Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 992: God forgive me

Scene after scene, just like what happened yesterday, it's all between ourselves and this Lilong!

I once rode Lilong to fight in the North and South to quell all the rebellions in Qingling Continent, once rode Lilong to see every landscape in Qingling Continent, once rode Lilong Continent to set up every big formation!

With the help of Ye Chen, the little dragon of that year grew up step by step, and eventually grew into the legend of the entire Qingling Continent!

There are always too many memories, too many details, to make him unforgettable and make him feel for it!

"Xiaoli, I'm back again." Ye Chen opened his eyes again, more sentimental than before.


Lilong looked up to the sky and roared, like a child, full of excitement!

"The true **** is mighty! The true **** is mighty!" Those believers saw that the legendary Lilong was so meek in front of the true god, and the awe in their hearts became heavier. They couldn't help kneeling down on the ground again and worshiping Ye Chen. first!

"Little Li! Go! Bring me that little snake, I want to see, without this little snake, what do they have to rely on and rely on in the Changlan Empire!"


When Lilong heard Ye Chen's words, he gave a long scream again, and screamed again. During his actions, auspicious clouds lingered and thunder rolled, the whole world was shaking, and the momentum was prosperous, I don’t know that it was better than that in the palace of Changlan City. How much stronger is it!


Without a moment's effort for the Lilong to fly out, there was another tragic cry from the direction of the Changlan Imperial Palace, with fear and shock in his voice! There is even a voice begging for mercy!

Not long after, everyone once again saw a huge dragon head emerging above the palace. It was the Lilong who went there before!

And under its claws, a blood-sparkling creature appeared, and the blood was hot, falling to the ground, and even burning the ground into a huge pit!

"Dead! Lilong in the palace is dead!" Some believers shouted!

Then came the cheers of the mountains and the tsunami!

"True God is mighty, true God is mighty!"

Li Xing stood in front of Ye Chen, his face full of worship! The Lord of Shang Kingdom was even more eager. He seemed to see the Changlan Empire beckoning to him!


The huge dragon corpse fell on the ground, which was several tens of feet long, and the entire street was occupied!

The believers on both sides kept going backwards!

Xiaoli changed into a few feet long again, and fell in front of Ye Chen. The huge dragon head rubbed Ye Chen's body back and forth, seeming to be inviting credit.

"Xiao Li, good job." Ye Chen smiled slightly and praised Lilong.


Lilong howled excitedly! Coiled back and forth above Ye Chen's head!

Ye Chen smiled lightly, and then his eyes followed the Changlan victory again, looking into the distance.

"The true God forgive sin! The true God forgive sin!"

When Ye Chen looked over there, he heard a voice accusing him not far away. The voice was full of guilt and with endless fear!

Everyone followed the voice and looked over there. It was the Lord of the Changlan Empire who had previously ordered Ye Chen to go to the Lingxiao Temple!

Behind him, there were princes and ministers, all trotting all the way, rushing towards Ye Chen.

"The true God forgives sins! The true God forgives sins! I was waiting for the true God in the Lingxiao Temple before. I absolutely didn't mean to be negligent. I didn't expect to be misunderstood by the true God. Please forgive the true God!" Ye Chen begged for mercy.

"Please forgive me!" The remaining princes and ministers all knelt on the ground at this time and begged Ye Chen for forgiveness.

Ye Chen looked at these people, his eyes narrowed, and the Lilong next to him was also venting the dragon's breath at this time. The hot gas seemed to be able to melt the stones!

"I'm still waiting for your methods, but you are out now, which really disappoints me." Ye Chen said lightly.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, those people were shocked, and then fell to their knees with a thud, their faces full of pleading and fear!

"True God Mingjian! True God Mingjian! I really didn't intend to offend! It was the Dazai who communicated with the devil and intended to harass the true God, and he has now been beheaded by me! I am not strict in discipline, so please forgive the true God!" Kneeling on the ground, his body is like sifting chaff!

And the princes and grandsons around him are also constantly kowtow at this time!

Even if some of the princes here have a higher status than the previous Feng Ling, no one dared to show the slightest rudeness and offense to Ye Chen!

"Really?" Ye Chen watched the Changlan Empire state lord crying there, with sneers on his face.

Then a hand pointed to a general standing beside him in armor: "You tell me, is he telling the truth?"

The armored general was taken aback and looked terrified. He looked at the imperial state lord and then at Ye Chen. He knelt on the ground with a thud: "True God, the words of the lord are true, there is no lie."

When the Lord of the Changlan Empire heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Xiao Li." Ye Chen called out softly.


Originally, the Lilong roaming over Ye Chen directly screamed at this time, and opened his mouth to swallow, the general was directly swallowed by Lilong, and even the screams were not even heard!

Those ministers saw this scene, one after another in a two-strand battle, and kept kowtow begging for mercy, that is, the Lord of the Changlan Empire was also in cold sweat at this time!

"Let's talk about it, what the Lord of the Changlan Empire said, is it true?" Ye Chen asked again, pointing to an old man in civilian official uniform next to him.

When the pointed person saw Ye Chen pointed at himself, his face suddenly collapsed.

"True God, I...I..."


The person screamed for a long time without saying a word, Ye Chen waved his hand directly, and the Lilong swallowed again, and the whole person was swallowed clean by Lilong!


This time there was even a sound coming, it was the sound of bones being chewed, and it sounded creepy!

The Lord of the Changlan Empire and the ministers were even more scared at this time. The Lord of the Changlan Empire fell to the ground with a pale face!

"True God for mercy! True God for mercy!"

Everyone sat there begging for mercy.

"Sell it!" Ye Chen pointed at the person next to him again.

The man fell to the ground with a plop, but then he dared not conceal anything, and told Ye Chen all the things.

"Lord! These are all orders from the lord! He wants to ambush you in the Lingxiao Temple, and then use your prestige to command the world..." The man confessed everything one by one. Lest Ye Chen didn't believe it, sometimes he even pulled someone next to him to testify!

"Li Cunshang! You bastard, dare to frame me in front of the true god?" The country lord struggled to sit up and shouted at the man.

"You shut up, we all want to go out of the city to meet the true God. Only you have a wishful thinking and have to attack the true God! You are looking for death by yourself, and you have to pull us together. Why do we have to die with you now?" At that time, I also retorted to the country's lord.

The other ministers all stood up and criticized the lord of the country. Those princes were also implicated. Now, the lord of the Changlan Empire has become the target of public criticism!

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