Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 773: huge coercion

Because no one can hurt him at all!

Wang Qianchen arrived at the scene last night. In addition to using [Moving Scenes] to change the environment and arrange for the Nie family to come here, of course, he also dug out the Taiji talisman - although he didn't have the see-through eyes like Nie Ren, he could escape. , sank a dozen meters and found it.

At that time, he was very curious about the Taiji talisman. He once asked Nie Rong to use a knife to cut himself. As a result, the Taiji talisman automatically formed a defense around him, and it didn't matter whether it was a physical attack, a magic attack, or an illusion attack. , all of them can be resisted, it is indeed a great artifact, and it is indeed a treasure bestowed by Yuanshi Tianzun to Puxian real person!

As for the Taiji talisman under the ground, he used the [Fingering] skill to conjure it out of a stone.

Now that he knew the body-protecting effect of the Taiji talisman, Wang Qianchen was naturally confident when facing the attack of more than a dozen team members before. .

While talking, Wang Qianchen carefully observed the left and right, still wondering who moved the hand before.

After that person killed more than a dozen team members under Nie Ren before, he disappeared without a trace and stopped moving, obviously helping Wang Qianchen. At that time, Wang Qianchen was all focused on Nie Ren, and he really didn't pay attention to which direction the feathers flew out. At this time, whether he was listening or smelling, he couldn't find anyone, and he was quite puzzled.

"Nie Gang, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!" Nie Ren knew that his situation was over and his vitality was gradually fading. After saying something gloomy, he finally fell to the ground with a "bang".

Even so, everyone in the Nie family did not dare to take it lightly. After all, it was not the first time that he had escaped a catastrophe by pretending to be dead.

Nie Jiao and Nie Rong approached cautiously, the swords in their hands never leaving them.

It can be seen that Nie Ren has caused too much psychological shadow to them!

Wang Qianchen could hear and smell it. Nie Ren was indeed dead. He still focused on the person who had done it before, but unfortunately there was no trace. He couldn't help but wonder, is the other party a ghost? No sound?

not far away.

Seeing this scene, Zhu He hurriedly said in bird language: "Lord Nanhuang, it's time to do it, the Taiji talisman is in that boy's hand!"

Feng Jiujiu was still hesitating whether to rob or not, but after seeing Wang Qianchen's performance, she resolutely gave up the idea.

"Stop robbing, let's go!" Feng Jiujiu shook her head and turned to leave.

"Why?" Zhu He was taken aback.

"There's no reason, let's go!" Feng Jiujiu would definitely not explain too much to a mountain master, so he turned around and left.

Zhu He's brain naturally "hum". He came here for two purposes, one is to provoke a dispute between [Wan Yaohui] and [Tianqi], and the other is to get the Taiji talisman. As a result, these two purposes are one It was not achieved. Feng Jiujiu did strike, but it did not cause any consequences. At this time, he just left!

No, absolutely not.

If you want to go further and get more spiritual pills, you must successfully complete the task!

Seeing the back of Feng Jiujiu gradually disappearing, Zhu He no longer hesitated, took out the porcelain bottle that had been prepared long ago, picked it up with his thumb, and the lid was bounced off. The stalwart clay figurine suddenly appeared, and saw that it was more than ten feet tall, round and chubby, with two big ears hanging on both sides, and carrying a huge spoon in his hand.

Fingal's most famous monster, Neil the Jar!

The sudden appearance of such a big clay figurine naturally attracted everyone's attention!

The Nie family had just killed Nie Ren and were preparing to thank Wang Qianchen when they suddenly felt a huge pressure.

That is the breath of the peak!

Everyone turned their heads in shock and looked at the giant who suddenly appeared, all of them were dumbfounded.


There were two white breaths visible to the naked eye from Crock Neil's nostrils, and his terrifying eyes immediately looked around, as if he was looking for something.

"What is this?!" Nie Gang was shocked. Under the strong pressure, the Nie family's patriarch, who was already at the peak of the peak, couldn't help shaking his legs.

No one can answer his question because no one knows!

Wang Qianchen also didn't know what this thing was. In the theory classes in the training camp, most of them were studying domestic monsters. Although foreign monsters were also involved, there were not many, only a few pages.

But he is no stranger to this scene, starting from the "undead" Kesiche, to the later stone statue Boom, the demon knife Roychet, and the giant Bart who appeared on Laoding Mountain... All the foreign monsters who suddenly appeared All point to one organization: the Restoration Society!

Chen Wanhe once suspected that Nie Ren belonged to the [Guangfuhui], and asked Wang Qianchen to find out about the matter, but after Wang Qianchen entered his dream, he found that he had no contact with the [Guangfuhui], nor did he find anything like a porcelain bottle, so he was wary. Also decreased a lot.

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