Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 734: The suffocating demon king

Black Vulture said: "I don't know who that person is, I only saw that he helped the Black Bear King from a height..."

Before the words were finished, Feng Jiujiu's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Lu Jun? What is he doing with me?" Feng Jiujiu took out her phone with a weird expression.

Hearing that it was the "Northern Demon Emperor" Lu Jun, the black vulture immediately closed his mouth, knowing that he was not qualified to speak at this time.

"Yo, isn't this Lord Beihuang, what's the matter so late, I don't have time to chat with you!" Feng Jiujiu teased, but there was a sense of sarcasm in his tone, as if he didn't like this guy very much. The Demon Emperor who sits in the north in Wan Yaohui.

"Look at what you said, I can't give you a call if I have nothing to do?" Lu Jun smiled, as if he didn't care about Feng Jiujiu's hostility at all.

"Say something!" Feng Jiujiu was a little irritable.

"That's it." Lu Jun coughed lightly and continued: "I just received a report from the golden eagle, saying that he had a ling master who accidentally got involved in the battle between the black bear and the yellow lion, and was forced to kill him. The two ling masters under Huang Shi's command..."

After King Golden Eagle received Wang Qianchen's call, he immediately told Lu Jun about the matter, but Lu Jun thought about it again and again and decided to call Feng Jiujiu.

"It turned out to be one of your subordinates!" Feng Jiujiu gritted her teeth.

"It's a complete misunderstanding." Lu Jun said, "It was Huang Shi's two mountain lords who attacked him first, and he was forced to fight back..."

"Misunderstanding? Do you believe it? Let me tell you, your subordinate joined the black bear to kill the yellow lion!"

"...Is that so?" Lu Jun was very surprised.


Feng Jiujiu recounted what the Black Vulture saw.

"I really don't know..." Lu Jun's voice was gloomy.

"Master Beihuang, what are you going to do? Are you going to deal with me with Bai Kuanghai?" Feng Jiujiu said coldly.

"Hey, how can I do it, I won't get involved in your affairs!" Lu Jun smiled softly.

"How do you deal with that subordinate of yours?" Feng Jiujiu asked in a tangled manner.

"...I'll send someone to you later!" Lu Jun was silent for a while, and finally said.

"Okay, then I'll be waiting for you!" Feng Jiujiu directly hung up the phone.

"...This is done?" Hei Vulture was very surprised, Lu Jun is also the Northern Demon Emperor after all, how could he be so... humble in front of Feng Jiujiu?

The two are both demon emperors, shouldn't they be on an equal footing?

Feng Jiujiu snorted, still very disdainful: "This Lu Jun is the last one to become the demon emperor. Although he is a fire unicorn and has outstanding talent, he is really not very good! The demon ancestor has planned several times and In the battle of [Monster Slayer], this guy either escaped from the battle, or was unable to work, or simply stayed at home. One time, he finally angered the demon ancestor, not only beat him up, but also kicked him out of the [Wan Yaohui] ], he knelt on the ground and wept bitterly, begging for mercy... Although Yaozu let him go, his attitude towards him was not as good as before, and we also disliked him! Over time, his status naturally became more and more The lower he goes, the more he knows his situation, and he doesn't even have the courage to speak loudly in front of us! There's no way, he wants to continue to be the demon emperor and lead the monsters in the entire north, so he has to swallow it up?"

At the end, Feng Jiujiu snorted a few more times, her contempt for Lu Jun had reached rock bottom.

Hei Vulture suddenly realized and thought to himself, "It's tragic enough for the Demon Emperor to do this."

Feng Jiujiu said again: "This person can be put aside, Lu Jun will definitely send it to me. By the way, what's the matter with that knife, is it so powerful?"

Hei Vulture said, "I don't know very well either. I just saw that the knife was shining brightly, and I felt ambiguous from a distance. It didn't look like something from the mortal world anyway."

Feng Jiujiu was thoughtful, not sure what she was thinking.

"Lord Nanhuang, the hatred of the Yellow Lion King..." Hei Condor asked cautiously.

"I want to kill someone, but I get killed instead. What can I say? Come on, go back first, I'll think about what to do!"


The black vulture turned around and flew away, Feng Jiujiu was still sitting on the top of the tree.

When the night wind blows, the hem of the blue clothes hangs down and rattles with the breeze.

The two demon kings under his hands are dead, and it is impossible not to fight fire. .


Feng Jiujiu's stomach suddenly growled.

"I'm over the edge, how can I still be hungry, there's really no way..." Feng Jiujiu shook her head, her body fluttered up, and a touch of blue gradually flew away in the air.


In the north, a certain mountain, in a cave.

"Northern Demon Emperor" Lu Jun sat cross-legged, his brows furrowed.

He had a headache, a headache, and he obviously did nothing wrong, but he had to hand it over to Feng Jiujiu!

But there is no way, he really has no position in front of the demon ancestor, and he has no right to speak in front of the other demon emperors.

Resist, it is easy to be attacked by a group, and the demon ancestor will never stand on his side!

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