Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 839: Qingyun Sword

The huge impact was instantly transmitted to Wang Qianchen's arms, almost shattering his shoulder blades.

"[Vigorously]!" At the same time, Wang Qianchen gave a light drink, grabbed the wild boar king's head and raised it above his head, and then slammed it down to the ground again!

The speed was so fast that even the white-clawed eagle had no time to react.


A huge earthquake came from the ground, so that the entire Qianrenling trembled. Between the smoke and dust, the huge body of the wild boar king smashed a deep hole. Before he could react, Wang Qianchen did not do anything, then quickly dived down and slammed into his head.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Wang Qianchen threw his fists together, and with the blessing of [Dali], he quickly beat the wild boar king beyond recognition and fainted. If it wasn't for the fear of "Northern Demon Emperor" Lu Jun, he would have been killed on the spot.

"Crazy, what are you doing to provoke me?" Wang Qianchen shook his hands, and he was so tired that he was out of breath. He could not have imagined that this was Lu Jun's order, and he had never imagined that the two demon emperors had chatted and split.

After confirming that the wild boar king had indeed passed out, Wang Qianchen turned to look around again, worried that there were other ambushes, but the entire Qianrenling was silent, and even the white-clawed eagle escaped.

Even if there was an ambush, he would have been too frightened to come out when he saw him beating the Wild Boar King violently?

Wang Qianchen took out his mobile phone and was about to tell the Golden Eagle King about this. He is already in the mountains, and becoming a demon king is a sure thing. But after all, it is not. If you hurt another demon king, of course you have to report to your superiors.

"Drip Bell-"

At the same time, another cell phone rang.

Wang Qianchen's eyes moved down, and he found that the voice came from the wild boar king. After groping for a while, he quickly took out a half-new cell phone. He had no interest in other people's privacy at first, but he vaguely felt that it was so late that someone still called the Wild Boar King, maybe it was related to him, maybe he could figure out the reason why he kept trying to trouble him.

The phone is still ringing continuously.

Wang Qianchen looked down and found that it was an unfamiliar number with no remarks, and its attribution showed a remote country overseas!

Wang Qianchen was stunned for a moment. The first reaction was that the wild boar king has foreign friends? The second reaction is that this guy is not also a member of the [Guangfuhui], right?

It's no secret that the base of the [Guangfuhui] is abroad. Song Epee has run outside several times, so Wang Qianchen is naturally a little sensitive when he sees where he belongs overseas.

Thinking of this, Wang Qianchen no longer hesitated, picked up the phone immediately, and answered with the voice of the wild boar king: "Hello?"

He has the technique of [False Shape], and it is no problem to change into another person's appearance, and it is not a problem to imitate his voice.

A slightly gloomy voice came from the phone: "Why so long?"

Wang Qianchen said: "There is something."

The phone said, "Have you tried Ling Wan, do you believe me now?"

Hearing that the other party mentioned Ling Wan, Wang Qianchen was even more sure that this was someone from the [Guangfuhui]. Listening to this, they had just met the Wild Boar King not long ago, and they gave the Wild Boar King some sweetness.

Wang Qianchen didn't know whether the Wild Boar King had tried it or not, and replied based on his own experience: "I have tried it, it's amazing, it really raised a small realm!"

The other party said with satisfaction: "That's right! I told you a long time ago, as long as you join our [Guangfuhui], there will be a steady stream of spiritual pills in the future, and it will be a matter of time before you reach the top."

So far, Wang Qianchen still doesn't know what the evil spirit, the leader of the [Guangfuhui], is, but he doesn't feel that the other party is talking big, because he has eaten more than one spiritual pill, and the effect is indeed top-notch!

Wang Qianchen immediately said: "Okay, I joined the [Guangfuhui], please send me more spirit pills."

According to some previous experiences, it can be determined that the spiritual pills of the [Guangfuhui] are sent by mail.

The other party sneered: "You haven't done anything, why do you want more spirit pills?"

Wang Qianchen said, "What task do you want to give me?"

The other party said: "[Demon Slayer] Among the 'Bada Shanren' there is a man named Xi Wu, do you know?"

Wang Qianchen felt a "squeak" in his heart and said, "I know, why?"

Xi Wu is a mountain man who lives in the northwest. He was born in Qingcheng Mountain at first, and he is also Ge ​​Ye's mentor and younger brother. After the chaos in Mount Qingcheng and the death of Ge Ye, this Xi Wu was furious and searched everywhere for Wang Qianchen's whereabouts.

Could it be that he is also an undercover agent of the [Guangfuhui]?

The other party continued: "You contact Xi Wu and tell him that you are looking for Qingyunjian, and he will understand what it means."

"Qingyun sword?!" Wang Qianchen exclaimed.

"Yes, the magic weapon of the Xianjia 'Mo Liqing', the head of the four generals of the magic family. He knows where the thing is buried. You tell the secret of the 'Northern Demon Emperor' Lu Jun, and then urge Lu Jun to dig it, do you know? The other party continued to explain: "Don't think about owning it. With your current strength, you can't control it at all. Do what I say honestly, and there will be a steady stream of spiritual pills in the future."

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