Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 993: take a man, take a sword

Fat Toutuo couldn't help but said, "Siyao, you know how good Commander Chen is to you! Why didn't you come when [Tianqi] was formed?"

Si Yao lowered her head and said, "I've said it many times... I think Master is wrong..."

"You..." Fat Tou Tuo was a little annoyed, and suddenly said in a heartbeat: "Then return the Sword of Immortal Slaying, you don't deserve it!"

"Okay." Si Yao was relieved, and immediately handed over the Immortal Slaying Sword.

"Don't mess around, this is what Commander Chen gave her!"

"You don't want to live anymore?"

Thin Tou Tuo and Gao Tou Tuo tried to persuade them, but Fat Tou Tuo stretched out his hands and retracted angrily.

Who is not afraid of Chen Wanhe?

The blind head didn't speak from the beginning to the end. At this moment, he suddenly turned his head to look in a certain direction, and said solemnly: "Attention, someone is coming!"

Everyone turned their heads together, and saw a figure walking out of the forest.

"Wang Qianchen?!" Several heads were surprised.

"Xiaochen!" Si Yao also called out immediately, with a surprised smile on her face.

Siyao knew very little about Wang Qianchen, but she was the deputy commander of [Monster Slayer], it was impossible for her to be kept in the dark like a fool. She faintly felt that Wang Qianchen and Song Cepeng seemed to be plotting something, and that Wang Qianchen had rescued her from the Scorpio envoy before, so she was still full of goodwill towards this ill-fated young man.

No matter how many heads or Siyao, Wang Qianchen is considered an old acquaintance, but he did not show any intimacy, instead he tilted his head and said with a smile: "How can a sword of beheading be pushed around, since If you don't want it, give it to me!"

Fat Tou Tuo frowned and said, "Are you kidding me?"

Wang Qianchen was still smiling: "No, I'm serious."

Fat Tuo said solemnly: "That's not good, Commander Chen gave Siyao the Sword of Immortal Slaying."

Wang Qianchen still smiled: "Really, then it's mine now!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Qianchen's realm aura exploded.

Top notch!

"I don't want to do anything to you, Siyao and Zhan Xianjian stay behind, everyone else can go!" Wang Qianchen's face gradually became cold.

When I heard Siyao tell about the Scorpio God Envoy before, several heads knew that Wang Qianchen had reached the peak, and Wang Qianchen's upgrade speed was always very fast. Some geniuses in this world are beyond the reach of people, such as Song Chongjian and Chen Wanhe. He reached this level at a young age. Although the number of such people is rare, there was no shortage in the past, and there will be no shortage in the future.

So, they didn't feel too surprised, they just became dignified one by one.

"Xiaochen, what's the matter with you?" Siyao frowned.

"Come with me with the Sword of Immortal Slaying, and you'll know what's going on!" Wang Qianchen looked indifferent.

"No, I still have a lot of things to do..." Si Yao's face sank.

"I'm sorry..." Wang Qianchen's body suddenly jumped forward.

Siyao's serious injuries have not healed, and she can barely walk, let alone resist. The four heads were immediately ready to fight, and each displayed their own abilities.

"Next!" Siyao couldn't help, so he could only throw the Sword of Immortal Slaying to the blind head.

Among the four heads, the blind head is the only one who is in a predicament.

The fat head turned into an oversized meat ball, the thin head turned into a thin piece of paper as thin as a cicada's wings, the tall arms and legs swung like long whips, and the blind one lifted the black cloth on his eyes while lifting the inside. Sword in hand.

His eyes are ferocious and terrifying. From the pupils to the rims of the eyes, there are layers of lines like snakeskin. Ordinary people will be frightened when they see them. No wonder they have to cover them all the year round.

However, before they could do anything, the sound of "bang bang bang bang" continued to sound, and several heads fell to the ground, all vomiting blood.

Wang Qianchen walked towards the blind head step by step.

Blind Tuo lay on the ground, holding the Sword of Immortal Slaying tightly in his hand, and the lines on his eyes began to rotate.

In Wang Qianchen's world, thick pythons opened their **** mouths, trying to attack all parts of his body from all angles and directions.

Wang Qianchen took out the Nine Dragons Divine Fire hood, and several fire dragons roared out immediately, burning out the pythons in minutes.

"The powerful illusion is worthy of the once famous blind Wei Yu... Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me." Standing beside the blind head, Wang Qianchen commented slowly.

Blind Tuo gritted his teeth and raised the Immortal Slaying Sword abruptly.

As soon as Wang Qianchen stretched out his hand, he used a skill of [calling], and the Sword of Immortal Slaying flew out into his palm.


The blind head roared, and the whole person jumped up and bumped into Wang Qianchen.

Wang Qianchen's body flashed, and he avoided it easily.

The blind head hit the air, exhausted his strength, and fell to the ground.

"I want your life to be easy, but I didn't do it. I hope I know what's wrong." Wang Qianchen put away the sword and walked towards Siyao again.

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