Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 814: Shanghai City, Du Hong

at the same time.

Bricks climbed the mountains and waded all the way, and finally arrived at Shanghai City.

"Damn, I'm exhausted..." The slab was wet and slippery, as if it had just been fished out of the water, it was the sweat it naturally secreted.

From Mombasa to Shanghai, even if it takes several hours by plane, you can imagine how hard it is to make the bricks along the way.

It's just a monster that hasn't been repaired in human form!

——Although based on its strength, it should not be like this.

But no one knows why, it doesn't know, neither does Wang Qianchen.

Fortunately, after arriving in Shanghai City, the streets are full of buses and taxis, and even the subway can be used, so I can finally let it rest for a while. But when he was lying on a taxi, he suddenly remembered that he didn't know where the base of Shanghai Monster Slayer was.

"What a broken mission..." Brick carrying two spiritual pills on his back, suddenly thought of a good idea.

"Boom!" The tile slammed the top of the taxi vigorously.

"What's the situation?!" The taxi driver was taken aback, and immediately pulled over and came out to check.

Then he saw a scene that he will never forget for the rest of his life.

An azure-colored slab actually moved on its own, slapping his taxi while making a strange laugh of "Jie Jie Jie".

"Ah—" the driver yelled in fright, turning around and running.

"You run a few times!" Banzhuan scolded, rushed forward, and slapped a brick on his face.

"Ah—" The driver sat on the curb on the curb, clutching his **** nose.

"It hurts, hurts, hurts—"

Seeing the blood, Brick couldn't bear it any longer. He jumped up and sucked two sips vigorously, and then spit it out: "Ordinary people's blood is really hard to drink..."

Then he swayed in front of the driver: "Call the police and say you have encountered a monster!"

Ten minutes later, a monster slayer from the wall arrived.


The demon slayer wearing a black cloak rushed over from the end of the street after a few ups and downs, holding the demon slayer knife in one hand and the demon bell in the other, his eyes quickly searching around, ready to clear the space at any time.


The bricks roared out, and a brick slapped him in the face.

"Ah..." The Monster Slayer covered his bleeding nose and sat down on the road beside the road.

"It hurts, hurts, hurts—"

Brick pounced again to **** blood, and said contentedly, "Well, the quality is not bad this time!"

Immediately he shouted, "You are not my opponent, call Du Hong over here!"

Another ten minutes passed.

A bald head in a cassock appeared, and the same few came quickly.

"Where is the monster, dare to call me here?!" Du Hong was furious, blazing flames in one hand and holding the demon bell in the other.

"Du Hong!" Brick flew out quickly, shouting with joy.

"..." Banzhuan was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed: "Azhuan, why are you?"

One person and one brick quickly hugged each other.

Of course, the brick has no hands, so from the outside, it looks like Du Hong is holding it, like a puppy, and keeps stroking its brick body.

On the curb next to it.

"What's the matter?" The taxi driver looked confused.

"I don't know either..." The Demon Slayer was equally at a loss.

After half an hour.

Du Hong brought the tiles to his rental house.

——Yes, the dignified Demon Slayer Captain in Hucheng can’t afford to buy a house in Hucheng, so he can only rely on rent for a short period of time.

"Azhuan, why are you here?" Du Hong poured a glass of water over.

"Have you seen the spirit pills on my back? Take one and eat it. After eating, you can ascend to the mountain realm... You can only take one, and the other belongs to Tan Zuo." Brick is lying on the edge of the cup. , gulps down the water, and the long journey has indeed made it thirsty.

"Wow, it's so powerful, who did it?" Du Hong immediately rushed forward and took a spiritual pill from the brick.

"Who else is there other than my master, who can treat you and Xiao Tan so well... Bah, bah, the water is not good, please give me some blood." Brick flew again.

"Hey, it doesn't matter." Du Hong took out the demon bell and shook it, and a huge zebra corpse appeared in the living room.

"Fuck, have you killed Ma Qianli?" Brick was stunned.

"What nonsense, this is a peak monster that I killed yesterday. I found it in the circus, and it's also a zebra, but it's not Ma Qianli. I haven't had time to burn it!" In [Monster Slayer], there is a place dedicated to burning monster corpses. But Du Hong has always been lazy and only goes there once every ten days and a half a month.

"It's fine if it's not Ma Qianli, I'm really embarrassed to **** his blood." Brick slammed on the zebra's body, pinpointed the wound and sucked it.

Zebra and Du Hong had a fierce battle last night. Most of their bodies were burned, but there were also stab wounds.

The demon bell is an anaerobic zone, so the blood has not dried up.

"Where did Xiaochen get the spirit pills?" Du Hong also shoved the spirit pills into his mouth when Brick was sucking blood. Sure enough, within a minute, the aura of the mountains emanated from his body.

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