Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 791: We lead, you two catch

Fat, thin head Tuo and Wang Qianchen naturally thought, had their whereabouts been exposed, and the Shangjing City Demon Slayer team came to arrest people?

Several people looked at each other, and the fat head Tuo whispered: "Look again, if the situation is not right, leave immediately!"

At the same time, Ding Songran also discovered Yan Qing and the others. He was surprised at first, then got up and waved, "Captain Yan, why are you here?"

Ding Songran has also broken through the peak now, and his strength is in the top of the demon slayer team in Shangjing City. In addition to his own background and family background, under normal circumstances, Yan Qing should be polite to him.

But now, Yan Qing had a cold face and brought a group of people to Ding Songran.

"Xiao Ding, why didn't you answer the phone?" Yan Qing asked with a sullen face.

"...Sorry, the bar is too messy and I didn't hear it. Captain Yan, what's going on?" Ding Songran took out his phone and looked at it, and there were indeed a few missed calls.

"What's going on, don't you understand? Xiao Ding, let's go out and talk!" Yan Qing sighed and turned to leave. The other Monster Slayer team members were silent, and some even showed resentment.

Ding Songran seemed to understand what was going on. Instead of following him out, he sat down and muttered, "Why are you going out? If you want to say it, just say it here."

Yan Qing suddenly became angry, turned her head and grabbed Ding Songran's collar, cursing: "You have to be embarrassed here, don't you think? Well, then let me ask you, Qin Kai is getting married soon, the hotel, the wedding car, the master of ceremonies are all It's booked, what are you doing to provoke someone's fiancee!"

Qin Kai is also one of the demon slayer team members in Shangjing City.

A friend's wife should not be bullied. Not only did Ding Songran bully him, but it was on the eve of their upcoming marriage. Who could stand it, no wonder the entire Demon Slayer team was extremely dissatisfied with him.

Ding Songran looked very calm, and said quietly: "It's because Qin Kai is about to get married, so I have to try his fiancée's character! Shouldn't Qin Kai thank me? , or you will lose a lot in the future.”

"You're such a rubbish!" Not to mention Qin Kai, even Yan Qing trembled with anger: "Because you are the son of the Ding family, do you just do whatever you want? I tell you, others will be accustomed to you, but I won't. Come on, let's go outside and solve this!"

Yan Qing grabbed Ding Songran's collar and dragged it out, but Tian Hu, Ding Yizhen and others immediately stopped him.

"Captain Yan, if you have something to say..."

"Captain Yan, don't be rough..."

"Go away!"

Yan Qing scolded and slammed both palms, Tian Hu, Ding Yizhen and others all flew out, the whole bar immediately fell into chaos, and many people shouted and stepped back.

Ding Songran had no choice but to go out with Yan Qing, continuing his delusions as he walked: "Captain Yan, you can beat me up, but that's what I think, his fiancee is about to get married, I'll give you a call. I asked her out, who can be a good person? Whatever you think, I'm just doing it for Qin Kai's sake!"

"Did I use you to test it?! Who told you to do it for me?!" Qin Kai's eyes were red with anger, and he picked up an ashtray and smashed it on Ding Songran's head.

But Ding Songran has already reached the peak. How can this kind of thing hurt him, not to mention bleeding, not even the skin is broken.

"Qin Kai, help you recognize her true face, you should thank me!" The whole bar was in a mess, and Ding Songran never changed his face.


On the other side, Wang Qianchen and the fat and thin head Tuo looked at each other.

None of them thought that such a bad affair would happen. Wang Qianchen smacked his mouth lightly, thinking that Ding Songran was really too conceited, just like Qin Kai said, need him to test?

"You can't let Yan Qing take Ding Songran away." Fattou Tuo said decisively: "I will lead Yan Qing away, and you two will catch Ding Songran!"

Thin Head Tuo said: "The entire Shangjing City Demon Slayer team is here, can you do it alone?"

Fat Toutuo said, "It's okay, Yan Qing has just ascended to the mountain realm, so as long as they don't give them a chance to attack, they should still be able to escape! That's it, do as I say!"

After speaking, Fat Tou Tuo rushed out immediately.

The thin-headed Tuo grabbed Wang Qianchen's arm and whispered, "Get ready to act!"

Wang Qianchen nodded, and with the thin head Tuo hidden in the crowd.

Taking advantage of this moment, Brick finally had a chance to slide down from his lower back and shuttle back and forth in the chaotic bar and the noisy crowd.

Seeing that Tian Hu, Ding Yizhen and others couldn't stop them, they hurriedly called Ding Jianjun. The Shangjing Demon Slayer Team would definitely not dare to kill Ding Songran, but it was fine to beat him.

But Ding Jianjun received the call, but instead said angrily: "Deserving it! Don't worry about him! He also tests other people's fiancées. Who does he think he is? Why doesn't he test his own mother..."

As soon as Tian Hu heard it, he knew that Ding Jianjun had also drank too much, and he began to speak openly. This father and son have always been like this.

"What should I do?" Tian Hu turned and asked Ding Yizhen.

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