Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1020: Reincarnation Island emerges

Two days later, the United States reached an agreement to take the lead in saving the country of Yoga that was about to be completely conquered by aliens.

As for the reward...

The blood and blood of the Buddha offered by the country of yoga is the greatest reward, but Pulang will not stupidly say all of this.

"It is the responsibility of everyone to fight against aliens. Now, the enemy is strong and we are weak. We must unite and form an alliance. Only in this way can mankind have hope. We, the United States, have the responsibility of a big country and will not learn from certain countries. In front of the big right and wrong, he hesitated, and even conspired behind his back." Pulang meant something.

As long as he understands Prang's so-called alliance opportunity, he knows that what he is talking about is the Huaxia Kingdom that rejected his alliance proposal before.

"Hua Xia Kingdom is indeed a bit narrow this time, so who is the president of the country is different? The enemy is currently, of course, we must focus on the overall situation. Their current behavior is disappointing." Someone shook his head and said.

"Yes, Huaxia didn't show the grace of a big country this time!" Someone agreed.

When the United States announced its formation of an alliance to aid the Yoga Nation, a heavy news spread among the crowd.

Another new continent for mankind has been discovered!

Subsequently, that continent was exposed to the world's vision.

Those who have reached a certain level find that this is the island of reincarnation that they have been thinking about before.

As this place was "discovered" by the world, everything here was also revealed to the world.

A beautiful island, a paradise-like world, and in that island, there are more of the pavilions like fairy houses.

Experts say there is a space fold, which is of great scientific value for humans.

What surprises people in all fields even more is that in this reincarnation island, there are many new species, even the previous earth continent has been extinct.

As the situation inside was discovered, the popularity of this place became higher and higher.

However, at the same time, a fact that pierced everyone's heart was placed in front of everyone. This rich and beautiful island has now been completely occupied by aliens!

And a large number of corpses floated out of that island, and the sea outside was dyed red!

Tragedy is to destroy beautiful things for others to see!

And after the beauty of this reincarnation, the result of being ravaged by otherworldly creatures is to completely anger the whole world!

"Get out of these bastards!"

"Inhumane! This is Chi Guoguo's massacre! Those **** must pay the price!"

"Can't they continue to be rampant!"

Many people are expressing their anger, and they are also calling for the crusade against the invasion of otherworldly creatures in Samsara!

Now, although many places are occupied by aliens, ordinary people quickly evacuated after the failure of the practitioners. Therefore, there were not too many casualties. Therefore, the horror and cruelty to those aliens, There is no direct feeling, but now the tragic situation of Samsara Road has completely made them realize the reality!

"Request the President to send troops to Reincarnation Island to take this place back."

"These beasts must be punished!"

"The biggest role of the Cultivator Alliance is to save the world and maintain world peace?"

"Since the country of Yoga has completely retreated to the vicinity of Huaxia, it must have reached a balance. It will not be doing anything out of the ordinary. On the contrary, it is the situation on Samsara Island. It is not optimistic and must be rescued immediately. Therefore, Mr. President, please stop first. The massacre of Reincarnation Island."

Many people petitioned that the Alliance of Cultivators would rescue Samsara Island.

In fact, even without these people's requests, the United States desperately wants rescue.

According to the current international general rules, the current road of reincarnation belongs to no owner. As long as you take the lead in occupying this place, you can have the sovereignty of this place. What's more, they have been looking for this place for so long, and they also know that there are three islands above. The value of the Lord!

If it is really possible to take this reincarnation road into the bag and take everything on this reincarnation island, the strength of the United States will definitely increase by leaps and bounds again, even if it is the pill resource, it will no longer be controlled by others!

But not now!

They have already taken the benefits of the country of Yoga, and have also integrated the practitioners of the country of Yoga. At this time, the people of the World Union of Cultivators, who have been so hard to assemble, are going to work for the benefits of the United States. I am afraid it is not justified.

At that time, the good situation that he has accumulated with great difficulty will be completely ruined.

"When you are free, you must take this place completely." Prang said with gritted teeth.

However, what made him unexpected was that his decision was intended to be kept secret, but he didn't expect that it would be known to all the people outside as soon as it was communicated.

Disappointed! Great disappointment!

Even the Americans shook their heads towards him.

As for public opinion, with the exception of those strictly controlled media, all others are fighting against Prang, and against Prang and his series of actions.

"It's just a bunch of idiots, don't care about them. If you can help stabilize the Yoga country in this operation, you will show your strength to other countries. Then, these stupid citizens will know how correct the decision is now. ." Next to him, the Secretary of State said to Prang.

Hearing what the Secretary of State said, Prang nodded.

As long as this victory, no obstacles can stop him in the future!

And at this time, something that made Prang even more disgusting appeared!

China Huaxia announced that it will launch against otherworldly creatures, and take the lead in attacking the animals of Samsara Road!

"We don't interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but we won't just watch them being slaughtered by the beasts outside!" Huaxia spokesperson swore.

Some people agree with Huaxia's approach, but more people still sneer!

"Do they have this strength? In addition to shouting slogans, when can they take actual action?"

"If they can rescue Samsara Island alone, I will support them as the president of the country!"

"Stop dreaming, they can't take care of themselves. Where can they do these things?"

"In this world, only the U.S. can do this. However, President Prang's mind is not good. He has a big uninhabited island that is not protected. He has to go to the stinky ditch of the country of yoga."

Each comment was fermented on the forum, and most people regarded this as a successful marketing!

Especially those Westerners think this is just grandstanding.

Even within Huaxia, some people hold different opinions.

"Our current strength is not enough to do what we are doing now!"

"The steps are too big, and it's easy to get rid of it. It's better for us to relax."

However, in the face of all this, Ye Chen just smiled indifferently, without taking these voices into his heart.

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