Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 748: boar king

The Black Bear King can't move for the time being, and can't clean up a mountain master?

After a phone call, "North Demon Emperor" Lu Jun said helplessly: "I have already sent someone to do this, and I ran to his Qianrenling several times, but he is not there..."

Feng Jiujiu sneered and said, "Lu Jun, it's boring to come with me. Do you need to look for it? If you make a call to the golden eagle, won't you send someone to you?"

Lu Jun thought to himself: "Go directly through the golden eagle? Then where do I put the face of the demon emperor?"

But I can only say: "Don't worry, I will do this as soon as possible."

Lu Jun hung up the phone and called the Wild Boar King again.


the other side.

Wang Qianchen received a call from the Golden Eagle King.

"You kid killed Hong Xiaohao and Huang Wei?" Not only did the story spread between [Monster Slayer] and [Tianqi], but the monsters also heard about it.

That's the Demon Slayer Captain of Yuezhou and Hucheng. Can it spread quickly?

"Yes." In a short period of time, Wang Qianchen really had to bear the blame.

"...You're so crazy!" The Golden Eagle King smacked his lips. It wasn't enough to slaughter Qingcheng and Ge Ye, and he also killed two first-tier city demon slayer captains. All set records.

In any case, after all, the group of "yokai" won the honor!

The Golden Eagle King smiled and asked, "Where are you now?"

Wang Qianchen said: "Wandering outside, [Monster Slayer] wants me everywhere, and can't stay in one place for too long."

The Golden Eagle King gave a "hmm" and said, "Come to Laojun Mountain, I'm here with the Wild Boar King."

Laojun Mountain in the Central Plains is the usual habitat of the Golden Eagle King.

"The Wild Boar King?" Wang Qianchen was a little puzzled.

"Well, he also heard about you, and he praised you for your good work. He wants to hold a celebration party for you! I think it's a good idea. I slaughtered Qingcheng Mountain before and hadn't had a good time together, so I just took this opportunity. It's done together, you and Lao Bai come together, I also notified the Black Bear King..." Although the Golden Eagle King and the Wild Boar King belong to the "Northern Demon Emperor" Lu Jun, they usually do not come and go. It is rare for the Wild Boar King to be like this. Take the initiative, there must be a big event.

It just so happened that [Tianqi] hasn't given Wang Qianchen a new task yet, so there's nothing left or right, so let's go.

After Wang Qianchen agreed, he called Lang Baibai.

One person and one demon met first, and they rushed towards Laojun Mountain together.

Laojun Mountain is also a famous mountain. No one knows about it in the Central Plains or even the surrounding area. Unfortunately, it has been occupied by humans in recent years, and it has been transformed into a scenic spot to welcome visitors from all over the world.

——In the past thousand years, the territory of the monsters has always been shrinking and shrinking, not even the cities and towns. Now some high mountains and mountains are also occupied. Everyone is hard to say, and it is hard to express their anger. Who makes human beings really hard to mess with?

Under such circumstances, Wang Qianchen first slaughtered Qingcheng, then Ge Ye, and killed the two demon slayer captains in the first-tier cities, which was simply a great boost to the monsters.

The top of Laojun was lively and lively, the Golden Eagle King set a banquet, and nearly a thousand monsters enjoyed the event.

The Black Bear King did come, and he brought Ma Qianli with him.

Wang Qianchen and Lang Baibai were old friends with him, and the three of them drank happily.

The Wild Boar King also came. It was the first time that Wang Qianchen saw him. As expected, he was fat and strong, with big shoulders and round waist. In terms of physique, he was not much worse than the Black Bear King.

"Good boy, it's really embarrassing for us!" The wild boar king patted Wang Qianchen's shoulder, which was called an amiable one.

The three demon kings gathered in Laojun Mountain, but Wang Qianchen was the absolute protagonist.

The golden eagle king stood on the top of Laojun's mountain with a wine cup, and he joked in front of the demons: "This kid has a future, isn't the place for two demon kings just vacant, I see one of them. It's just for him!"

This is a very high compliment. Generally, a monster can become a mountain master, and it is already at the peak of the monster life. The monster king is even more afraid to think about it. What a good fortune and good luck!

Wang Qianchen originally joined the [Wan Yaohui] with the purpose of killing the third master Huang. Who would have guessed that he bumped into this day by mistake. Others may feel envious, but he himself doesn't care, and he doesn't look down on these positions at all, but at the scene he only Neng smiled and said, "If one day I really become a demon king, I will still follow the lead of the golden eagle king!"

"Damn it, this is flattering." The black bear king picked his nose and wiped it on the wild boar king.

"What are you doing?!" The wild boar king raised his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, I'm used to it..." The black bear king hurriedly wiped it off, but he wiped it even more, so that the wild boar king didn't even want to sit next to him.

The Golden Eagle King laughed and said, "Just kidding, one day you really become the subordinate of Lord Nanhuang, but you still have to follow others' horses. It would be nice if we could live together peacefully!"

King Golden Eagle was not polite when he said this, because he learned from Lang Baibai that Wang Qianchen has the air of a dog emperor, and he will definitely be a big monster who will dominate one side in the future. In order to be on an equal footing in the future, even a head taller than himself.

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