Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 699: No help, you go first

"You really don't **** know, that's called Jiao, Jiao! Only two claws!" The Leopard King also looked up, with a surprised expression on his face.

"Almost, I feel like it's about to turn into a dragon!" The Black Bear King raised his head.

For monsters, especially monster kings like them, it's not uncommon to see any animals. There are also very special animals among the "monster kings", but the "dragon" has indeed not been seen for many years.

The evil flood dragon came so fast, no one knew its purpose, but felt that the sky was going to be covered by it, and the huge figure really made people shudder.

Even the queen ant raised her head and looked at this scene with some puzzlement.

As the evil dragon got closer, a figure stood up from the dragon's head.

"Son!" The Black Bear King shouted excitedly.

The figure standing on Jiao's head was Tan Zuo. He took a detour in the middle of the road, hurrying and hurrying, and finally arrived.

"Actually, I wanted to say it last time, but it's probably Tan Zuo's **** connections again! This kid is like the Son of Heaven's Chosen. It's not over until the plug-in is opened!" Du Hong, who was fighting with the White Tiger King, smacked his lips.

Tan Zuo stood on the head of the dragon, wearing a big yellow robe, dancing with the wind, the hem of his clothes was hunting, his left hand was on the hilt of the sword, his eyes were looking around, and he was observing the situation at the scene.

"Get this thing!" Wang Qianchen pointed at the ant queen and shouted. He asked Tan Zuo to call this evil Jiaojiao. Naturally, there would be no accident, and he made a decision on the spot.

As soon as Tan Zuo heard this, he immediately directed the Evil Flood Dragon to pounce on the Queen Ant.

Wang Qianchen looked up and saw that Ge Ye had already flown out of sight, so he sniffed his nose immediately, and used the [Royal Wind] technique to chase after him.

"Where are you going?" Tan Zuo asked loudly.

"Kill Ge Ye!" Wang Qianchen didn't look back.

"I'll go with you!" Tan Zuo jumped off the head of the dragon, followed by the wind of the Gangfeng Talisman.

The evil flood dragon went straight to the ant queen, and the two sacred beasts of Zhenshan, which were close to the top, fought on the spot. Stay far away.

"The Black Bear King, the White Tiger King is handed over to you, let's help Xiaochen!" Du Hong shouted, and Yin Luoluo also put on the Gangfeng Talisman and followed Wang Qianchen and Tan Zuo.

"No, why do you order me, you are not my son..." The Black Bear King scolded, but he waved his hand: "Go, go... That old man Ge Ye was seriously injured, so he shouldn't be your opponent. It's gone!"

Immediately, he rushed towards the White Tiger King.

"Aren't you going to fight me, come on!" The Black Bear King roared, standing on all fours with a body like electricity.

Seeing Ge Ye escape, and the queen ant was entangled by an evil dragon again, the White Tiger King knew that the situation was over, and he still had the heart to fight, so he turned to run, but was stopped by the Black Bear King, and the two demon kings fought together again.

If there is only Black Bear King alone, White Tiger King can run even if he can't beat him, but there are Lang Baibai and Ma Qianli at the scene. Even if these two Mountain Lords can't do much, there is always no problem in blocking White Tiger King's way.

As for the other disciples of Qingcheng Mountain, seeing that their masters had all run away, they naturally lost their fighting spirit and left in a hurry.

As the Black Bear King pressed the White Tiger King to the ground and beat him violently, the White Tiger King's subordinates also fled wildly. It was impossible for the monsters to talk about loyalty, even if they did, they were very few, and Kuangou was surrounded by the Black Bear King's subordinates.

The Huabao King hugged the seriously injured Golden Eagle King, turned his head to look around and said, "It should be fine, I won't help you!"

The black bear king said carelessly: "No need to help, you go first!"

The King of the Leopards picked up the King of the Golden Eagles, summoned his flying mount, and flew away quickly.

The Evil Flood Dragon and the Queen Ant are still fighting. The two monsters are at the peak of the mountain. In the fight, he was injured a little, and Wang Qianchen cut off one of his legs. Naturally, his fighting power was greatly reduced, and he was slapped by the evil Jiao's left and right claws and rolled around.

The leaders and disciples of Mount Qingcheng had already dispersed, and the queen ant had no motivation to fight, so she burrowed into the soil.

The Evil Flood Dragon can fly and swim in the water, but it can't burrow in the soil. He just cocked his head a few times to pretend, and turned his head to find that Tan Zuo was gone. He stayed there for a while before rushing again Go to the sky and fly in the direction of Longhu Mountain.

The speed of the Evil Flood was extremely fast, and it soon reached Longhu Mountain and plunged into Zhenlong Pond.

Yuan Tianpeng was still standing on the shore, shouting angrily like a grudge: "You still know how to come back?! Why did you listen to him, why?! Have you forgotten the promise you made to Longhu Mountain? You scumbag! Jiao!"

The Evil Flood Dragon swam around in the water, and was reprimanded until his face was red and his ears were dry, but he couldn't speak or explain.


On Mount Qingcheng, a war came to an end, and almost all the splendid and splendid halls in the past were razed to the ground.

The disciples of Mount Qingcheng scattered in a hurry, leaving only some monsters still lingering.

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