Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 812: robbed halfway

The relationship between the Wild Boar King and the Golden Eagle King is good or bad, but they both work under the Northern Demon Emperor, and they don't want to offend him. But there is no way, the order is greater than Mount Tai, and it is still necessary to move.

With the order of the Wild Boar King, the entire territory naturally acted, especially in the Mengnei area, all the monsters flying in the sky, running on the ground, and swimming in the water, all the monsters were paying close attention to Wang Qianchen's movements.

Soon there was news that Wang Qianchen was about to leave Mengnei and headed in the direction of Gan Province.

If you don't take action in time, it will not be the territory of the wild boar king.

"Okay, you stop him, I'll be there soon!" The Wild Boar King instructed one of his ling masters, and then he sat on his white-clawed eagle and rushed to Gan Province.


Mombasa, the western frontier.

Following the smell of He Jun, Fat Toutuo and others, Wang Qianchen flew fast all the way. He remembered Fat Toutuo's warning that He Jun let him go privately, and that Chen Wanhe was likely to kill him!

He was so worried about He Jun that he didn't have time to think about anything else, just flying like crazy, flying...

But it didn't take long for him to feel that there was a faint agitation in the air and on the ground. There were several birds of prey exuding realm aura hovering in the air, and there were even many beasts running on the ground.

These monsters seem to be coming towards him.

Just as Wang Qianchen frowned, he heard the sound of "swish", and a big bird came galloping, and on the bird's back stood a strong man covered in hair and looking like a savage.

"Master Dog Ridge!" the other party shouted loudly.

"Who?" Wang Qianchen stopped in the air.

"Hey, I'm Daniu Mao, and the Lord of Dog Ridge came to my site, why didn't you say anything, I'll entertain you!" The strong man laughed heartily.

Hairy cow?

Wang Qianchen had an impression of this name. One of the ridge masters under the king of wild boars was actually a yak.

Previously, Wang Qianchen was captured by the Wild Boar King and sent to Feng Jiujiu. Later, he learned the truth and did not blame him, knowing that it was Lu Jun's order. And the Golden Eagle King also told him afterwards, don't complain or blame Lu Jun, maybe the demon emperor has a different idea.

Just kidding, does he dare to complain, that is the Demon Emperor!

In any case, Wang Qianchen always adheres to the principle of "injustice has the first debt, and the owner is the owner". If you want to blame Lu Jun, it will not be implicated in the Wild Boar King, and it will not affect the Lingzhu under the Wild Boar King.

So Wang Qianchen also said politely: "It turned out to be Lord Mao Ling, I'm sorry, I'm passing by in a hurry, so I won't bother you, and come back to visit."

After he finished speaking, Wang Qianchen was about to bypass Mao Daniel and move on.

But Mao Daniu stopped him again, smiled and said: "What's the urgency, you are the most famous monster in the north of our country, and you have been in the limelight recently... It's hard to come here, how can you leave so easily ? Walk around and have a drink in my cave."

Wang Qianchen slaughtered Qingcheng, killed Ge Ye, and later killed Hong Xiaohao and Huang Wei. He is indeed famous among monsters.

Mao Daniel stepped on the big bird and flew over, reaching out to pull Wang Qianchen's arm.

At this moment, Wang Qianchen still did not see the maliciousness of Mao Daniel, thinking that the other party was just warm and hospitable, and still said politely: "No need, I have an urgent matter to go..."

"Don't go, go have a drink at my place..." Mao Daniel clasped Wang Qianchen's wrist tightly.

"Master Mao Ling, please let me go." Wang Qianchen finally felt that something was wrong, and frowned slightly.

"Let's go, let's go..." Mao Daniel still smiled, pulling Wang Qianchen and going down.

"I repeat, let me go!" Wang Qianchen's voice finally cooled down.

"What are you going to do if you don't let me go?" Mao Daniu's voice also cooled down: "What's wrong with inviting you to a glass of wine? We are both ling masters, and I invite you to drink for your face, who are you mad at? "

Wang Qianchen did not release his realm aura, and Mao Daniel did not detect his strength, otherwise he would not dare to speak like that.

Wang Qianchen was finally annoyed. He didn't care whether Daniel Mao was malicious or not. It was the right thing to pursue He Jun. He immediately turned his wrist and slapped Daniel Mao on the chest.

"Master Mao Ling, I'm sorry, I have to go, I'll come back and visit again!" With this palm, Wang Qianchen didn't use all his strength, and directly slapped Daniel Mao off the back of the big bird, and in "Huhu" Huh" the wind hurriedly fell.

The big bird was also taken aback and rushed out to intercept it.

"Stop him for me!" Mao Daniel shouted.

More than a dozen raptors hovering in the air quickly screamed and neighed and rushed towards Wang Qianchen. Most of these raptors were mostly walled, and of course there was no shortage of rock and stone.

Even on the ground, there are many beasts jumping high, although they can't fly, but the height of the jump is not bad.

Wang Qianchen was very annoyed, but he didn't pull out the demon sword. He just punched and kicked quickly. After a burst of "bang, bang, bang," he knocked out all the monsters, and then flew forward quickly.

"Master Dog Ridge, you're not giving any face anymore..." At this moment, a yin and yang strange voice suddenly came from afar.

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