Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 718: fat head

Wang Qianchen continued: "Of course, I want to join [Tianqi], and I will not quit [Wan Yaohui], I just want to use the power of [Tianqi] to continue to fight [Monster Slayer]. Anyway, [Tianqi] is over there. I only know that I am a criminal wanted by the [Monster Slayer], but I don’t know that I am the Lingzhu of the [Wan Yaohui]! Brother Bai, can you help me recommend it?”

Bai Bianjun didn't speak, but turned to look at Lang Baibai, obviously asking for his opinion.

Lang Baibai asked, "Brother Dog, did you really decide to do this?"

Wang Qianchen nodded and said, "Yes!"

Lang Baibai said: "Old Bai, then you can help him, we monsters finally have such a high-spirited person, maybe they can really create history and miracles!"

At any time, Lang Baibai was always on Wang Qianchen's side.

Bai Bianjun was silent for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, I will give it a try, I don't know if it will work..."

Wang Qianchen said: "Brother Bai, thank you, but as long as you try, you will definitely be successful, because I just had a phone call with Chen Wanhe some time ago, and he strongly invited me to join [Tianqi], but I thought I could still be in [Zhan]. Demon] If you insist, you will refuse."

Bai Bianjun said with a smile: "Then there is no problem! In this way, you can settle down in Taiding first, and I will call you when I have news from there."

After this matter was settled, a few people continued to drink until the night, when several monsters left, Wang Qianchen found a local hotel to stay in a hotel that did not require an ID card.

On the other side, Lord Baibian cautiously circled around Taiding Town, making sure that no one was following him, and then slowly walked towards Mount Tai.

At night, the majestic Mount Tai is more like a ferocious and terrifying monster. Although a small part has been transformed into a scenic spot for people to visit, more places are deserted and inaccessible.

Mr. Variety first turned into a sparrow and flew for a while, then turned into an earthworm, a grasshopper, and a centipede one after another, quietly shuttled through the forest, and finally came to a dark bamboo forest.

Entering this bamboo forest, walking for about a few hundred meters, the eyes are suddenly enlightened, and an open space with hundreds of square meters appears.

This open space was not formed naturally, because the bamboo roots that were exposed on the ground could still be seen, which were obviously created by man-made cuts. In the center of this open space, there is a large pit with a length and width of about five meters. Several workers are working hard at the bottom of the pit. They are holding hoes, shovels and other objects and digging carefully, as if they are worried about breaking something. thing.

At the bottom of the pit and on the edge of the pit, there are several fully charged lights.

A fat man weighing more than 300 pounds stood by the pit, looking down, reminding the workers to slow down and tap lightly from time to time, obviously a supervisor.

If Wang Qianchen was here, he would definitely recognize this fat man—he was the super-captain of [Tian Qi], Fat Tou Tuo, and his strength was in the mountains. Before, at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, he used his huge body to trap Ge Ye.

The life experience of this fat head is not ordinary. He is from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Because he was fat since he was a child, he was often ridiculed and bullied by his classmates. The most serious one, he was beaten by more than a dozen teenagers in the toilet and poured his feces. And urine, and asked him what's the use of growing this fat?

In a fit of anger, Fat Tou Tuo suddenly awakened his ability and instantly grew into a mountain of flesh, filling the entire toilet and crushing the dozen or so teenagers to death.

——If he doesn’t do this, he will definitely be absorbed by the [Monster Slayer] with his abilities. After training and guidance, he will become an excellent Monster Slayer.

But as soon as he woke up, he killed more than a dozen people and became a notorious murderer. When he was arrested by the police, he accidentally killed a lot of people, basically completely insulated from [Monster Slayer].

Chen Wanhe was ordered to kill him.

Of course, Chen Wanhe at that time hadn't grown to the level he is today. He was just an ordinary monster slayer, but with his outstanding strength, he easily took down Fat Tou Tuo.

But after he learned about Fat Toutuo's story, he moved with compassion and let him go privately.

Later, as his status increased and his power became stronger, Chen Wanhe also used his connections to clear the name of Fat Tou Tuo and absorbed him into [Monster Slayer].

Chen Wanhe did not know how many similar things he had done, so he became an accomplice in murder while he was outstanding, and he did not repent, which eventually caused the anger of many [Monster Slayer] executives.

After Chen Wanhe formed [Tianqi], Fatou Tuo immediately broke away from [Monster Slayer], joined him, and became a super-captain by his side.

The fat head Tuo is loyal to Chen Wanhe, and he says nothing, that is really a life-threatening friendship!

Bai Bianjun came to Fat Tou Tuo's body, and before he could speak, Fat Tou Tuo frowned and said, "Why do you smell like alcohol, how much alcohol did you drink?"

Bai Bianjun said nervously: "Not much, I'll force it out!"

Bai Bianjun mobilized his spiritual power, immediately expelling the wine from his body, and "crashing" a piece of land.

Fat Toutuo said coldly: "It's not that you are not allowed to drink. I'm willing to drink a few glasses when I'm fine! It's not that you don't know what we are doing here in Mount Tai. What should we do if we delay things?"

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