Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 937: he is mountain man

"Then he saw me?" Wang Qianchen still asked uncertainly.

"I guess, he must have seen it... I don't know what his identity is, or his relationship with Hu Di'er, but if he talks nonsense, Hu Di'er probably won't let you go..." Song Chongjian Analyze carefully.

Wang Qianchen entered the secret cave in the Eight Sound Cave without consent, and Hu Dier knew that this matter would definitely not let it go.

"I'll go to Feng Jiujiu to discuss it!" Wang Qianchen hung up immediately.

In Gangdise Mountain, in Bayin Cave, only Feng Jiujiu can help him.

But just as Wang Qianchen got up, a big man walked into the hole with the light on his back, then took off the straw hat on his head and stood in front of him.

"..." Wang Qianchen looked at Lu Qiao, unable to say a word.

The two looked at each other.

Lu Qiao turned his head to look outside the cave and made sure there was no one around, so he said in a low voice, "Why did you enter the cave just now?"

Sure enough, he saw it!

Wang Qianchen didn't know what to say, and he turned back and forth in his head, but he couldn't find a suitable reason for a while.

"What are you looking for?" Lu Qiao asked again, "I go there often. I can tell you anything you want to know."

"..." Wang Qianchen was still speechless, looking at him in disbelief, not really understanding what he meant.

Lu Qiao said seriously: "Why, you don't know me anymore? I'm one of the 'mountain people'!"

Wang Qianchen said, "Of course I know you, but you..."

"I'm a mountain man stationed in the southwest." Lu Qiao seemed to know what Wang Qianchen was worried about, and said directly: "With my strength, I can't defeat Hu Di'er at all. I don't embarrass him, he doesn't go down the mountain to harm people, and occasionally helps me catch monsters who have committed crimes... Tomorrow is his 800th birthday, so I came over to congratulate him in advance. Of course, this is not legal, you Don't tell Commander Song!"


Wang Qianchen has already told Song Cepeng...

Lu Qiao is neither the first nor the last of the monster slayers who maintain a good relationship with monsters.

But Wang Qianchen is a wanted criminal, and Lu Qiao's attitude is really...

"Zou Liang told me everything." Lu Qiao still knew what he was thinking, and grinned, "Although I don't know what's going on, being with Commander Song is enough to show that you are a good person. . If you need any help from me, just say it."

"..." Wang Qianchen became more and more speechless.

Before Zou Liang left the White Dog Cave, Song Chongjian clearly told him not to let him talk about it...

"Zou Liang and I are good friends who talk about everything. He tells me anything." Lu Qiao smiled a little embarrassedly, and scratched his big head. No matter what Wang Qianchen was thinking, he It seems to be able to guess and respond at the first time.

Every step is in perfect harmony, every sentence is answered fluently.

But Wang Qianchen still couldn't believe him.

What if Lu Qiao is the special envoy of the [Guangfuhui], and he also knows that he and Song Cepeng are in the same group. What should he do if he wants to use this opportunity to deceive his trust?

Lightning-like thoughts flickered in Wang Qianchen's head.

Thinking of this, Wang Qianchen did not act rashly, but said with a smile: "So that's how it is... I didn't want to do anything, I was just curious about what was in those holes, so I went to take a look."

"You still don't believe me..." Lu Qiao scratched his head again and said, "Forget it, remember that anyway, you can find me if you have anything! I still have some say in Hu Di'er."

"Okay." Wang Qianchen smiled calmly.

"Well, let's go, no matter what you want to do, I wish you all the best..." Lu Qiao put the straw hat on his head, waved at Wang Qianchen, and then walked out of the hole.

Watching his back gradually leave, Wang Qianchen was thoughtful.

It feels like a reliable person.

But "feeling" is the most unreliable thing.

Wang Qianchen called Song Chongjian again, and told him what happened just now—it had already been said, so it can only be said to the end.

"Can this person be trusted?" Wang Qianchen questioned again.

"I'm investigating him." Song Chongjian didn't know where he was, and his tone was very fast: "I'll tell you as soon as I find out his details."

"Okay." Wang Qianchen hung up the phone.

While waiting for Song Cepeng's reply, Wang Qianchen walked around the Bayin Cave again. He is the white dog king, and he walks around when he has nothing to do, and no one will say anything.

With the ears and nose, if He Jun and others are really here, there will always be some clues.

But no, not anywhere.

As dusk approached, the king of leopards and the king of giant elephants went up the mountain.

Wang Qianchen and the Giant Elephant King are not familiar with each other, but they have met the Hua Leopard King several times, and they laughed and hugged as soon as they met.

"I heard that you visited the Demon King everywhere, why didn't you come to me?!" The Leopard King grinned in dissatisfaction.

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