Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1022: Suitable to be a guard dog

There was a lot of suspicion from the outside world, and even Huaxia had a lot of disagreements. The upper-level leaders were unwilling to take risks. Old Hu tried to reject all opinions and fully supported Ye Chen.

If we keep halting, just blindly defensive, I am afraid that in the end we will inevitably be destroyed!

The world is a unified whole. No country can take care of itself. Under the covering of the nest, there will be no eggs?

When other people are trapped, we will not take action. I am afraid that other countries will stand by when they need it in China.

In the end, they let those animals from other worlds take advantage.

This should not be our choice.

Old Hu said.

The above agreed. Although there were doubts among the people, they also quickly reached an agreement under the unified propaganda.

"If you make any mistakes this time, your fame will be ruined, but you must be mentally prepared." Old Hu exhorted again.

"Old Hu, don't worry." Ye Chen smiled, calmly and confidently.


Samsara island, dungeon!

"I can't think of Lao Tzu's deliberate construction of the death row, but in the end he shut Lao Tzu himself, is this ironic?" The owner of the second island said mockingly.

"Shut up to Laozi! Let you collect information and warn of crises. In the end, people hit our nest and didn't see your kid fart. That's what you did to be alert?" Said angrily.

Hearing this, the owner of the two islands was a little bit silly. He really had nothing to say about this accusation.

He was responsible for the security of the entire Samsara Island. As a result, everyone hit their hall. He hadn't had time to react. This was definitely a major mistake and something that could not be avoided.

"It's too late to say anything now. It's useless to complain anymore. Think of a way and go out." The boss is still calm at this time, not too impatient.

"Brother, there is no exit in this place, how can we get out? Besides, even if we go out, do we have the ability to kill them alive? Those animal techniques are weird and we can't deal with them at all. It's better now, at least those animals still take into account our identity. They didn't suffer much. If they really angered them, then, I'm afraid they will be more uncomfortable than they are now.

Moreover, we may not be guarded too tightly now. Once we do something, I am afraid we will strengthen our guard. In other words, we may only have this opportunity, so we cannot easily use it. "The old third Dan bald said.

After the two listened, they nodded.

"I don't use it now, when can I use it? Do I have to wait until they completely relax their vigilance on us before they can find a way to try it? Then I have to wait until the year of the donkey?" The second child said irritably.

Usually he is relatively stable, but at this time, he is also a little unstable.

The main reason is that I don't see any hope in my heart, I don't know where the breakthrough is, and I have no bottom in my heart, so I can't sit still.

"I think the time shouldn't be too long, you forgot, we still have a lord." The old third Dan bald said.

"Lord? Heh..." The second child's face sneered.

"Do you think that the three of us can't stand it, the Lord alone can do it? Besides, he can't be regarded as our Lord now."

"At the critical moment, you still have to look at yourself. Although he is the leader of China’s army, the country is not alone. It is not easy to do what he wants. Moreover, at this time, every country is so cautious, I am afraid They don't dare to mess around, so don't let go of these unrealistic things." The Owner said.

"Big brother is right. We still have to rely on ourselves. Although he is the heir of the naming of his elders, there are restrictions. Although he is growing very fast, he wants to ride on the three of us. It’s not that easy.

I convinced my eldest brother, if he has the ability to beat the eldest brother, I will say nothing. "The second child sat there and said.

Mishima master smashed his mouth and said nothing.

The strength of the big island owner can be described as terrifying. I heard that it was even more powerful than that of Gu Changhe in China before. It has reached the level of a fairy and almost does not belong to this world.

This time, if it wasn't for those alien creatures who caused the eldest brother to be poisoned, now, whether they can really capture this reincarnation island is two different things.

However, the strength of that kid...

The Mishima master had no bottom in his heart. I heard that he was beaten to the ground at the time. If it wasn't the last moment, his Laozi's methods would make him want to survive. In this case, let him defeat the big brother. Let him go to death?

"His strength may not be enough, but his progress is fast, he has a special chance, and he is sheltered by Lao Tzu. Some things are not impossible." Dan Bal said.

"The third child, don't think about it anymore. Even if the growth rate is fast, do you think it is possible for him to grow up again in this form? It would be good to live well." The second island master said with a certain expression.

Dan bald looked unconvinced when he heard this, but he knew Ye Chen's alchemy level.

With such a level of alchemy and such a status, it is really not a problem to refine some high-level pills. With a pill, improving strength is not a matter of course.

He was about to refute a few words when a strange noise came out and then he saw a man in a suit standing outside their cell. The man looked arrogant and looked at a few people, condescending.

"Why are you still arguing? At any rate, they are also the three famous island owners. Even the president of the United States is afraid of the existence. Why are you so uninterested now?"

"Asshole, Liping, you, a shameless thing who deceived Master Miezu, still dare to come here to be ashamed?" The Second Island Master yelled at the man.

"Master, why get angry? You should thank me. If it weren't for me, the three of you have been swallowed by the emperor, how can you be qualified to scream here?" Liping had a small smile on his face.

"Animal, you still have a face to show off here, I will tear you up sooner or later." The Second Island Master yelled at the man.

"Master, please respect yourself. I am respecting you. I gave you such good terms. If you don't know what is good or bad, don't blame me." Liping's face became cold, and then he waved his hand behind him, and then a series of symbols The text flickered, and the whole cell was covered by a **** light, and the three people's faces immediately became savage and painful.

A few minutes later, the three of them were pale and terrified.

"Master, don't ask for hardship anymore. The person who knows the current affairs is a good man. You only have to promise to be loyal to the emperor and sign a soul contract. I promise that your rights will override everyone in the future.

Oh, yes, and don’t forget to call the Lord of China. Lord Emperor is very interested in him and said that he is suitable to be a guard dog. What an honor for him!

Master, you should be happy and have the appreciation of the emperor. If the emperor agrees to go to the door, in the future, our Samsara Island will be even more powerful. "Liping said seductively.

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