Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 707: Wanted

They even suspected that this girlfriend didn't exist at all, it was just a reason Wang Qianchen made up.

Du Hong pouted and said: "Xiao Chen, tell the truth, is there something wrong with your orientation? I always suspected that you and Wei Zihua were not in the right place. You see that the two of you were always inseparable before... Now that society is very open, we will not look at you differently."

Yin Luoluo, who was next to him, gritted his teeth and said, "You doubt him? I still think something is wrong with you!"

Tan Zuo said in confusion: "What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

Wang Qianchen didn't bother to talk about these things with them, and said directly: "Then it's settled, first go to Luoluo's house to avoid the limelight, see what the situation is, and then wait for Xiaowei to give me a dream."

Several people agreed.

Wang Qianchen said again: "In this way, you go first, I will go back to Luzhou City and burn Ge Ye's head in front of Mr. Honglou's grave."

Du Hong said in surprise: "You took out Ge Ye's head?"

Wang Qianchen said: "That's for sure, otherwise how can you explain it to Mr. Honglou?"

Du Hong said, "Let's go together!"

Wang Qianchen shook his head: "Farewell, I want to talk to Mr. Honglou alone."

Several people nodded and stopped insisting.

After the conversation, several people parted ways, Wang Qianchen flew to Luzhou City, and Du Hong and others went to southern Yunnan first.


Jiangnan, Nie family.

Song Cepeng came, Siyao came, and Bada Shanren came too.

A group of people surrounded Ge Ye without his head, and the charred corpse remained silent.

"Why...the trouble is so serious?" Siyao frowned slightly.

"I was in retreat, and it was too late when I came out!" The ancestor of the Nie family sighed, with Nie Rong and Nie Jiao standing on both sides of him.

Song Chongjian glanced at him and said nothing.

The ancestor of the Nie family was inexplicably guilty, as if Song Chongjian saw through something.

Siyao continued to explain the situation he had investigated: "Qingcheng Mountain was attacked, and the Golden Eagle King, Black Bear King, Hua Leopard King, and White Tiger King all appeared, but the White Tiger King seems to be standing on Qingcheng Mountain..."

After talking in a mess, Siyao said, "I don't care about the monsters for the time being, but Qingcheng Mountain suffered heavy casualties, and only 12 of them survived and escaped. I have already sent people to make their confessions, I believe it is very There will be results soon..."

At this moment, Siyao's cell phone rang.

After picking up the phone and hanging up again, Siyao said to Song Cepeng: "It's basically clear, the head of Ge once led the crowd to attack Wang Qianchen, cut off Wang Qianchen's head on the spot, and the monster that was with Wang Qianchen was a man named Mr. Honglou. Yes, it seems that it was his servant, who also died tragically on the spot... Later, for some unknown reason, Wang Qianchen actually came back to life, so what happened later."

After Song Chongjian heard this, he let out a long sigh and finally understood the cause and effect.

"I'll just say, he can't do such a thing for no reason..." Song Chongjian shook his head, as if not surprised at all.

"Since he's alive, he can tell us, what's the matter with the demon king who colluded with the [Wan Yaohui] to attack Mount Qingcheng?" A "mountain man" said dissatisfiedly. He was born in Qingcheng Mountain, and his relationship with Ge Ye or his apprentice brother was naturally very indignant.

"Do you think it's useful to tell us, are we going to deal with Ge Ye or punish Qingcheng Mountain?" Song Chongjian turned to look at him.

Xi Wu was stunned for a moment. He didn't quite understand the meaning of Song Cepeng's words. Why did he seem to be standing on Wang Qianchen's side?

But still bite the bullet and said: "He colluded with the demon king of the [Wan Yaohui], causing Qingcheng Mountain to almost be wiped out, so we can't just let it go, right?"

It really can't be counted as such.

Although Song Chongjian usually takes good care of Wang Qianchen, even if Wang Qianchen made any mistakes, he would try his best to help him cover it up, but this time the incident was too big, and the whole Monster Slaying World was full of uproar.

Song Chongjian said: "Catch, catch it if you need to, do a warrant, and start a search in the entire Daxia area!"

"Yes!" Si Yao responded.

Xi Wu, one of the "Eight Great Mountain People", immediately said: "Putuo Mountain and Maoshan Mountain will not harbor prisoners. They are likely to hide in Yin's house in southern Yunnan."

Song Chongjian nodded: "Strictly investigate the Yin family."

"Yes." Siyao agreed again.

Xi Wu added: "But I can't say for sure. I heard that Tan Zuo and Du Hong are highly regarded. Maybe they really dare to hide it... Well, I'll take someone to see it."

Song Cepeng made another "um".

The group immediately dispersed, Song Chongjian stared at the headless body of Ge Ye, as if thinking of something, but remained silent.


Luzhou City, Laoding Mountain.

In front of Mr. Honglou's grave, Wang Qianchen burned Ge Ye's head, the bricks danced happily in the air, and kept saying: "Honglou, rest in peace under the Jiuquan, hurry up and reincarnate, master and I will see you when the time comes. Buy you a bunch of collector's edition books!"

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