Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 726: My name is Wang Qianchen

"Bang bang bang-"

"Boom boom-"

The two demon kings collided in an instant, fighting frantically. Except for some monsters who were born with supernatural powers, most monsters, even if they cultivated into adults, would still only simply fight hand to hand, just like those practitioners among humans who are not sensible ones, unless they specially learn some spells-human beings still have sects and sects. Family inheritance, monsters can be difficult.

Even so, the power they erupted was quite terrifying. Even without those fancy spells and methods, they still fought like a raging fire. With every gesture, a large area of ​​bamboo forests and land were destroyed, and there were bursts of smoke and dust on the scene, and Wang Qianchen was almost killed. affected.

In theory, the Black Bear King's force is definitely higher than that of the Yellow Lion King, otherwise he wouldn't jump down from the sky and fight, he is very confident in his own strength.

But I don't know why, no matter how many punches he punched and how many claws he tore out, the yellow lion king was always safe and sound, but the fists and claws that the yellow lion king slapped on him really caused him damage.

It didn't take long for the Black Bear King to be bruised and covered with blood all over his body. The flesh on his face and body was turned over, and something seemed to flow out from his stomach. If it wasn't for his rough skin and thick flesh, he wouldn't be able to stand now. Woke up.

"Deng deng deng-"

The Black Bear King stepped back several steps in a row, rubbed his stomach with his hands, and stuffed the outflow back.

"Hey hey, it was Fei Yuchang, which was given to me by the Southern Demon Emperor, specifically to kill you, are you surprised?" Huang Shiwang said gloomily, and walked over step by step, his body faintly glowing with blue light .

In the air, the golden-eyed eagle saw that the situation was not good, and immediately wanted to come down to pick up the black bear king, but the black vulture swooped down, and the eagle and the eagle immediately started a battle, or the golden or black feathers fell. A sharp whistle resounded throughout the sky.

Wang Qianchen was also very anxious. He didn't know why the Black Bear King appeared here, but he vaguely guessed that the other party was here to protect him. Seeing that he was already at a disadvantage, he definitely couldn't sit back and ignore it. He immediately appeared and rushed out, pulling out the The Demon Slayer Sword came and slashed hard.

A sharp knife gang roared out, and the yellow lion king didn't notice that there were people beside him. The knife was impartial and slashed on him, but because of the protection of Fei Yushang, it still failed to cause him any damage. , just forced him to take a few steps back.

The magic of Fei Yu Chang is that it can protect every part of the body, including the head and neck, even though it is just a thin gauze!

"Where's the little brat!" The yellow lion king shouted angrily, turned his footsteps, and his body was like an arrow from a string, and he quickly rushed towards Wang Qianchen, and his sharp claws went straight to his neck.

Wang Qianchen instinctively stepped back, but he was indeed not as fast as the Yellow Lion King!


The sound of flesh being torn rang out, and blood spurted out.

The Black Bear King stood in front of Wang Qianchen and used his thickest back to withstand the fatal claw.

Even so, the skin is still open.

"Come on..." The Black Bear King looked at Wang Qianchen and said breathlessly, "Tan Zuo asked me to protect you, but I can't beat him..."

Until now, the Black Bear King has not forgotten to mention Tan Zuo.

He just wanted to let Wang Qianchen know that all this was due to Tan Zuo!

"I said why did you come to Mount Tai, it turned out to be to protect this kid... But who the **** is this? You don't let me kill him, I want to kill him!" The yellow lion king's claws are still on the black bear king , but he did not pull it out, but slammed it to the side.


Another large piece of flesh was torn open, and the Black Bear King's back was almost disemboweled, revealing piles of bright red flesh, and his body was directly thrown aside under the action of inertia, "bang bang bang" Fell to the ground several times.

But the Black Bear King stood up for the first time and rushed towards this side.

"Yellow Lion King, this has nothing to do with him, just come at me!" The Black Bear King growled.

Wang Qianchen finally knew who he was.

It was the Yellow Lion King.

"Hahaha, I want to kill!" The yellow lion king grinned and grabbed Wang Qianchen's neck again.

No matter how fast the Black Bear King was, it was impossible to stop him.

"The Yellow Lion King." Wang Qianchen suddenly called out.

"What?" The Yellow Lion King was taken aback.

"Don't you know me? Remember my name, my name is Wang Qianchen."

"Psycho, why am I remembering your name?"

The yellow lion king sneered and continued to grab it.

"You must remember." Wang Qianchen said word by word, "Because you will die by my hands!"

The voice fell, Wang Qianchen's figure disappeared, and the ground under his feet sounded a "guru" sound.

"The art of escaping the ground? Small tricks of carving insects!" Although the yellow lion king does not know any magic, he does not despise these fancy methods.

The yellow lion king bent down sharply and slammed his claws to the ground.

At the same time, the black bear king finally arrived and fought with the yellow lion king again.

"Black Bear King, hold on, I'll be right back to help you!" Wang Qianchen's faint voice came from the ground.

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