Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1003: Ancient temple

Emperor Qingming looked at the long sword in Ye Chen's hand with a nervous face.

The Emperor Underworld Battle Armor and the spirit beast controlled by the rune were the two he relied on the most, but now, in front of Ye Chen, there was no one that he could take!

That rune had been completely broken by Ye Chen, and the spirit beast contract that was finally concluded, after Ye Chen intervened, that spirit beast was not a help for them, it was a nightmare.

No matter how strong the previous contract was for each spirit beast, after being attacked by Ye Chen, not only was the contract broken, but also completely counter-controlled by the person in front of them, which had already caused them great evil results.

I thought that this Azure Nether Armor could help me resist this person's attack, but I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable? It was broken open by a long sword!


Ye Chen swung a sword again, slashing towards the waist of Emperor Qing Ming.

Click! Click!

A harsh sound sounded, and then I saw that the indestructible battle armor was slit once again, and Emperor Qingming's body was exposed, dark skin and exuberant hair looked disgusting.

"This is your body? Haha... No wonder you wrapped yourself so tightly, you really don't see anyone, and it's more disgusting than those ordinary demons!" Ye Chen ridiculed the Qingming Emperor.

"If you dare to insult me ​​like this, you will pay the price of blood!" Emperor Qing Ming was furious, and his already broken body began to emit black qi at this moment, and the magic qi was steaming and flying towards the sky.

The black magic energy was absorbed by a layer of invisible matter before it reached the sky.

Then, the calm sky suddenly became turbulent. The demon who had been defeated like a mountain saw this scene, his face was full of fighting spirit again, as if he had been resurrected full of blood.

I am the prince of the ancient temple! Summon the strong in ancient temple realm, come and rescue! Emperor Qing Ming shouted at the dark cloud vortex in the sky.

"Ancient temple?" Ye Chen's mouth flashed a sneer!

"Here, I am a god! No matter what kind of creature, those who cross the border without authorization, die!" With a wave of his arm, the center of the dark cloud was quickly covered by lightning, like a sea of ​​thunder, and the thick lightning in the sea of ​​thunder is like one handle after another. Slashing the sword, mercilessly slashed the creatures in the dark clouds.



The screams are endless, there is a rain of blood falling in the sky, and there is a **** atmosphere everywhere!


A dragon roar sounded, and the huge body of Lilong appeared in the sky again, roaring at the dark cloud vortex, and the trembling eardrums hurt!

"You can't block it, my reinforcements are here after all!" Emperor Qing Ming shouted happily.


However, the creature that broke through the blockade of Thunder Sea and Lilong did not fly to Emperor Qingming for support after it appeared. Instead, it fell directly to the ground like a kite with a broken line.

The larger body than other demon spirits showed the extraordinary strength of this demon spirit, but it was a pity that it died after all!

"Qing Xu!" Emperor Qing Ming looked at the huge corpse that fell to the ground, his face could no longer remain calm, and he rushed towards it.

"Qing Xu!" Emperor Qing Ming yelled, holding the corpse and crying, his face full of grief.

A emptiness of soul light appeared, looking at Emperor Qing Ming, his eyes soft.

"Qing Xu!" Emperor Qing Ming couldn't help but shouted again, in grief and despair!

Her soul has appeared here, which means that there is no possibility of resurrection!

"Finally I saw you again." The voice was tenderly sad.

"In the beginning, you... shouldn't come here. That person came back then, even..." Qing Xu's voice was intermittent, weak, and might even break off at any time.

"Don't say it, don't say it, I'll take you back to find the royal father for treatment. Go!" Qing Ming said loudly to Qing Xu.

Emperor Qingming can no longer calm down at this time, looking at the dying Qing Xu in his arms, his expression is sorrowful, he hates it, but helplessly, he stares at Ye Chen fiercely, even if he smashes the steel. Tooth, there is no alternative!

"If you dare to run here to go wild, you should be ready to be buried here!" Ye Chen said lightly.

"I won't let you go!" Emperor Qing Ming shouted, his eyes blood red, like a violent beast.

Ye Chen smiled lightly, such a threat did not hurt him at all.

Waving his arm again, the purple fairy yuan flew out like a horse, hitting Emperor Qing Ming's face heavily, and flying him along with the other demon in his arms.


Emperor Qing Ming yelled, mad with hatred.


Another slap hit Emperor Qing Ming’s face directly, and the whole person was hit again and flew out. At this time, the armor on his body could not protect him. The devilish energy collapsed, and it was constantly transpiring. As for that Falling from the sky and being beaten in the thunder sea, the tender green emptiness outside the Jiao, at this time, there is no sound, completely dead.

"I want you to die!" Emperor Qingming shouted at Ye Chen, his body suddenly rushed towards Ye Chen, and his body suddenly became devilish!

It was as if he wanted to completely release his abilities to deal with Ye Chen in an instant!

It's useless!

Ye Chen didn't give him another chance at all, punched out again, and directly flew out the whole person he had hit.

Flying all the way, the magic energy spilled again, as if an oversized ink bag had leaked, and the entire sky was spilled with black gas!

"This is your skill?" Ye Chen sneered in his heart.

Looking at Emperor Qing Ming who was already lying on the ground like a dead dog, he slowly walked over, stretched his arm, and lifted him up again. The whole demon was hanging in the air, embarrassed, and there was no resistance. !

"You...you...you will pay the price!" Emperor Qing Ming shouted at Ye Chen dissatisfied!

He responded with another punch!

Emperor Qing Ming, who had just breathed unevenly, was even weaker under this punch, as if he was about to die at any time.

"The relationship between the creature that fell from the sky just now and you seems unusual, who is yours?" Ye Chen asked pretending to gossip.

"You... are looking for death!" Emperor Qingming shouted at Ye Chen, his body trembling violently, as if he had received a stimulus.

Ye Chen ignored it at all!

It was another slap, almost smashing this guy's head!

"Let's talk about it, what is your thing?" Ye Chen asked with a sneer.

Emperor Qingming glared at Ye Chen, as if he was about to eat him. Now, this was his only threat to Ye Chen.

"Why? Don't you want to say? Then go to death!"


With a palm slap, the head of Emperor Qing Ming directly resembled a black watermelon, completely exploding, and the black energy overflowed, looking very strange!

Then, Ye Chen didn't stop, reaching out and grabbing the soul light spot in the black energy, and then he saw an illusory Emperor Qingming appearing in Ye Chen's hand.

"You... can you... grab my soul?" The illusory Emperor Qing Ming shouted, his face was full of surprise, and he couldn't believe everything in front of him!

Then, with fear in his eyes, he looked towards Ye Chen!

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