Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 101: , Give you a chance to test

To them, these questions that are as difficult as reaching the sky are, for Ye Chen, similar to the question of 1+1 equals 2!

Do you want to hit people like this?

"As for the cheating you said! Humph!" Ye Chen smiled again!

"If you suspect that I am cheating, I will give you a chance to expose me now!" Ye Chen said.

Everyone was taken aback! What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd!

"I can write down all of your names, results, and information that appeared on the big screen, and your reactions to this list, believe it or not?" Ye Chen said.

"From the exam to now, everyone's?"


"No matter how awesome the memory master is, there is no such skill!" Someone questioned it on the spot!

"If you don't believe me, you can give it a try! But say it in advance! Each test costs 100 yuan! If the test fails, three times the refund! If the test is correct, no refund!" Ye Chen said.

Hearing this, the frying pan is next to me!

Teacher Liang Gao Jianwen and others were also stunned!

Is this a bit big to play!


"Of course!" Ye Chen said.

"Hahaha! Good! I want to see, what are you capable of!" said Teacher Yao!

"Tell me about the name, grades, and information of my student!" Teacher Yao, the least believer in evil, is still unwilling to give up!

"Zhang Kang! A student from Qingyang No. 1 Middle School! Successfully advanced to two rounds! Ranked 69th in the first round! Ranked 37 in the second round in 75 minutes and 12 seconds! 77 minutes and 36 in time!" Ye Chen said without hesitation.

When the student heard it, his face was startled!

Teacher Yao was also stunned! It's not bad at all!

"I don't believe it! Come again! This student!" Teacher Yao pushed the other student next to him!

"Li Jiang! The students of Qingyang No. 4 Middle School only advanced for one round! Ranked 54th in the first round! It took 72 minutes and 18 seconds!"

Hearing this, Teacher Yao's face couldn't help but twitch!

"I still don't believe it!" Teacher Yao drew one hundred yuan again!

At the same time, in a place far away from him, he dragged a student from another city to Ye Chen! However, the result is still the same! The memory of his message! Not bad!

"Unscientific! It's unscientific!" Teacher Yao looked at Ye Chen and muttered there!

Obviously, until now, I still don't want to believe it!

"Mr. Yao, I am embarrassed to accept this money!" Ye Chen smiled!

Afterwards, he collected the money from the table next to it!

"Who else! Who else! There is only one opportunity, if you miss it, there will be no more! The price is fair, and the young man is not bullied!" Ye Chen shouted.

Beside, everyone was speechless!

Do business here!

"I'm coming!" Another teacher came up!

However, his result was the same as that of Teacher Yao. He tried four consecutively and all of them were perfectly guessed!

Four hundred yuan, gone in an instant!

"I'm coming! I don't believe you can shake the sky!" A student walked up!

However, there was no suspense in the end!

Ten minutes!

Ye Chen already had a lot of red tickets in his hands! It's about two thousand five!

But the people around were all stunned!

Whether directly or indirectly, most of them have been counted! No one made a mistake!

"Pervert! This guy is a pervert!"

"Monster! Absolute evil!"

"I think he is a monster!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help rolling his eyes!

"I said everyone, we must speak with ethics! Do you praise or scold me! Open your mouth and shut your mouth for perverts, evildoers, monsters, can you change some great and honest words!" Ye Chen said.

"Hey, this kid is anxious!"

"It's a pervert!"

"It's a monster!"

"It's a monster!"

"Suppress us so hard, we are not allowed to talk!" A female teacher said to Ye Chen arrogantly.

"Yes! You are amazing! I don't know what you are!" Ye Chen said.

What can you do? Can this female teacher be picked up and thrown out?

Ye Chen looked at the banknote in his hand! A crescent is squinted!


Rubbing his fingers, the action exaggerated start to point money!

"There are two thousand and seven hundred! The harvest is not small! Hahaha... Now, the lunch at noon has been lost! Teachers and students, I hope you will doubt me more next time!"

Hearing what Ye Chen said, these teachers wanted to rush over and choke this guy to death!

Up to now, everyone has reacted and been scammed by this stuff!

Especially the most powerful teachers and students who questioned Ye Chen at the beginning, none of them are spared now!

The last round of the competition is a quality performance, commonly known as "Bright Skills"!

This round is naturally the most brilliant and the most interesting, but many students and teachers who were eliminated have to leave regrettably!

"Do you have any unique skills? Can you still get the first place this time?" Teacher Liang said to Ye Chen.

"A unique skill? Long and handsome, does it count?" Ye Chen thought for a while.

Teacher Liang flushed, and glanced at Ye Chen!

After a long time!

Finally whispered: "Forget it! Unfortunately, it's useless for the male judges!"

"It really doesn't work. Go back and learn it for a while, come to a cross talk show, maybe I can give you it too!" Next to him, Gao Jianwen said.

When it comes to the final round, they are really worried!

They understand Ye Chen's family background! The financial condition of the family is not good! Where is the time and energy to learn those things!

"I'm going to perform cross talk? Do you think I am so handsome, do you have a comedic effect?" Ye Chen said. "It's still early! I'll talk about it tomorrow, then see what is better to play, then play what!" Ye Chen said.

"You guy is really big-hearted!" Gao Jianwen said.

After eating, Gao Jianwen left. This shortcut to the south was nowhere, so he had to go back honestly and prepare for the college entrance examination!

"Originally pulled you back, but your kid directly became the first! Instead, you put me in!" Gao Jianwen said speechlessly.


Teacher Mu went back to the hotel dejectedly, in a terrible mood!

Looking at the results of my students, I should have been proud, but now I am not happy at all!

"No! You can't just go back like this!" Teacher Mu said.

Then I made the call!

"Uncle! The exam is over! We advanced for two rounds in a row! However, the third round failed!"

"It's already pretty good! Worthy of the special funds I allocated to you!"

"However, there are two other students in Qingzhou City who have been successfully promoted! Now, the person who took them for the exam is a teacher with no experience! If they were asked to take this student, I am afraid it would cause problems in their grades. Good influence! I want to ask you to talk about it and let me take them to the exam!"

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

"Yeah! Those two students are not bad, and they have already advanced to the third round! Or, tell Director Zhou, give me the place to teach! I must live up to the expectations!" Teacher Mu said.

Hearing this, there was a moment of silence on the other side of the phone, and then said to this end: "Okay! I'll talk to Lao Zhou."

"Thank you, uncle! I also talk to those two students here!"

"No! They are students, they should follow the above arrangement! How can they make their own choice!" said **** the phone.

"Okay! I'm waiting for good news from Uncle!"

After hanging up the phone, the ecstasy of trickery flashed across Teacher Mu's face!

"The promotion is successful, the credit goes to me! The promotion failed, it depends on how I clean up you!" Teacher Mu said in his heart!

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