Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 775: really good stuff

The voice fell, and Feng Jiujiu's figure suddenly changed.

First, the mouth became longer and sharper, and then the arms fluttered, two broad wings appeared at once, the green clothes on the body also turned into pieces of feathers, and the legs turned into sharp claws. There are also many more colorful feathers.

What a mighty, domineering, earth-shattering Chaotianfeng!

And around its body, there is still a light curtain shrouded in Tai Chi patterns.


Feng Jiujiu, who has recovered from the cost, is not much worse than Crock Pot Neil, and it can even be said to be evenly divided and comparable. With a pair of wings, a huge whirlwind roared out, directly blowing Wang Qianchen, who was also in mid-air, hundreds of meters away.

When Wang Qianchen stood firm and looked over there, he saw that Feng Jiujiu had already fought with Crock Neil, and the sounds of "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" continued to sound.

Even though Wang Qianchen has seen several battles between the top levels, he still feels thrilling and swaying.

"When the fight is over, will she grab the Tai Chi talisman?" I don't know when, the slab floated out and said with smacking.

"Yo, you still know how to come out, I thought you were too scared to move!" Wang Qianchen teased.

"How is that possible? No matter how powerful his big spoon is, it can't hurt me! When he hit you, I was going to come out to stop it, but Miss Jiu was one step ahead of me..." Banzhuan smugly Said: "I told her last time that in the future, if you are in trouble, master, she must come out to help unconditionally!"

No matter when, Brick takes the credit for himself, and Wang Qianchen has long been surprised.

"Who released the monster this time?" Wang Qianchen stood in the air and looked around.

Before, he suspected that the monster was released by someone who secretly shot it, but after knowing that it was Feng Jiujiu, he abandoned the idea again, estimating that she would not be crazy enough to release it and fight it by herself!

Although I don't know why Feng Jiujiu appeared here, I always feel that she wouldn't do it.

"I have to find this person, he must have a spirit pill on his body!" Thinking that he could rise to a small realm again, his saliva was about to flow out.

However, although his ear and smell are good, his eyesight is average. He can only see that there is indeed a group of people hiding in the surrounding jungle to watch the battle. It should be someone from the Nie family.

"Hey, let's talk to you, what if Miss Jiu doesn't return your Taiji seal?" Banzhuan asked again.

"...If I don't pay it back, what can I do, I can't beat her!"

"If you can't get the Tai Chi Talisman, Chen Wanhe will kill you."

"..." Wang Qianchen stopped talking, and smacked his lips lightly.

"I have a way!" Brick said triumphantly: "If she dares to pay it back, I will go to Yaozu, and she will definitely be scared to give it to you with both hands!"

"..." Wang Qianchen still didn't speak.

At the same time, the battle between Feng Jiujiu and Crock Neil has reached a fever pitch.

In terms of strength alone, Feng Jiujiu is definitely not the opponent of Crock Neil, she is also in the middle stage of the top stage, how can she beat the top of the top stage? But the magic lies in the Tai Chi talisman. The pottery Neil can't do any damage to her, but each of her attacks can be effective, even if the damage is not too high, and the accumulation of small amounts of sand will be enough to make a tower. Its done.

Crock Neil, with a low IQ, can't get the Tai Chi talisman and can't leave, so he can only attack again and again.


With sharp mouths, sharp claws, and the ubiquitous cyan feathers, Feng Jiujiu finally tore apart the body of the pottery Neil. Blow, the smoke disappears.

Feng Jiujiu fell to the ground, raised her proud head, and tidied up her feathers, before she transformed into a human figure.

Seeing this, Wang Qianchen flew over immediately.

Feng Jiujiu stretched out her hand, and the light curtain disappeared immediately, turning into a red and white jade pendant, which she held in her hand.

"Ninth girl, you've run out of Taiji talismans, return them soon!" Banzhuan shouted immediately.

Feng Jiujiu was about to throw the Taiji talisman over, but when she heard this, her face sank, and she said coldly, "What do you want if you don't pay it back?"

"Hey, believe it or not..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Qianchen grabbed the brick back and stuffed it into his lower back.

"Jiu Gu... oh no." Affected by the bricks, Wang Qianchen almost called it wrong, and quickly changed his words and said, "Master Nanhuang, can you give me the Taiji seal?"

Feng Jiujiu didn't answer, she rubbed the Tai Chi talisman lightly, and said quietly: "It's really good, even if I only have the strength of the middle stage, I can still kill the monsters at the peak of the top stage!"

"Not necessarily, it just won't run. If you change it to other peaks, you would have left if you found out that it couldn't kill you..." Wang Qianchen said cautiously.

"So what, it's enough if you can't kill me!" Feng Jiujiu smiled and put the Tai Chi talisman into her cuff.

"..." Wang Qianchen looked complicated, but he didn't dare to say anything.

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