Urban Demon Slayer

: lax supervision

Bai Bianjun really doesn't treat a few people as outsiders, and he doesn't say anything. It was like this before, and it is still like this now.

Ma Qianli kindly reminded: "Kill the richest man? Beware of the local demon slayer!"

Bai Bianjun glanced at his mouth and said: "I am the captain of [Tianqi], and several of my members are also in the wall. What can the demon slayers in Jiangyan City do to me?"

Jiangyan City, like Luzhou City, is a fourth-tier small city, and it is true that it can't help the Variety King of the Peak.

Ma Qianli said: "Then do whatever you want. Anyway, be careful."

As a demon slayer, Wang Qianchen felt like sitting on pins and needles when he heard such words. He would be ashamed of his profession, and even more sorry for his oath at the closing ceremony of the training camp. Don't bother.

But if you want to pit Bai Bianjun again, you can't bear it.

——What has Baibianjun been trapped by him!

In the dilemma, Wang Qianchen happened to overhear the chat in the private room next door, and he said exactly what happened to the richest man in the area. It turned out that he bullied men and women, and did all kinds of evil. So it seems that Lord Baibian is acting for heaven, and his heart is a little relieved. He breathed a sigh of relief, and finally had a legitimate reason to stay out of it.

Bai Bianjun asked a few more people: "What are you doing here?"

Ma Qianli said with a smile: "We are just passing by."

No matter how good the relationship is, some things can’t be said nonsense. Naturally, Bai Bianjun didn’t ask more. Several people chatted for a while, and each left their contact information. After an appointment, they met for a drink, and then they dispersed.

Seeing Baibianjun was just a small episode, no one took it seriously, Wang Qianchen, Lang Baibai, and Ma Qianli continued to move forward, and soon came to the foot of Qingcheng Mountain.

There are not many monsters here, only one or two out of ten, but they are not taken lightly. Everyone is used to being monsters, and they are cautious wherever they go, so they are all lurking well.

The golden eagle king and the black bear king naturally arrived long ago. The two demon kings stood under a certain tree chatting, not knowing what they were conspiring. Several ridge masters went over to greet him, and the golden eagle king nodded and said, "Take a rest, when everyone is here, let's attack Qingcheng Mountain immediately."

For this day, Wang Qianchen has been waiting for a long time. Since Mr. Honglou was killed, he has always wanted to take revenge, and even dreamed of cutting Ge Ye's head.

He was about to attack Mount Qingcheng soon. It wasn't that he wasn't excited, but he always felt that it was not right, and he always felt that he didn't fully understand the opponent.

Wang Qianchen finally bit his head and said, "King Carved..."

The Golden Eagle King looked at him: "What's wrong?"

Wang Qianchen exhaled and said, "Do we have specific tactics?"

The Golden Eagle King said: "With me and the Black Bear King here, what tactics do you need? Just attack directly."


The reason why monsters have been crushed to death by humans for thousands of years is because they have no brains, or there are too few monsters who are willing to use their brains.

Wang Qianchen pondered for a while and said: "King Eagle, I will be invisible, and I will change, why don't I go up the mountain to see the situation first?"

The Golden Eagle King nodded and said, "Yes, then you can go."

Wang Qianchen immediately used the technique of invisibility and quickly escaped up the mountain. Although there were restrictions outside the mountain gate, it would definitely not be difficult for him. After sneaking into the mountain gate, Wang Qianchen looked left and right, and saw that Qingcheng Mountain was heavily guarded inside and outside, and many disciples were already ready for battle, all holding swords in their hands, either hiding in the corner tower, or hiding under the eaves, or shrinking in. In the grass in the courtyard.

Obviously, they already knew that someone was going to attack the mountain!

Wang Qianchen was not in a hurry to go down the mountain to tell the Golden Eagle King and the Black Bear King, because according to his judgment, if Qingcheng Mountain knew of their plan, it was impossible to make only these preparations, and there should be other backups.

So he went around in and out again, and even went to overhear Ge Ye and some Dharma protectors and elders talking.

He didn't dare to get too close, for fear that Ge Ye would see the clues, but fortunately, his ear power was excellent, and he could hear clearly within a hundred meters.

Just listened to a Dharma guardian report: "The Golden Eagle King and the Black Bear King have both arrived, and it is estimated that they will be able to attack the mountain in the evening."

Ge Ye said: "Come on, I've been waiting for a few days, and I'll take them all in one pot, and then I'll be able to sleep well in the future."

Listening to this, they really know everything, and they are fully prepared. Wang Qianchen really wanted to know what preparations they had made, but Ge Ye didn't say anything, as if he had a plan and he was bound to get it, there was no need to waste time on this, and instead asked another elder: "Let you investigate He Jun, Is there any news?"

Hearing the words "He Jun", Wang Qianchen's ears perked up again.

The elder's surname was Tang, and he had a single name and one character. He was in charge of logistical work in Mount Qingcheng. When He Jun was a sweeper in the past, he was under his management.

Of course, He Jun had a humble status at that time, and was not qualified to have a direct conversation with Tang Gui, and there were many people in between.

But after what happened to He Jun, Ge Ye blamed Tang Gui, accusing him of poor discipline and lax supervision, and made him solely responsible for finding out He Jun's whereabouts.

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