Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 934: Prison X

Some criminals of [Tianqi], or the demon slayers who made mistakes, who did not reach the death penalty after being tried by the court, will all be imprisoned here.

The warden of X Prison is called Tian Jun. He is a cultivator who has reached the top. The task is to station in this prison and strictly prevent those vicious prisoners from escaping.

No matter what happened in Daxia, Song Cepeng would not be able to call him out as long as he was alive and dead. When a group of demons from a foreign country invaded the frontier for the first time, they would rather let the demon slayer team in Beijing take their lives to block it. Did not make a phone call to Tian Jun.

Because the prisoners detained here are very terrifying, the consequences will only be more serious once they get out of control.

At this moment, Tian Jun received a call in the office.

"Headmaster Tian, ​​Yuan Tianpeng, the head of Longhu Mountain, is here."

"Well, to see his son, right? Let him come in, no need to sign."

"Okay." The subordinate hung up the phone.

At the entrance of the prison, a staff member in a black uniform made a "please" gesture.

"Thank you." Yuan Tianpeng exhaled and stepped into the door.

After passing through a long black corridor and turning a few more turns, we came to the visitor's room.

A thick layer of glass divides the limited space into two halves - of course, this glass is not made of ordinary materials - Yuan Xiaolie on the other side, saw Yuan Tianpeng come in, and immediately cried, "Dad!"

Because of the glass, Yuan Tianpeng couldn't hear his voice, so he rushed over to pick up the phone and asked anxiously, "Xiaolie, what's going on?"

"Dad, get me out, I don't want to stay here for a day!" Yuan Xiaolie started crying while holding the phone.

After not seeing him for a few months, Yuan Xiaolie was so thin that he almost took off his face. His cheekbones were high and bulging, and his eyes were empty.

"What the **** is going on? Didn't I ask Warden Tian to take care of you?" Seeing his son like this, Yuan Tianpeng became even more anxious.

"He takes good care of me, but he can't give me a big meal! Every day is cabbage, porridge, and steamed buns. I can't eat those things! Every time I protest, they laugh at me and say that I am yours. Bastards, they've gotten to the point where they're still playing tricks... Dad, save me out, I've really had enough!" Yuan Xiaolie burst into tears.

Hearing the front, Yuan Tianpeng still wanted to reprimand him a few words, this place is not bad if there is something to eat, but also pick and choose? This is a prison, not a vacation, and if you make a mistake, you will be punished and so on.

But after hearing that, he fell silent again. Like Yuan Xiaolie, he was the most taboo for others to say the word "illegitimate child".

"Who laughed at you?" Yuan Tianpeng couldn't hold back after all, he gritted his teeth and his eyes became red.

"Everyone laughs at me, from the prisoners to the staff, they laugh at me! Even the temporary worker who delivered the meal threw me an egg and said it was illegitimate!"


If there were only a few people, Yuan Tianpeng could still take care of them through Tian Jun.


Tian Jun has no more intimidation, how can he block the voices of Youyou?

Yuan Tianpeng's fist clenched instantly, almost crushing the phone.

"Dad, quickly get me out..." Yuan Xiaolie burst into tears.

"I will." Yuan Tianpeng said word by word: "If you endure it, I will definitely have a solution."


Tibetan area, Gangdise Mountains.

It is very close to Mount Everest, and it is inaccessible, but it is a paradise for monsters.

The cave residence of Hu Di'er, the "Monster Emperor of the West", is here.

Hu Di'er is good at changing and confusing people, but what he is most proud of is his fortune in music. He often feels that he was born into the wrong race. If he were a human being, he would have long been a famous and famous musician.

Hu Di'er named his cave house, Eight Sound Cave.

There are eight-note concerts in the folk, that is, concerts composed of drums, gongs, cymbals, spin, sheng, xiao, flute, and pipe. The skills exhibited in the Eight Music Club also complement each other and are applauded by everyone.

As his skills became more and more skilled, and no one could play with him anymore, he found a few "like-minded" monsters and rehearsed at the entrance of his own cave. After countless times of running-in, they finally became very tacit, and occasionally went down the mountain to pick up a job, and they did not dislike weddings and weddings, and they could also be praised by people.

At this moment, Hu Di'er did not rehearse, but received a guest in the cave.

He was wearing a big red robe, his face was as evil as ever, and he was holding a green flute in his hand. He leaned on the stone chair, showing half of his fair shoulders, looking charming and charming, and said lazily: " I'm glad you could come and see me..."

Sitting across from him was a tall man with big eyes and a rough face. He seemed a little unacceptable to such a Hu Di'er, but he said respectfully, "I wanted to see you for a long time, but the timing has never been right..."

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