Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 802: Terrifying Song Heavy Sword

Chen Wanhe knew something was wrong, but he didn't have time to think deeply. He quickly turned to one side, trying to avoid Song Cepeng's attack, but he was still a step too late.


Song Cepeng held the most common demon slashing sword, and slashed Chen Wanhe's back with one slash.

Flesh opened, blood dripping.


Chen Wanhe sucked in a breath of cold air, turned around abruptly, and the Tiangang knife slashed again.

But Song epee disappeared again.


Song Cepeng's voice sounded again, still from behind Chen Wanhe.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Both of them are at the peak of the top realm, Song Epee's speed can't be so fast!


Song Heavy Sword slashed out again, leaving an "X"-shaped knife mark on Chen Wanhe's back.

The blood filled the air, and Chen Wanhe was burning with anger. Not only did he not have the intention of retreating, but he became more and more courageous in battle. He kept slashing at Song Epee, but Song Epee disappeared again and again, and he couldn't even touch a corner of his clothes!

And every time Song Cepeng appeared, he could leave a stab wound on Chen Wanhe's body.

In just a few tens of seconds, Chen Wanhe had more than a dozen stab wounds on his body, and his shoulders, back, and abdomen were all dripping with blood, almost becoming a **** man.

Even if he held the Tiangang sword in his hand, it was as difficult as hitting the sky to hurt Song Heavy Sword.

And Song Heavy Sword hurt him, but it was easy!

On the ground, Wang Qianchen looked at this scene and knew that Song Epee used the Soul Evocative Pen to achieve teleportation. Although Chen Wanhe's attack power was super strong, it couldn't hurt him in the slightest.

Wang Qianchen naturally stood on Song Cepeng's side in his heart.

But then again, if Chen Wanhe was still holding the Tai Chi Talisman, he wouldn't be so embarrassed in front of Song Cepeng!

Even if Song Heavy Sword could not be hurt, it would not be hurt by Song Heavy Sword.

In this way, Wang Qianchen's heart naturally became contradictory.


Fat Toutuo and the others naturally couldn't stand it any longer, and they all jumped up, ready to help Chen Wanhe.

But Ding Jianjun wasn't a vegetarian either. He also rushed out one by one, blocking several super-captains of [Tianqi].

A melee finally broke out on Linglong Mountain!


At this moment, there was a sudden sound from the ground. Master Pan, who had rescued a lonely man before, appeared again, grabbed Ding Songran, and dragged him into the ground.

"Patriarch Ding, your son has been rescued, don't worry about fighting..." Master Pan's voice was getting farther and farther away.

"Okay, thank you!" Ding Jianjun responded, and at the same time he fought with Fat Toutuo.

Others also have their own opponents. Yan Qing and Thin Tou Tuo fought against each other. The farmer in the training camp fought with Gao Tou Tuo. A group of instructors and the Ding family besieged Short Tou Tuo. To see who needs help there, immediately rushed forward and shot.

One of the main features of [Monster Slayer] is group attack. This is what I learned in the training camp. It is also cooperation in normal combat, and the cooperation can be said to be quite tacit.

Naturally, some people rushed to Wang Qianchen.

After all, he is now a famous wanted criminal!

"Kill him and go get the merit!"

"Avenge Huang Wei and Hong Xiaohao!"

"Sect Master Ge of Qingcheng Mountain also died in his hands..."

A group of demon slayers rushed over noisily, with all kinds of strength and skills emerging one after another, and all kinds of elements were photographed on him. On a normal day, he would have run away early, how could he beat him, but the Tai Chi talisman opened a light curtain in front of him, directly eliminating all kinds of messy attacks.

There is such a good thing, he can't hurt him at all!

Wang Qianchen didn't fight back, standing in the light curtain barrier, watching the fight above his head worriedly.

He was hesitating whether to return the Taiji talisman to Chen Wanhe. If this goes on like this, the leader of [Tianqi] will be killed by Song Cepeng sooner or later!

Contradictory, so contradictory.


"Why don't you get out?" Song Cepeng slashed Chen Wanhe's shoulder again and cursed fiercely.

"Come on, you have the ability to kill me!" Chen Wanhe was scarred, and he was at the end of his force, but he still screamed and grinned.

"Don't think I dare not!" Song Chongjian gritted his teeth, "Look at your subordinates, do you want them to die here too?!"

Chen Wanhe looked down and saw that Fat Tou Tuo and others were indeed surrounded by heavy siege, and each of them was injured to varying degrees, so Fat Tou Tuo was still rough-skinned and had nothing to do for the time being.

Chen Wanhe looked at Wang Qianchen again.

With the protection of the Tai Chi talisman, Wang Qianchen was of course all right, but he looked at himself worriedly, obviously very worried for himself.

"Let's go!" Chen Wanhe gritted his teeth and quickly dived towards the ground, pulling up Gao Tou Tuo and Short Tuo, who were more seriously injured.

After receiving the order to retreat, Fat Tou Tuo quickly turned into a meat ball.

"Xiaochen, thin head Tuo!" Fat head Tuo shouted.

Wang Qianchen and Thin Tou Tuo rushed to him immediately, and then he blew suddenly, and his body quickly bounced out.

"Go back and have a good talk!" Song Cepeng shouted at Chen Wanhe's back.

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