Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1014: one move

If they say that the military leader's blow in the air just now, they can also be understood as the military leader playing cool here, or pranking, but now the result of this punch has opened their eyes and even completely stunned!

fall down!

Completely down!

The beast that looked like a hill, they tried everything they could to cause no harm to him, and now they fell to the ground after Ye Chen's punch in the air!

If it is placed elsewhere, they all think these two are... acting!

This cooperation is simply too tacit, and even has a feeling of black humor!

However, then they saw the indifferent expression on the army leader's face, as well as the fallen beast, the pained expression on his face, and the extremely terrified look in his eyes. They knew that this was... the army leader's ability!

"Ten Gu Changhe standing in front of me are not enough for me to fight!"

What the army chief said before still echoed in Thyme's ears. Before, I only felt a bit... exaggerated!

Now it seems... this seems to be a bit modest!

This very tall beast fell in front of everyone now.

"Commander, this..."

"I just saved some strength and didn't kill it, so I saved half my life! You can study it!" Ye Chen said.


"Don't worry, it's not so easy for the injury I gave him to get better! So don't worry."


"Clean up here and arrange for people to continue patrolling. For those alien creatures who dare to enter through these passages, there will be no mercy!"


The morale that was already low at this time became high again, and everyone's eyes were shining!

The look of despair before, completely disappeared.

"These are pills. If you take these, the injuries on your body should be healed." Ye Chen's heart moved, and several jade bottles appeared in his hands.

Seeing these jade bottles, everyone's eyes became brighter!

"These are for healing, and these are for your strength improvement! Your strength is still too weak. If you want to defeat these beasts, you must improve as soon as possible."

"Yes! I would like to follow the orders of the army chief!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

Afterwards, Ye Chen walked out slowly.

"Your strength has now been elevated to a position that I can't reach at all." Thyme looked at Ye Chen with a complex and pleased expression.

"That's right. At least dealing with these animals is not a problem." Ye Chen said with a smile.

Subsequently, a jade bottle appeared again in Ye Chen's hand!

"The pills in these bottles, if you continue to take them, will be of great benefit to your cultivation."

"These are...?" Thyme looked at these pills with a look of surprise!

"Take this pill, you can raise your strength to the level of the earth immortal! Although it can't catch up with the old Gu Changhe, but it won't be impossible to fight back in his hands." Ye Chen explained to him.

Thyme looked at the pill with excitement, but then hesitated.

"Don't worry, I still have a lot of these medicinal pills, so feel free to take them." Ye Chen said.

Thyme was relieved after hearing Ye Chen's words.

His future martial arts achievements are now almost completely determined. What's more, he doesn't have much expectation of himself. If he has good things, he would rather distribute these to those who have great potential in the future and can contribute to China. People of strength.

"Pills are sufficient, enough control." Ye Chen said to Thyme with a smile.

He knew that the man in front of him who was devoted to his country, if he didn't tell him that, he would always have some doubts in his heart, and he might even distribute these pills to those young people, or even other people who he thought needed them more. , In that case, it would be against the original intention of preparing so many pills.

"Why do you have so many elixir?" Thyme asked Ye Chen.

He had already understood before that there are not so many high-level elixir in China now, and these words were still said by Ye Chen himself.

Now that there are so many at once, there are obviously other ways!

"Base Three." Ye Chen said.

"Base Three?" Thyme couldn't help asking in surprise.

He knew that Ye Chen went to Base 3 this time, and even stayed in it for a long time before coming out, but he didn't expect Ye Chen to have such a harvest.

"Behind every portal is a world, another unknown world. For us, even if it is dangerous, it is also an opportunity. There are many things we don't have now, and they can provide us with good supplements!"

"So, don't you plan to shut down this base completely?" Thyme asked Ye Chen.

Ye Chen smiled, and then continued: "Mr. Baili should know that shutting down the country is never a good way to deal with changes. We have already suffered a lot from this before, and we can't fall back here anymore. Otherwise, In the future, our children and grandchildren will scold us."

Thyme was silent for a moment, and then continued: "Before, when the base was first discovered, some people actually wanted to lock down this place completely, but in the end most people did not agree.

Some time ago, the situation has become a lot more critical, and some people have mentioned this plan again, wanting to completely shut down here.

However, the original intention is completely different from before!

It used to be to avoid threats completely, now it is to save!

Now that you have come back and have the confidence to hold this place completely, we naturally don't need to block this place. "

"Don't worry, I will explain these things clearly to Mr. Hu. I believe that the above will also change my mind."

"Yeah." Ye Chen nodded.

Soon, the situation of the eight passages was stabilized, and the morale in the base was raised to the peak again, especially after hearing that Ye Chen came back, just one move was just one move to smash the beast that had previously caused them headaches. At that time, everyone was even more excited!

They are now calm again. It's not like before, you may face death at any time.

"Strengthen patrols and guards. It is estimated that more alien creatures will come in the future." Ye Chen enjoined the soldiers guarding the country.

"Yes!" All the people were high-spirited.

After Ye Chen's treatment, the injuries on his body are now all healed, and, with the aid of those pills, the cultivation base of many people has been further improved, reaching a point that they could not even imagine before.

Even among these people, someone was directly promoted to Dengxianland!

Break the mountain, enlighten the realm, climb the fairyland!

Each of this progress is extremely difficult. After so many years, Huaxia has been able to enter the Dengxianland. Now, some people can enter the Dengxianland here. It is a huge encouragement for others!

"As long as you practice hard, everyone has a chance to enter this realm!" Ye Chen said to everyone.

Everyone is excited!

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