Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 783: Night Raid on Longhu Mountain

Wang Qianchen was stunned for a moment, didn't he know this for a long time?

Du Hong continued: "I heard people say that Yuan Tianpeng has already paved the way for him, and after two years, it will be changed to indefinite, and then the sentence will be gradually reduced, and he will come out after ten or eight years... Xiaochen, I think How unfair, [Monster Slayer] is also full of darkness, I really don't want to be the captain of this Shanghai city."

"Just send two complaints." Wang Qianchen reminded in a timely manner.

"I regret it now. When I was in Longhu Mountain before, it didn't matter if Yuan Tianpeng couldn't kill him, but he should have killed Yuan Xiaolie directly, but now he has escaped the catastrophe! By the way, there is another one called 'Yu Feng' The protector of the Dragon Tiger Mountain has also bullied us a lot, so we should kill him together! When I officially quit [Monster Slayer], the first person I will kill is him!" Du Hong was hysterical, his teeth gritted furiously. Straight sound.

"Calm down, He Jun and I joined [Tianqi] because of helplessness, but if you have a little way to survive, you won't go to this kind of place. You can be the captain of Shanghai City's Demon Slayer, which has exceeded 9%. Nineteen, you should be content now."

"You don't understand my mind at all!"

"I understand." Wang Qianchen said meaningfully, and then said: "Okay, calm down, [Tianqi] is not as good as you think."

Wang Qianchen hung up the phone, raised his head and said to Chen Wanhe, "Director Chen, you won't be unhappy if you say this, Tianqi?"

"No." Chen Wanhe said with a smile: "That's how it was originally, as long as there is a way to survive, who would like to follow me?"

Then he said, "You have a good relationship!"

Wang Qianchen said: "It must be good. We were roommates in a dormitory in the training camp..."

Chen Wanhe nodded and continued to walk forward, Wang Qianchen also quickly followed behind him.

Different from the anxiety when he first came out, after answering Du Hong's call, Wang Qianchen became much calmer, and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

After leaving the hotel, the two came to a nearby alley.

"Can you fly?" Chen Wanhe asked.

"Yes." Wang Qianchen replied.

"Okay, follow me." As soon as Chen Wanhe raised his head, the sky that had completely darkened suddenly dropped some raindrops out of nowhere, and then quickly condensed into a rain sword in front of him.

Chen Wanhe jumped onto the rain sword, and flew towards the sky with a bang.

Wang Qianchen also used the [Royal Wind] skill and followed behind Chen Wanhe. Of course, his speed was not as fast as Chen Wanhe. Fortunately, Chen Wanhe also deliberately accommodated him, and the two always kept a certain distance in the night sky.

Not long after, the two rushed to the sky above Longhu Mountain in Western Gansu Province.

In the dark of night, the halls of Longhu Mountain are next to each other. Because of the uniform use of incandescent lamps, they do not appear to be brilliant, but they are also full of majesty.

They destroyed a lot of buildings when they made a big noise on Longhu Mountain before, but now they have basically been renovated and perfected.

Because it had just fallen into the night, most people had not rested, and it was vaguely seen that many disciples with swords were still walking around.

Chen Wanhe grabbed it in the air, and the radiant Tiangang sword appeared in his palm.

Even if he was next to him, Wang Qianchen could feel the terrifying power contained in the Tiangang sword.

"You said how many people would they have to die if I attacked him?" Chen Wanhe sneered, his eyes full of indifference. To him, human life seemed like a must.

"At least half of them should die." Wang Qianchen made a cautious judgment.

"Hey, then try it!" Chen Wanhe stood in the dark night sky, on top of the transparent rain sword.

Wang Qianchen remained motionless and watched from the wall.

But when the knife split halfway, Chen Wanhe suddenly stopped again.

"No." Chen Wanhe said, "With this knife down, Longhu Mountain will be completely chaotic, Yuan Tianpeng's old man will definitely run away in the chaos, and it will not be easy to catch him again. We must kill him first, and then slaughter Longhu Mountain! "

Wang Qianchen nodded and said, "Good idea."

Chen Wanhe said: "I heard that he retreated on Zhenlongtan?"

Wang Qianchen said: "Yes, he shielded Yuan Xiaolie before and was caught by us, but Song Cepeng defended him, just let him introspect on Zhenlongtan."

Regardless of whether Chen Wanhe knew what happened before, Wang Qianchen briefly talked about the process.

Chen Wanhe said with a smile: "Then you can be considered to have revenge for revenge, and revenge for revenge!"

Wang Qianchen said, "That's necessary."

"Okay, let's go!" Chen Wanhe immediately swooped down and went straight to Zhenlongtan.

Wang Qianchen followed closely behind.

When Chen Wanhe was kicked out of [Monster Slayer], Yuan Tianpeng, the head of Longhu Mountain, was indeed one of the initiators. Over the years, Chen Wanhe has hated him to the core, and if it wasn't for the ancestor who cared about Longhu Mountain, he would have killed him many times.

At this moment, with the Tiangang knife in hand and the Taiji talisman protecting his body, Chen Wanhe was fearless and rushed directly to Zhenlongtan.

There are restrictions in the sky above Longhu Mountain, and there are restrictions on the edge of Zhenlongtan, but it can't be difficult for Chen Wanhe, and it breaks open with two knives.

At the same time, a piercing alarm sounded throughout the entire Longhu Mountain, and many disciples rushed to Zhenlongtan under the leadership of the guardians and elders.

The blue waves on Zhenlong Pond were rippling, and the dark lake water began to roll, as if something was about to rush out.

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