Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 686: The night is deep, the moon is bright

In the wet and cold cave, although covered with straw, on the stone bed that was still cold, lay a half-human, half-eagle monster. Hearing the incredible roar of the Black Bear King, the Golden Eagle King yawned and sat up slowly: "You're back..."

Before he could finish speaking, the Black Bear King hurried forward, stretched out his arms and hugged him.

King Golden Eagle: "...grass."

The Black Bear King said excitedly, "Lao Jin, are you here to help me? I knew you would come!"

King Golden Eagle said: "You misunderstood, I..."

The Black Bear King said: "You don't need to explain, I know that you are hot on the outside and hot on the inside. On the surface, you don't want to be friends with me, but in fact, you put me in a very important position! Maoshan, you help me; Sanqingshan, you also help me; This time, you have traveled thousands of miles to Gongga Snow Mountain, and even an idiot can see your intentions! Lao Jin, thank you for your kindness, but you really don’t need it, as I said, I want to **** him alone!”

The Golden Eagle King said, "You really misunderstood!"

"Lao Jin, you're so kind, I'm so touched! I can't repay you, so I'll give you a kiss!"

"Fuck you, get out!"

Seeing that the big mouth of the Black Bear King was about to come closer and exhaled a stench, the Golden Eagle King finally couldn't bear it any longer, and kicked the Black Bear King away with a ruthless kick.

"I'm not here to help you!" The Golden Eagle King suddenly stood up: "I'm here to ask you for help!"


Five minutes later, the Black Bear King finally figured out the cause and effect.

The Black Bear King asked people to boil water, brewed two cups of tea, and said quietly: "On this condition, you don't mind, it's definitely not as good as at home." Then he said solemnly: "During Qingcheng Mountain? Lao Jin, yours You are too courageous, you are tantamount to courting death!"

King Golden Eagle took a sip of tea, feeling bitter and astringent, spit it out, and said, "You who fought Maoshan and Longhushan actually said that I was too daring, are you embarrassed?"

The Black Bear King smiled "hehe" and said, "I'm really not afraid of death! Lao Jin, if you want to hit Qingcheng Mountain, no problem, I'll definitely help you, but I'm injured and have to rest for a few days."

King Golden Eagle originally wanted to say not to be called Lao Jin, but when he thought of what he wanted from the other party, he suppressed his dissatisfaction, nodded and said, "It's okay, it will take a few days for my two mountain lords to come here."

Next, the two demon kings sat cross-legged on the bed, smashed peanuts, drank small wine, chatted for a while, and talked about the White Tiger King, the Black Bear King was still angry, saying that the guy was too cowardly and too cunning , never fought to the end.

King Golden Eagle said: "It's okay, when the Qingcheng Mountain thing is over, I will help you to do him together."

The Black Bear King said, "No need, if you say you'll do it alone, you'll do it alone!"


Hui Province, Qianrenling.

Wang Qianchen received news from the Golden Eagle King, but because it was too late, he could only leave tomorrow morning. After arranging all the monsters, he lay in the cave to rest, and until now he is still a little dizzy, and he can't believe that he is going to act with the monsters.

Outside the cave, most of the monsters have fallen asleep, and only a few are still guarding nearby.

The night is deep, the moon is bright, and the surroundings are silent.

A patrolling monster, yawning, walked deeper into the jungle.

"It's a hassle to change into a human form, you have to take off your pants to pee..." The monster muttered while untying his belt.

"Little tail! Little tail!" At this moment, a soft voice suddenly came.

The monster who is urinating is actually a dog's tail grass, so everyone calls him Little Tail.

Little Tail was stunned for a moment, and quickly looked towards the source of the sound, and saw a muscular woman with a black face hidden in the jungle, with several sleeping baby baboons hanging on her body, it was Fei Heizi's Mrs. Jane.

"Sister-in-law, why are you back?!" Xiao Tai was shocked.

"Shh—that new Inunling Master has good ears, so be careful if he hears it!" Xiaozhen waved at him.

"It's okay, he's asleep, and it's a long way from here!" Little Tail leaned over and asked again, "Sister-in-law, aren't you leaving?"

Xiaozhen lowered her voice, as if she was afraid of disturbing Wang Qianchen and waking up the child on her body: "I can't worry about Heizi, so come back and see... Do you know where he went?"

Little Tail shook his head: "King Eagle took him away, saying that he had other tasks to give him."

Xiaozhen asked anxiously, "What mission?"

"King Eagle and King Black Bear are going to attack Mount Qingcheng! Maybe it has something to do with this, I don't know too well! Sister-in-law, Lord Fei Ling asked you to go, you can go, it should be for your own good! Wait for him. It's not too late to come back again." Xiao Tai suggested earnestly.

"Okay, I see, thank you Little Tail, don't tell anyone I've been here!" Xiao Zhen's face was calm.

"Okay, sister-in-law, walk slowly!" Little Tail exited the jungle and returned to his post.

Xiaozhen turned around and ran for more than ten miles when tears suddenly streamed down her cheeks.

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