Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 947: despair and terror

Wang Qianchen didn't speak, just took out a mobile phone and held it in front of Hu Di'er.

"Do you know this thing?" Wang Qianchen sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Hu Di'er looked confused.

"Don't know? It's okay, I'll tell you." Wang Qianchen said quietly: "This is the mobile phone of the Giant Elephant King. When I searched him, I didn't find Ling Wan and Bai Yu Ping, so I took the mobile phone with me."

"Then what?" Hu Di'er was still puzzled.

"After I took his phone, I planned to find a place to unlock it and study the secrets inside. But it didn't take long before someone called... By the way, this special envoy and I are not the first I have dealt with him for the first time. I imitated the voice of the Giant Elephant King to communicate with him, trying to get some secrets out of his mouth, but he showed a very impatient attitude and asked me if I would tell you the whereabouts of Shanhe, Shejitu. I have not yet Speaking, he suddenly made a 'huh', then hung up the phone..."

Having said this, Wang Qianchen sighed deeply: "I didn't understand what this special envoy meant at the time, but when I saw you on Wangyun Peak, I finally realized that it was you who called at that time, so he cut off my line. According to my guess, you really trust the Giant Elephant King, so before the birthday feast, you specifically told the special envoy that you may be very busy. If there is any situation, you can tell the Giant Elephant King, and the Giant Elephant King will tell you. Unexpectedly, the matter of the Huabao King happened, so after the banquet was over, you quickly contacted the special envoy... Otherwise, there is really no explanation, how do you know that the mountain and rivers are here! Maybe you will defend, you and Like the Black Bear King and the others, they also received a text message from an unknown number... But that's impossible. From the special envoy's point of view, you already know the location of Shanhe Shejitu, so it's impossible to take off your pants and fart any more."

Facing such meticulous logic and reasoning, Hu Di'er fell silent completely.

"Lord Xihuang, if Yaozu knew about this... he shouldn't let you go, right?" Wang Qianchen shook his head slightly, looking at Hu Di'er with some regret.

Wang Qianchen and Feng Jiujiu have communicated many times, and they know that Yaozu also doesn't like to see the [Guangfuhui] organization.

"So what? I'll get the Shanhe Sheji map right away, and even the demon ancestor won't be able to help me!" Hu Di'er pointed at the pit next to him, with a grin on his face.

"First of all, you have overestimated the power of the artifact... I'm not saying that the artifact is not as powerful, but it is not as powerful as you think." Wang Qianchen, who has handled many artifacts, knows this very well, and then added: "Secondly, so many of us are here. This, why do you think the map of the mountains and rivers must be yours?"

"Just a few of you scum, you want to take the divine weapon from me?" Hu Di'er sneered disdainfully, then put the flute to his lips, and played a tune leisurely.

Hu Di'er is good at rhythm, and after so many years of practice, every tune he plays is melodious.

But his tunes are more than just nice.

When he stimulated the spiritual power in his body, the melodious flute sound and musical score became a murderous movement!


One after another, invisible wind blades burst out from the flute, and there was a sharp whistling sound in the air.

"You hide, I will deal with him!" Wang Qianchen was not afraid at all, but rushed forward, trying to block these wind blades with his own strength.

When these wind blades were about to hit him, he suddenly let out a "huh" and seemed to realize the horror of these wind blades, so he pulled out the demon-slaying knife to resist, and heard the sound of "ding ding ding dong", although the protection There were several fatal parts, but the arms and legs were still cut by some wind blades, and some wind blades rushed out, directly attacking the black bear king, the golden eagle king and other monsters.

The Black Bear King and the Golden Eagle King tried their best to resist, but they were far weaker than Wang Qianchen, and it was even more impossible to block Hu Di'er's attack.

A wind blade rolled over the head of the Golden Eagle King, and a huge eagle head fell to the ground instantly, blood sprayed on the white snow, shocking.

The Black Bear King avoided the fatal blow, but one arm and one leg were missing, and his body was covered in blood.

As for the other monsters, it was even worse. They didn't have any energy to escape, and they were directly chopped up and splattered with blood on the spot!

On Wangyun Peak, which was originally a pure white snow, so many monsters died in an instant, hot blood and scattered stumps were scattered everywhere, and the black smoke of "Zila La" continued to rise, each The corpses of animals and plants appeared, and the scene was extremely bloody.

"Ah-ah-" The Black Bear King's body twisted on the snow, and the blood stained a large area of ​​snow. Only he and Wang Qianchen were not dead.

But compared to Wang Qianchen, the Black Bear King's injury was too severe. Since he was born, he has never suffered such a serious injury. He was in unbearable pain and screamed again and again. The entire Wangyun Peak was filled with an aura of despair and terror.

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