Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 789: kill one

Fat Toutuo continued: "The entire Shangjing masters are like clouds, in addition to Chen Wanhe and Siyao, there are also Ding Jianjun and his family's guest officials, as well as the Shangjing City Demon Slayer team headed by Yan Qing, that is an extremely powerful team. The team must not be underestimated. Therefore, we must be careful in this trip, and we must not be sloppy."

Yan Qing and Wang Qianchen were deeply impressed by him.

In the training camp before, big monsters from other countries suddenly appeared on the borders of Daxia. Yan Qing was ordered to lead a team to block the "undead" Koscice. Wang Qianchen still remembers it fresh.

At that time, Yan Qing's strength was already at the peak of the peak. Not long ago, I heard that he had broken through the mountain, and he still had a peak.

Although the fat and thin head Tuo is also in the mountains, it is really nothing in Shangjing, so he has to be a man with his tail between his tails.

Wang Qianchen asked curiously, "How do we lead out Ding Jianjun?"

Fat Toutuo said, "Start with his son."

"His son? Ding Songran?"

"Well, you know what?"

Wang Qianchen said: "I know, it used to be one session in the training camp."

Fat Toutuo smiled and said, "How do you rate this person?"

Wang Qianchen thought for a while, and said, "The surface is gentle, but in fact he is arrogant and arrogant, but the person is not bad in general. Follow his hair, he is also very kind to you."

Fat Tou Tuo nodded and said, "It's normal, he is known as the first son of the Demon Slayer Clan. Although he received an excellent education since he was a child, everyone told him to be humble and low-key, but the arrogance in his bones is still there, and he will be exposed from time to time. If you want to convince him, unless you show great strength, he will never look down on you."

For some reason, Wang Qianchen thought of a certain national husband, and the two seemed to have similar personalities.

Wang Qianchen said, "You haven't studied him too much!"

Fattou Tuo laughed: "Commander Chen will sooner or later attack Ding Jianjun, so I will study him and his son. Ding Jianjun is an extremely self-disciplined person, either working or socializing, and will never do anything special; Ding Songran is different. Now, although the work is also very good, but there are a lot of things to eat, drink and play. All the bars and nightclubs in Beijing are regulars. The girlfriends have changed one after another, and the shots are also generous. He sent one after another, so no one called him a scumbag, but said he was a good man."

Ding Songran is indeed such a person.

In terms of talent and ability, he is absolutely excellent, but his private life is a little confusing...

Of course, this is not a big problem. If you love each other, who can control it?

Wang Qianchen said, "So which night scene are you going to start from?"

The fat head Tuo didn't speak, he turned to look at the thin head Tuo.

The thin head Tuo, who had been silent for a long time, finally said: "Today Wednesday, he will go to the Blue Devils Bar. If he can't catch anyone today, he can do it tomorrow, and tomorrow he will go to the Red Bean Bar."

Guys, every day is different?

Fat Tuo gave a thumbs up: "Professional!"

Then, Fatou Tuo said, "After we catch Ding Song, let's go out of the city immediately, meet Commander Chen, and then call Ding Jianjun and lead him out."

Wang Qianchen frowned and said, "Ding Jianjun won't come alone, will he?"

"Definitely not." Fat Toutuo said: "With Ding Jianjun's character, even if it is his own son, he will follow the normal process, and many experts will be dispatched at that time."

Wang Qianchen said, "What should we do then?"

Fat Tou Tuo laughed: "Director Chen has an artifact in his hand, how can he kill them? Come one to kill one, two to kill one pair! You can't act rashly in Shangjing City, and you can't show your strength when you leave Shangjing?"

Wang Qianchen's heart sank to the bottom, a very poisonous and cruel plan, this is to destroy the group of masters stationed in Shangjing City!

No, find a way to get the message out.

Without a mobile phone, the only hope is a brick, one person and one brick quickly communicate in consciousness.

Brick said: "When I get to Shangjing, I will find a chance to slip away!"

After a few people went down the mountain, they tried to get a car. The inspection in Shanghai was very strict, and every checkpoint was full of people, but it was not difficult for the three of them.

The fat head Tuo has gained a little weight, and his appearance has completely changed; the thin head Tuo has become thinner and looks like a bamboo pole, and it is not the same as his original appearance. Become very fat and fat, and he can become very thin and thin, the extreme state is almost like a piece of paper, it is not a problem to pass through the wall, through the window, and into the wind.

Wang Qianchen has the technique of [False Shape]. It is too easy to change shape at will, but he doesn't want to expose too much in front of [Tianqi] people, so he honestly wears makeup and disguise, which he learned in the training camp before. 's ability.

As for fake ID cards, it's even simpler. People who have been fleeing abroad all the year round, who don't have a few of these things?

After successfully infiltrating Shangjing City, because it was still early, they had a meal first, then walked around and walked around, preparing to wait until night fell before heading to the Blue Devils Bar.

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