, I don't want to kill you!" Qu Da stood somewhere on the hillside and glared at He Jun fiercely.

"You put down the Sword of Immortal Slaying, and I'll let you go!" He Jun's hands continued to emit white light, but every time he used his ability, he would suffer a backlash. No matter how skilled he was, this law could never escape.

Before Qu Da could speak, He Jun's cell phone suddenly rang.

It was from Chen Wanhe.

He Jun answered the phone while staring at Qu Da.

"Have you dug anything?" Chen Wanhe asked.

"It was dug up, but something unexpected happened..." He Jun explained the previous situation.

"..." Chen Wanhe was silent for a while and said, "I can't get through, can you handle it?"

"Yes!" He Jun agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news... If you can't get back the Immortal Slaying Sword, don't come back either!" Chen Wanhe, who has always valued He Jun, was rarely angry.

He Jun wanted to say something to express his determination, but the phone had already heard a "beep" sound of lack of power.

The battery of his mobile phone is already very durable, but after so many days in the mountains, there is no place to charge it.

Seeing that it was about to be turned off, He Jun had to retract his pocket and sighed softly, he knew how good Chen Wanhe was to him.

The Immortal Slaying Sword must also be taken back.

He Jun raised his head and said, "Da Qu, you saved my life, I always remember this... You put down the Sword of Immortal Slaying and let's go, I won't chase you."

"Don't mention the life-saving or not. You saved me once in the cave before, and it was already even! He Jun, I have the Sword of Immortal Slaying, you are not my opponent, you should go!" Qu Da said loudly.

"That's nothing to talk about..." He Jun slowly raised his hands, the white light dazzling.

Ghost hand, He Jun!

Qu Da knew how terrifying his hands were, and immediately ran towards the depths of Taihang Mountain without any hesitation.


Countless big trees were uprooted, forming a terrifying tree network in the air, and roaring towards Qu Da in unison.

Qu Da waved the Immortal Slaying Sword in his hand, and a fierce battle was unavoidable.


Luzhou City, City God Temple.

"Emperor Yan, his old man is going to use the power of faith!" Zhou Junxian said in a deep voice, looking in the direction of Laodingshan from afar.

"It seems that the situation is really critical..." Sister Yang also looked solemn.

The so-called power of faith is above the power of gods, a more powerful power that is enough to destroy the sky and destroy the earth, behead gods and kill Buddhas. This power comes from his own believers. The more people believe in him and the more people meditate on his name, the stronger this power will be.

However, it can only be used once in a lifetime.

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