Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 959: then you die

When he came to the gate of the prison, Yuan Tianpeng, like every time before, said with a calm expression: "Please inform Warden Tian, ​​I will come to see my son."

People in prison X are strictly prohibited from visiting.

But Yuan Tianpeng's identity is not ordinary after all, and with Song Epee's permission, he is extra-judicial.

After the guard's announcement, the gate of the prison opened and Tian Jun walked out.

Yuan Tianpeng was stunned for a moment: "Headmaster Tian, ​​why did you come out in person?"

To avoid suspicion, this was something that had never happened before.

Tian Jun said with a smile: "Yuan Tianshi, you've been here several times, and it's a little embarrassing to see you every time... Let's go, I'll go with you."

"...Okay." Yuan Tianpeng had doubts in his heart, but he was eager to save the child, and he was also cherishing the mountains, rivers, and the community.

Under the leadership of Tian Jun, the two walked towards the visitor room.

"Yuan Tianshi, didn't you just come here a few days ago, why did you come here again, do you miss your son so much?" Tian Jun asked casually as he walked away.

"I happened to be doing errands nearby recently, so I'll be back soon, so I'll have a look." Yuan Tianpeng replied calmly.

"Well." Tian Jun didn't ask any more questions and continued to walk forward.

Following behind him, Yuan Tianpeng gently rubbed Fuchen. He wanted to save his son and left, but if Tian Jun didn't leave him...even if he didn't kill him, he would have to be seriously injured.

When I came to the visitor's room, it was still empty.

Tian Jun asked the staff to call Yuan Xiaolie, and said casually: "Yuan Tianshi, I have tried my best to take care of your son, but the standard of food here is the same, so..."

He sighed and continued, "Xiaolie just came in not long ago. He couldn't stand the food here. He was often hungry and full, and he lost a lot of weight! But it's fine, he'll get used to it after staying for a year and a half!"

Yuan Tianpeng's fist clenched secretly, and the blue veins appeared on the back of his hand, like a blue dragon.

A year and a half?

He didn't want his son to stay here for a day!

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and Yuan Xiaolie was brought in by the staff.

On the other side, of course, the visitor's room is divided in half by a thick pane of glass, and people can be seen, but communicated through microphones.

"Dad!" Seeing Yuan Tianpeng, Yuan Xiaolie burst into tears and rushed to the glass.

Yuan Tianpeng couldn't help himself, and his heart was full of emotions, but he still pretended to be calm and walked over. After picking up the microphone, he turned his head and said, "Headmaster Tian, ​​can I talk to my son alone for a while?"

"I'm sorry, no, someone must be present, that's the rule." Tian Jun smiled.

Yuan Tianpeng stopped talking, and silently picked up the microphone.

"Dad, save me out, I don't want to stay here for a whole day!" Yuan Xiaolie cried, almost tearing his heart out.

"Be quiet!" Yuan Tianpeng gritted his teeth.

"I can't take it anymore, I don't want to stay here anymore..." Yuan Xiaolie still cried as if he didn't hear it.

With a "pop", Yuan Tianpeng hung up the microphone, completely isolating Yuan Xiaolie's voice.

"Headmaster Tian!" Yuan Tianpeng turned around.

"What's the matter?" Tian Jun asked immediately.

"Did you know something?" Yuan Tianpeng looked gloomy.

"What do you mean?" Tian Jun frowned.

"Stared at me from the beginning, followed me all the way to the visitor's room, and even guarded the conversation between my son and me..." Yuan Tianpeng became more and more impatient.

"Yuan Tianshi, I don't know what you mean..."

"I don't know, then you're going to die!"

Yuan Tianpeng roared, and suddenly threw out the whisk in his hand, the soft animal hair suddenly grew longer, and became extremely hard and strong, and pierced directly towards Tian Jun's chest.

"Pfft—" With a sound, the skin was ripped apart and blood was dripping.

On the other side of the glass, Yuan Xiaolie was dumbfounded.

Even Yuan Tianpeng himself was quite shocked. It was true that he attacked suddenly, but he did not expect that he would succeed. After all, Tian Jun is a cultivator of the highest level!

What about trouble?

Tian Jun's face was calm, he first looked down at his bleeding chest, then raised his head and sighed heavily: "Yuan Tianshi, you really disappointed me... I hope you are right, he is wrong. I'd rather believe you than believe him!"

"He? Who is he?" Yuan Tianpeng frowned.

"Wang Qianchen." Tian Jun said, "He found me and said you were going to rob me... I didn't believe it, so I arrested him and put him in the prison area."

Wang Qianchen is still alive, and has guessed his next plan?

That is to say, Hu Di'er is dead?

At this moment, Yuan Tianpeng didn't care about those anymore, he gritted his teeth and said, "Really, then you believe me, it's a big mistake! I wanted to save my son and left... You asked for it!"

With a "swoosh", Yuan Tianpeng suddenly pulled out the whisk.

A blood hole opened in Tian Jun's chest, but he still stood upright.

"Do you think I'll let you save people?" Tian Jun sneered, and when he looked at Yuan Tianpeng again, his tone and eyes became extremely cold!

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