Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 728: One knife, two pieces

The Black Bear King shook his head: "Your knife looks very powerful, radiant and dazzling. It should not be of ordinary quality. But believe me, it may not be as easy to use as my claws. This is what I have concluded over the years. Combat experience..."

"You give it a try, how will you know if you don't try it?" Wang Qianchen still stubbornly handed the Tiangang knife.

"...Okay, then I'll give it a try!" As someone else, the Black Bear King didn't bother to pay attention to him, which was just to give Tan Zuo face.

Seeing that the Yellow Lion King was getting closer and closer, the Black Bear King reached out to take the knife, and then slashed out.

At this moment, the Black Bear King felt that the spiritual power in his body was circulating wildly, as if something could not wait to erupt. In short, it was completely different from the feeling of holding a knife before.

A sword gang that seemed to be able to destroy the sky and the earth roared out, and slashed towards the Yellow Lion King in the shape of a crescent moon visible to the naked eye.

"How many times have I told you, this thing doesn't mean anything to me at all..." The Yellow Lion King looked indifferent, and his body was still ramming over, as if with Fei Yu Chang, he could be invincible and invincible in the world!

But when the brilliance-filled sword gang slashed in front of him, he realized that something was wrong, and the air in front of him was smashed, and even the space became distorted.

Not right, absolutely not right!

Black Bear King, it is impossible to cut such a powerful sword!

The yellow lion king wanted to retreat, but it was too late. The knife gang slashed on him without any cover, and then he heard the sound of "click" and "click", and the green light covering him dimmed, able to withstand the mountains The attacking Fei Yushang actually cracked, and then the pieces shattered and scattered all over the place!

Then there was the sound of piercing the flesh again, and blood also spread out, soaking the chest of the yellow lion king.

That is to say, Fei Yuchang blocked it, and the power of the knife Gang has weakened a lot at this step, otherwise the body of the Yellow Lion King would have to be divided into two on the spot.

But no matter what, the Yellow Lion King, who had been unscathed for a long time, was finally hurt at this moment.

"What is it?!" The Yellow Lion King panicked, without the protection of Fei Yushang, he was not the opponent of the Black Bear King at all, not to mention that the Black Bear King was holding such a powerful knife in his hand!

The Yellow Lion King turned around and ran, shouting, "Come on!"

This is what the black vulture in the air said. The black vulture was originally intercepting the golden-eyed eagle, but now it has been transferred to the next, and it has become the golden-eyed eagle to intercept it. A sharp chirping sounded continuously in the air, golden and black shadows intertwined, and large swaths of feathers mixed with blood fell again.

"Hahaha, this knife really works!" From the open space in the bamboo forest, the wanton laughter of the Black Bear King came.

Immediately afterwards, the second sword gang was cut out, and a dazzling crescent crescent appeared, and it went straight to the back of the Yellow Lion King.


Without the protection of Fei Yushang, the blade of the Tiangang knife directly sank into the body of the Yellow Lion King.

The Yellow Lion King could feel that he was still running, but the vision in his eyes stayed where he was, and there was no longer any change. The yellow lion king looked down and saw that his body had been broken in two, slanting from the shoulders to the waist and divided into two halves, one half was still running forward, and the other half was motionless.

"Bang dang -" With a sound, the upper left body of the Yellow Lion King fell to the ground, and the lower right body was still running continuously, running for more than ten meters before staggering to the ground.

The yellow lion king's eyes were wide open, watching this scene incredulously, his mouth still squirming slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

He couldn't say anything, and his eyes closed slowly.

The black smoke of "Zi La La" rose, and the two parts of the body that were more than ten meters apart returned to their original appearance. Half were the head and upper left part of the yellow lion, and the other half were the hind legs and lower right part of the yellow lion.

The Yellow Lion King is dead!

With a sound of "咻", Brick rushed out immediately, sucking the blood of the Yellow Lion King in a big mouth.

"Hahaha, this knife is really powerful, I have never killed a demon king so easily before!" The Black Bear King looked at the Tiangang knife with delight and read it up and down.

"Black Bear King, this knife..."

"This knife is a good thing, you must keep it well and don't let it fall into the hands of others!"

Wang Qianchen thought that the Black Bear King wanted to use the Heaven Gang Saber, a monster, or a monster king, what can't he do?

But in the next second, the Black Bear King handed over the Tiangang Knife.

Wang Qianchen smiled, thinking that he really used the heart of a villain to save a gentleman's belly, he reached out and took the Tiangang knife and said, "This is not mine either."

"No matter who it is, you have to keep it well, it's an absolute artifact, it can't fall into the hands of bad people!" The Black Bear King said solemnly, as if he was not a bad person.


There was a shrill cry in the sky, and seeing the corpse of the yellow lion king, the black vulture shook its wings, turned into a black lightning, and flew directly into the higher sky.

"King Bear!" The golden-eyed eagle swooped down immediately.

"Chase!" The black bear king jumped on its back, and the eagle and the bear quickly disappeared.

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